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Status Updates posted by frenchkiki

  1. and James Marsters... Best bad/good/hot/funny vampire ever!

  2. Buffy without Joss Whedon? It's impossible! Joss is a genius! Buffy, Angel, Dollhouse... I am sure that man can make miracles! I won't watch this movie if there is not the original cast anyway.

  3. oh i am too good! One glance on a pair of boob and i know the size!

  4. I just rated you good twice today... did u like it?

    Me love cave men. Cave men are cool.

    they love meat. I have meat. A lot.

  5. Tara and willow?

    Oh yeah!

  6. rated you again!! 5 starson their way!!

  7. Are you a 34 D?

    Oh i've rated you up!!

  8. hee hee... and i was born with it! :)

  9. well first u yell at him each time he did it and you can even slap is nose (not too hard) If u are already awake and u see is about to do it u slap his nose just before and after a while he will stop because he ll think that pulling the covers mean being hurt

  10. c'est pas grave! Par contre j'adore les taches de rousseurs!

  11. that's fine. when i was working on the avi i thought she looked dead *ninja* and i kind of liked it...*double ninjas*

    her name is Heide Lindgren

  12. kissssssses and happy new year!

  13. Merry christmas!!

  14. <----- aaaah Dita!

  15. not only u are first but also in bold... u must be very special?

  16. cant see what's on the link JoeJoe!

  17. and i say that as a compliment for Penny of course!!!

  18. funny! I was about to message you to ask... I really don't know Chanel and i've never looked at her thread but... She really like that? that will be so cool! But she won't be an Angel if she was really talking like a truck driver?

    Chanel aka you sounds like Penny D little sister!

  19. that was a question (about me being your woman) not an affirmation ;) I'll be your woman if you are my woman!

  20. but i am not your woman?... ;) sO I can be super skinny to feed the dogs with my bones!

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