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Posts posted by Magical

  1. 6 hours ago, BarbieErin said:


    For how long? Since the split from Camila the scrutinity is happening, it was a bit better when he was seeing Gigi... but still people accused him of using her for PR or saying she was too good for him because he's an old ugly man. Now every woman he's near for 2 minutes it's his future ex GF, damn, when this shit is going to end? 

    Girl! He is not an old ugly man

     These people are really horrible. I hope he will disconnect himself from social media for a while and travel to calm place.. people will forget about him with time.

  2. 1 hour ago, BarbieErin said:

    And now this, how much Daily Mail is being paid to write SHIT about Leo all day long? DEAR LORD, Leo must retire, it's clear some very powerful people want him cancelled forever, he must have STRONG HATERS out there because it's not possible, even if this was true, what Leo has to do with Mischa's agent? Of course this story "resurfaced" like a miracle, lol, who daily mail wants to fool with this? 


    OK, now I changed my mind and I will defend Leo because this is going too far, he's done nothing illegal to be treated like this. And now I almost regret all that I said this days ago, the man can't have peace, damn, it's hard to be a Leo fan this days, I'm really sad now, really really sad because he doens't deserve this.  :cry:



    In my opinion ,  this would support his side. It means that these young models and their agents are using Leo for fame and this what happened with this Israeli model. She became really famous in less than 48 hours!


    For Daily mail part, I believe think that they just write what their source told them. That's why I have feelings that this guy/girl is very close to Leo! The bad part is people's reactions!



  3. 6 hours ago, Jade Bahr said:

    ^The worst thing is if Leo would change something now I fear everyone would say "see we were all right about him. Now he's doing all his pedo stuff in secret." I honestly don't know if that would do any better for Leo or in general how to handle such rude and just false accusations. The mob would just call it admission of guilt I bet.


    Ever thought about this ugly possibility?


    I think people react that way towards him because he is very famous actor around the world and his lifestyle can affect some of his admirers.


    The idea of expiration date by hitting 25 years old is really bad. 



    Also, people treated him that way because his exes are uncountable. I am still big fan of him but I can understand people reactions to his latest news...


    And in the end, I believe that if he finds the one, he will ignore people! In my  opinion,  the main problem is that he doesn't give himself time to choose the right partner!



  4. 1 minute ago, Jade Bahr said:

    ^For me it's the double standard here what makes me really angry. When older ladies like Susan Sarandon, Madonna or Cher carried around their 20 or 30 something lovers everyone is cheering them up telling them "good for you dating on your terms, have some fun girl" and continuing how those relationships are about experiencing "love and companionship" and how it's not about "produce children". But when Leo is dating on his terms he's gross, pathetic and predatory LOL


    GIVE ME A BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

     I Guess this is the reason. Lol


    25 rule




  5. 1 hour ago, Lilja K said:

    @Magical @AliceT I think you are absolutely right💯


    In 10 years, there will be articles about how the media and the Internet treated Leo terribly and why everyone owes him a huge apology. 

    Dailymail doesn't want to stop!! They still believe that they were dating and he left her.Now, I  think that they have someone close to Leo and he /she is their source




  6. 1 hour ago, BarbieErin said:

    I think it's good that Leo used 3 reliable sources to deny this supposed relationship, hopefully this time he learned something out of it.


    But it's def not cool people talking s*** on the girl account so much that she had to deactivate her IG. 


    Sorry but the whole thing is kinda weird and funny! I mean it was just a photo but all of that happened because of Dailymail articles!



  7. 5 minutes ago, Jade Bahr said:

    According to this account it was all a PR stunt. I agree with her that Leo only gets papped when he wants to and that the chances this happened "accidently" are very very low. What I don't understand if this was really planned why on earth Leo agrees with this kind of image because it causes him nothing but ugly backlash these days /cdn-cgi/mirage/ff4c4c94f474e08c309557db134b382bf31e7dac8570d612aebe8ed62b67371f/1280/https://www.bellazon.com/main/uploads/emoticons/56608ab7d817a_Idontknow.gif




    Even my MOTHER said he should just often get papped with "older" women more often even if it's just for the sake of pr and everything would be just fine LMAO My mother also said she would volunteer to save his image LOL

    Really?! That's funny. If it's true, maybe he wants to tell Victoria Lamas , Gigi, etc that he is having a good life with very young model. No, it's difficult to me to think that this is true. It's very 😒boyish behavior

  8. 15 hours ago, Lilja K said:

    ⬆️ I had to Google who is Jessica Simpson lol

     I don't need to Google her. I know who she is!! Lol but yeah. I don't think she is talking about Leo.


