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Status Updates posted by iceeagel

  1. sure XD!

    but please credit the maker (in this case...me :D)

  2. "epithet"...i just learned a new word! :D

    and "the snow you got"...-_-

    is this ****ing real?

    imagine you

  3. the one with the fat cat watching women on tv doing aerobic

  4. BUMP!

    i know you probably dont want to ...but it

  5. same here.the day before yesterday it was about -2

  6. cause i could send them to you ...somehow

  7. how is the weather in fratton-land? and is their baron doing well?

  8. lol! mix up!

    how r U joe^^

  9. i read "somewhere"

    that you are interested in the VSFS(videos)?

  10. thanks again! :D

  11. i DM you the user/pass @twitter

  12. 2 weeks music for free...i signed up as an UK resident (spotify doesnt "exist" in my country) and spotify allows you to use their program for 2weeks while not beeing in the UK (its kinda like a vacation-modus)

    i would usually ask another friend of mine to do it for me, but he seems pretty busy and i dont want to bother him right now...which is why i

  13. can you log in @spotify with my username/password ?

    cause i

  14. can you help me out with spotify?

  15. the gif you made for joe is so awesome!! XD

    everytime i see it i have to laugh,really.

    do you still have th original video?

    btw: LOL at your personal photo ^^

  16. @your cat in the gif

    is it ..."playing with himself" at the beginning???

  17. did you start/when are you going to start

    gif-central ?


  18. welcome to the board!

    ...and yeah...Joe > Average is the guy for b-models -_-

  19. yea, i did^^ plus i sent him the "story" why my nickname is iceeagel and not IceEagle.

    by the way...

    awesome,how you

  20. 4 8 15 16 23 42?

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