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Status Updates posted by tuhreese

  1. Long time no chat

    how are you??

    hope everything is cool in the Land Down Under...haha

  2. have a fun-filled weekend..wooohoo

  3. How's your weekend thing going? How's everything with your bf? ;)

  4. where have you been? you disappeared again. lol

  5. how have you been, what have you been up to???

  6. Ooh so how was the movie?my weekend is okay, I attend a party due to the fact I'm lil drunk not that much . ;p Hahahaha lol that's fair enough you can stay at my bed if you want.

  7. this weekend, after party... just chillin' with some new friends I made from Illusive :)

  8. I'm calling YOU sexy lil Matthi!!

  9. paparazzi'd like that, haha. I kid.I'm sure you will enjoy kidnapping, me haha. That does sound pretty wrong, huh? Me and my choice of words

  10. what your plans for weekend?

  11. I'm good Haha ;)

    I didn't do much. Lunch with the brother, day spa with my friend (it was her present) then coffee and cake with her, then I was meant to go to the City studio and did 9 photoshoots :(

  12. I really LOVE your personal photo cute!I'm tired, but I can't sleep. My feet are cold and I think I'm getting sick :(

  13. what happen to that forum?

  14. yep I'm from that forum my user name was namie amuro lol

  15. I was actually planning on going to Italy, but probably visit in the next yr or so! .

    In 4hrs?I may not be able to go w/ you ... you should of told me sooner anyways, have nice trip you deserve it..

  16. yes :) I didn't get a chance listen to song yet

  17. hey hows it going?

  18. did you get new namie amuro cd is it good?

  19. how are you?

  20. hey how are you?

  21. Oh I thought I was going to die with the flu that hit me all of a sudden. After work I was feeling like falling over. lol I think I was going to faint, so I damned promised myself never to faint at work. Someone might steal my new Samsung phone.. hehe lol

  22. Sure no problem, I'll come with.

  23. I didn't break your heart or either laughed at you :D

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