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Everything posted by Pix

  1. No TNP thinks this japanese girl looks cute?
  2. Yes Do you speak japanese?
  3. Take it A kiss on the cheek from your grandpha
  4. Pix

    What if ...

    I would give her presents to my friends What if you wake up the next morning and you can not move any part of your body?
  5. No Have you ever experienced an eatrhquake?
  6. Elle January 2010 On bodily reactions to stress: “I get all the symptoms of a pregnant woman. I get headaches, I get tired, I get blurred vision sometimes during a really intense session with [her creative team] the Haus.” On a recurring theme in her work: “I feel that if I can show my demise artistically to the public, I can somehow cure my own legend. I can show you so you’re not looking for it. I’m dying for you on domestic television—here’s what it looks like, so no one has to wonder.” On being a former waitress: “I was really good at it. I always got big tips. I always wore heels to work! I told everybody stories, and for customers on dates, I kept it romantic. It’s kind of like performing.” On using her sexuality: “My album covers are not sexual at all, which was an issue at my record label. I fought for months, and I cried at meetings. They didn’t think the photos were commercial enough…The last thing a young woman needs is another picture of a sexy pop star writhing in sand, covered in grease, touching herself.” On her romantic future: “In eight to 10 years, I want to have babies for my Dad to hold, grandkids. And I want to have a husband who loves and supports me, just the way anyone else does. I would never leave my career for a man right now, and I would never follow a man around.”
  7. Rumor has it BB was at the VSFS, yesterday I SAW U I SAY U! lol
  8. Pix

    THIS or THAT

    ipod gasoline or diesel?
  9. Beautiful, Fran is uber-hot... why he has to torture us with this pics? lol
  10. Pix

    I Am...

    Glad that you remeber about it
  11. Pix

    I Am...

    excited... only one hour for vsfs
  12. Pix

    What if ...

    I guess I would not even notice it .... lol What if your skin starts turning purple?
  13. I think so... :S Would you like to improve something about yourself?
  14. Yeah and i hated it Have you ever gone to Disneyland?
  15. Pix

    What if ...

    I would try to find Coco Rocha's house What if you cousin falls in love with you and he/she doesn't care and doesn't understand that it's wrong?
  16. Pix

    THIS or THAT

    Neither Australia or Japan?
  17. Take it... why not? drama lessons
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