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Status Updates posted by ve.ro.nika

  1. oh enca, Im sorry, i forgot reply you! Im bad vero lol

    yes, you were right, I wrote about holidays. I asked you if you know what you will do...

    i can translate what you wrote to me :( jak se mas?

  2. any news in my favorite ireland???? :) how are you?

  3. ohh miche, I LOVE your set with Gisele :heart: lol Im obsessed with Gisele last weeks! I love her <3

    How are you??

  4. I LOVE your set!!! :)

  5. how are you my dear francesca? why did you was in hospital??

  6. lo I wanted to write I CANT translate.....

  7. ahoj, tak ses myslim druha hned po me kdo je tu z cech :)

    ty mas dyxo blog? fakt? nekdy tam zajdu, mam ho rada.

    kdybys potrebovala s necim poradit, tak staci rict :) verca

  8. ahoj, tak ses myslim druha hned po me kdo je tu z cech :)

    ty mas dyxo blog? fakt? nekdy tam zajdu, mam ho rada.

    kdybys potrebovala s necim poradit, tak staci rict :) verca

  9. hey enca! how are you? I got one idea...you are from slovenia, maybe we can understand A BIT to ours languages...write me something in your language and I will try translate it, ok? hehe

  10. which one do u mean?i didnt got any PM from you

  11. jeste jsem te chtela poprosit, kdybys o bellazonu na svym blogu moc nepsala, ja bych byla nerada, kdyby tu bylo nak moc cechu...

  12. all moms are same :))

    I just came back from Italy!I love it there<3 what did you do when I was away??

  13. you had birtday!!!! I didnt notice that, so sorry!!! wish you happy b-day additionally!!

  14. hello enca :) how are you?? Im back from italy, it was wonderful <3 tell me some news! :)

  15. yes! thank you very very much!!! great work! I cant stop watch them :)) Thank youuuuu for your time!!! :hug: :hug: :flower:

  16. ok, she is isa:)but young isa! hehe.

    wow, francesca, I like this name, my mum wanted to call me francecsa!!

  17. :)Im glad, ire, I can tell you info about Petra. That's pleasure for me;)

  18. enca enca!! LOL! I had funny dream last night! and you were in it! :laugh: we were in the mountains :rofl: you wore a big coat, I didnt see you but I know it were you! I called u enca :laugh: :laugh:

  19. thank you <3happy new year to you too :))

  20. :clap: :laugh: thats cool! you stayed so close to me! lol world is so small!!

    can you tell me the name of hotel you were???

  21. Thank, Im great :)

    Well, Im not sure but I guess this - "Danes je zunaj sončno. Kaj pa pri vas?" means Today is sunny, how about you? But I think its wrong :/

    Užij si vikend!

  22. yes, sometimes I go to play but Im not so good as I was :( :(

    change the topic, this is sad to me.

    how was your weekend? (ps: my msn still doesnt work to me! :(

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