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Everything posted by Expresso

  1. 10! Though I'm kinda over Adri (She's a classic case of overexposed) and thus rarely impressed with any Adri sig these days, I must say your sig is the first in times that I'd consider putting up if it were offered to me.
  2. Classic. they can't help it, can they EVERY TIME someone famous dies, just when it seems they're finally free from all the bad publicity and other rubbish, they dig up something (or find someone that is willing to talk dirt for money:whistle: ) so that their reputation get's smashed to bits after all. Seriously, if for example someone like Boyoncé would die, they'd come up with some far fetched story in no time i.e. that she was actually a member of a terrorist organization. Or gave birth to aliens. Geez, let her rest in peace already. What's done is done. Over. End of story. Now move on with your lives and try to become happier than she was.
  3. Gosh, poor parents. I don't think they could really help it. Just look at yourselves girls. It doesn't matter how many times someone says that going on a friggin strict diet (a.k.a. starving) is bad for you and you don't need it, you still do it. I bet that most of you don't listen to your parents either when they say it's enough. Nope, this one's on her, 100%. Stupid girl. I mean, the warning sign was pretty much smacked into her face: I dunno about you ppl, but when a sis with the same profession as you, drops dead from the same disease you're battling.... if anything, that should hit home, don't you think? Guess not...I wonder if she would've even listened if god almighty himself would point out she was going to die. Oh well *sigh* R.I.P. girl.
  4. 9, they match perfectly. Is it from an editorial?
  5. Expresso

    Keira Knightley

    follow the angel, that pic is lovely! What kind of suit is she wearing anyway ? (looks kinda expensive)
  6. Hmm, beauty. Well, it's difficult. A symmetrical face with full lips, high cheekbones, defined eyebrows and sparkling eyes are some ingredients that contribute to a beatiful face. Not to mention clear skin and a head with thick, shiny hair. A body that is defined but not overdone, thin but not superskinny and proportionate could be ideal. That is beauty on the outside. But like others have mentioned, your personality contributes or actually works against your beauty. I have this blonde girl at my school and she's friggin gorgeous; blonde, perfect body, nice face. But she's such a stuck up that it takes away from her beauty. <_< On the other hand, I know a guy who isn't the most handsome waling around (quite avarage actually) but he has this great, funny and witty personality that makes you love him. So yeah it helps when you've got great features and a great body. But some personality would help too. I love Ana BB's appearance, but I don't like the way she always looks flushed and washed out on candids, like she's permanently drunk or something. Kinda takes away from her beauty. Adriana, similar thing. Gorgeous face, rocking body but all the fake, funny faces and the arrogance she's sporting lately have made me less fond of her. :yuckky: to cut to the point..You're beautiful, when: "You've got the look" but aren't aware of it/don't care about it and there's more talk bout how nice you are then about how nice you look. Or: When your personality and your abilities makes you stand out from the crowd: example: Justin Timberlake: avarage guy, great dancer/performer. Sofia Boutella: avarage pretty gal, great dancer. Lastly, there are a lot of beautiful people on bellazon whom I've never seen a picture of
  7. You're unique, just like everyone else <_<
  8. Hmm, one one hand I think it's great she tries to get out there and send a positive message to us brainwashed girls. But then on the other hand I'm kinda tired of the preaching. Sure I understand it's not nice to be called fat, but it's not like she'd never told anyone they needed to lose weight. And there was a time she suddenly lost a lot of weight really fast. The only way she could've lost that was the unhealthy way.
  9. Expresso


    Here's a trick: after washing and condistioning it, comb your hair with your head upside down and then blowdry it that way. While blowdrying it, go through your hair with your hands serveral times to make it more wavy. When it's dry, fling back your hair and it looks really big and volumely. Then put in some stuff that'll make it shine and not appear so dry and put in some hairspray to make it stick. Voila, you've got Doutzen hair. One warning: don't try this if you've got bangs or short(er) hair. It'll make it look like you've just come out of a tornado. This only works if you've got shoulderlength (or longer) hair.
  10. Do you actually believe you can lose weight that fast? Yes you can, BUT it will mostly be water weight, muscle and a TINY bit of fat. You can't lose more than 2 pounds of fat a week and even that's a maximum. You people should stop trying to lose weight quickly. <_< Those pounds didn't get on there in one week (or 2) and it won't get off that quickly either. Our bodies simply don't work that way. You've got 4 days left? For what? A prom, a party at which you wanna look skinny for? Forget it, it doesn't work that way. Instead of depriving yourself, start exersising more and eat healthier overall. And by healthy I don't mean Vegetable soup everyday until you reach your goal weight and then start on the pizza again. If you wanna be thin and STAY thin, you gotta ajust your lifestyle. Then you can start losing 1-2 pounds a week. I guess that's not what you wanted to hear. But it's the truth. So be honest to yourself and quit the bogus fad diet. Or just accept yourself for who you are and how you look. I can recommend that to everyone.
  11. Heh, I know it sounds weird to answer since i'm a female, but anyway: my pick is Sofia Boutella. She's the girl in my av and siggy. She may not be a classic beauty, but she's pretty and her dancing is out of this world Natasha Poly is also growing on me. Did you see her in the Diesel show?
  12. Just look at my ava and you'll get it
  13. She looks fabulous. I know, I'm not adding anything substantial here, but hey, it ain't the first time. Just hadda say it
  14. Welcome! I'm sure you'll have a nice time here
  15. has a great avvy voted for Ana
  16. 9 And I made my first moving set
  17. Hey people, not really a request; I'd like to know how you guys make those moving ava's and sigs and which programs do you use? Pretty please, I'd really like to make one myself
  18. Am I the only one who thinks they both look like they're on drugs? Make that 'dead' in MJ's case. I mean they so small, pale and they always have this shocked expression on their face. Or is that supossed to be 'sophisticated'
  19. Good night people! Wish me luck on my tests tomorrow!
  20. I can recommend the book " Thin" by Lauren Greenfield for everyone with an eating disorder. Now I'm not trying to get you people in buying anything, but I thought it would help. If anything will get your brain straight, this will. Here's one of the reviews: "As someone recovering from an eating disorder, I have noticed that there is a continuing problem with much of the eating disorder literature and media available today; while it effectively serves as an educational tool for those trying to understand the dark world of eating disorders, it can often serve as a trigger for those trying to recover from an eating disorder. However I have found that Lauren Greenfield's work does not do this. In fact, Greenfield's work is the first piece of information on eating disorders that has truly repulsed me from the very condition of having an eating disorder. This is the first time I have ever felt this way, and that is very significant, because the difficult part of breaking away from disordered eating is actually seeing that it is a repulsive act. For this reason, I highly recommend both the book and the documentary for those who actively want to recover, and need inspiration, and to those who are having a difficult time understanding why a friend or loved one is going through it. Greenfield pulls no punches and does not sugar coat any aspect of it.
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