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Status Updates posted by Limerlight

  1. More we have in common! o_0 Are you me?

  2. Ah the oscars, i never watch it, never ever ever.

  3. Sry Layla! :( I saw your message you sent awhile ago but i was going to watch Ep 9 first, and then message you back, but stuff came up! Sorry :(

  4. Well ya, a falcon punch is a good one to end it!

  5. YAY! :D And ugh, i know what you mean. No time for fun or pleasure just all work :/ but atleast you got a minute now :P And yes i am into hair and fashion a bit I admit, i'll willingly go shopping with a girl/woman to see what her style is if she needs an opinion. :blush: Not much on with me went to a party last night and just been working other then that. Lemme know waht you think of the

  6. So what, i miss you :blah:

  7. Dayum, imma be stealing you from your fiancee! Luv the hair

  8. Eating dinner at 10:30 pm :D Haha, haven't really eaten since 10am

  9. Yer watching GG to Berns!?!

  10. It was my sisters dog, she chose to name it that.

  11. AH! Yes that one. I remember that one now :D That was when he was touching Blair in that yellow dress was it not?

  12. Top 10* yay for double comment again <_<

  13. what makes you so PIP BAMF?

  14. Btw saw the news about what's going on in your state, hope it's all okay where you are! Best wishes.

  15. busy as $%^# but fine u?

  16. Lemme rephrase* Are you me but in female form? 0_O

  17. kk ^.^ cya when you're back :D

  18. Since I started last year only late 1 day :D and turn ya around eh? We could arrane things :p

  19. 1st off vanessa, you'd love to see me in a bikini. and you know it. And in my province it's 19!

  20. Ugh.. lol. Good overall bad for some parts you?

  21. Beatles rehab for you.

  22. No i'm currently pissed off at something but. we'll see

  23. Haha yes!

    And what are your thoughts on the lady on my about me page eh?

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