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    the land of leprechauns

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  1. taniixx

    Zac Efron

    Yeah, Vanessa doesn't care! I wanna know what's in Zac's yellow plastic bag.... :evil: lol that's private I know, I'm such a nosy person Zac and Vanessa on Vanessa's b-day (maybe that's what was in the plastic bag, Vanessa's b-day present.... )
  2. Does anyone know who the model on the right is? The model on the left is Miranda Kerr, but I want to know who the other girl is Please? Thank You!
  3. taniixx

    Zac Efron

    Yeah, Vanessa doesn't care! I wanna know what's in Zac's yellow plastic bag.... :evil:
  4. taniixx

    Zac Efron

    Yeah, they are cute. One of my fave celeb couples . BTW, Zac and Vanessa were caught in a sex shop recently But there Disney!
  5. This hasn't been posted yet?!?! Burberry SS09 So gorgeous!
  6. taniixx


    She looks so beautiful there! And its a freakin screencap! Thank you.
  7. Two more of her Gap ads with Ever So adorable! Is it safe to say she kinda looks like Ana BB in the second pic?
  8. We have a hater, girls :knives: :persuazn: :avada: :lullaby: :anger: katie green attacks Jourdan I have no idea who Katie Green is, but obviously she is a very jealous hater!
  9. Another picture No love for Ali? :( :cry:
  10. Because why would they want to go to England and meet arrogant people like you? Thank you, Berno! BTW, A sale for Uggs is being advertised on this thread. 70% off Uggs Australia..... :voodoo:
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