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Status Updates posted by tuhreese

  1. Aw, merci.

    you mean in personal photo? well that me alright lol

    hows things?

  2. It depends how depressed I am from this weeks hahaha.... it's just work problems

  3. I'm not even answering what you're asking me! just kidding

    I'm doing pretty good, tired from work... all work and no play hahaha

  4. Can you believe I worked yesterday? I slept for an hour, then had to get up to get ready to go into studio. So I was working from 5AM onwards. I got home from the City studio at 6PM :( I am so tired and sore.

  5. Seriously, yes it was ok...worked on some punching combos.

    hahaha =) anywho, have a great weekend

  6. oh come on hahaha

  7. aww thanks for the lovely hug!!I have so much problems to deal with tomorrow

  8. nothing exciting yet well I don't have anything planned. hmm to at least try to get my website released for my photography:] Unfortunatly, I won't have time to do until summer.hehe

  9. aww thank you :] have great weekend too

  10. I've been okay, tired from everything but I'm done in a week for finals!b/c it was sorta last min... for me. ( I did good on to finals I took)

  11. I suppose I'm doing okay... u?

  12. Can I smack the crap out of a punching bag? Haha. I am so sore. I really want to punch some stuff, even if I am really sore.

  13. well, when you're not so busy with work, you and I should go out and eat sometime Matt :]

  14. my lower back is hurting I think I picked up liam the wrong way or slept the wrong way.. you think it's still a good thing to workout even if I've got lower back pain?

  15. oh okay, I'll give you one of my favorites massage j/k=].. I went to the gym .. there's a kickboxing class, maybe I'll try to attend a session lol

  16. how are you?

  17. the weather over here is warm...

    I am delighted that I have some time to do things I like now these days..

  18. ummm... I'm doing ok....

    you?well,I guess I should stop being lazy and do something productive j/k lol everything at work going smoothly. :)

  19. why didn't you tell me sooner!!!!!!!!! *drools*

  20. ummmmmmm... I'll believe it when I see it...

  21. haha are you giving me orders Matt? just kidding lol

  22. without me???

  23. Hahahaha omg, what the hell are you doing online!! Go out and partay!!

  24. how are you doing??

  25. how are you doing??

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