    Because I remember that I watched  a program about sports and clubs in LA and one of the owners of these clubs said that Leo paid for a gym membership,but he never went. Jessica said that She met the mystery guy at Gym in LA. It's not an evidence but that's why I think that she  doesn't refer to Leo. Lol 😂








  9. 7 hours ago, akatosh said:

    Just because Leo is sitting next to somebody doesn't mean they are dating. Let's wait till we have actual proof (like a pic of them kissing). The press always comes up with the most absurd stories nowadays. Tomorrow this girl will be pregnant with Leo's love child 😄



    Here's some clip of the Titanic documentary. I hope there will also be something about Leo in it. Some unseen pics, rehearsal footage or stories maybe?




    Agreed. Daily mail likes to make up stories about him and many people  might have a negative attitude towards him because of this kind of news!!


    The comments are really harsh.😨



  10. 17 minutes ago, Jade Bahr said:




    So far I'm doing not terrible but not great either. I think the worst is the painful coughing, the fever and the exhaustion/tireness. I slept like straight 12 hours last night. It's all not very fun.

    So sorry for you.. I thought that Covid is over!!

    Don't worry. You will be good🙏


  11. 7 hours ago, Jade Bahr said:

    If he's smart enough he would finally treat this movie with the deserving respect and used it for his own good sake. But who knows maybe he's still salty because it's not about him nor his "acting skills" lol


    This is actually acting very "me, me, me" behaviour, near to unthankful and little disrespectful toward all the people who made, support and love this movie til today.


    But sure movies made mostly for and about silly women shouldn't be taken that seriously especially when they are nothing compared to movies about big important men no matter the critical acclainment nor the amount of oscars that "boring" snooze feast won (Leos words not mine) I get it LOL


    Sry I'm a bit grumpy today I'm Corona positive and my throat is killing me 😩

    Sorry for you. I wish you a speedy recovery

  12. 41 minutes ago, Jade Bahr said:

    This movie is beloved around the world for 25 years. Same for the character he played. It made another 300 millon $ at the box office by his last re release. Those are numbers some NEW blockbuster can just dream of. How on earth is that something bad and nothing to be extremly proud of? Especially at this point of his career. No one sees him as the pretty poster boy anymore. He always talked about making movies with impact. Now this is his #1 movie legacy and he's ashamed but not for his serial dating issues people are constantly making awful fun of it? LOL Go over yourself man. This movie is one of the reason he still gets some positive public vibes. He should be grateful and nothing less.


  13. 19 hours ago, YouNoMe said:

    Now doesn't this sound familiar? 

    Disclaimer: Celebitchy isn't most credible source, but there are parallels in what we hear about DiCaprio's love life and reasons for his breakups






    The image I have of Leonardo DiCaprio, in general, is that of a womanizer with a heart of gold. I don’t think he mistreats women. I don’t think he’s a douche to women. I think he’s probably very honest with the women in his life: he likes being a bachelor, he likes having an official girlfriend, and he likes some action on the side. From what I can remember hearing from Gisele, he’s very sweet and generous to his girlfriends, but the dude is simply afraid of commitment, and he makes that clear in every relationship. That’s how his moves are telegraphed to me. Maybe I’m alone in these thoughts. I might be, because if anyone buys this National Enquirer story about “the real reason” Leonardo and Bar Refaeli split up, then I’ll eat my proverbial hat.


    Celebitchy Top Gossip Stories

    Leonardo DiCaprio has handed his gorgeous girlfriend Bar Refaeli her walking papers because he’s ready to start a family – and she’s not.


    Fatherhood has become priority number one for the 36-year-old actor, and he wanted Bar to commit to having a baby right away if they were to get married. But the Israeli-born model, 25, isn’t ready to take the leap into parenting.


    “Leo told Bar he expected kids if they walk down the aisle,” said a close friend. “While Bar sees herself as being a mom down the road, and wants a family, her career is on fire right now. She known that she’s not going to get many modeling assignments with a pregnant belly.”


    “Leo is so angry that he basically told her to take a hike – he feels like he was wasting time with her… over the past year, Leo thought long and hard and decided Bar was ‘the one’ and he wanted children with her. Leo sees how happy his close friend Tobey Maguire is being a dad – Leo wants what his best friend has. But Bar has already told him she’s just not ready. It crushed Leo.”


    Despite how angry he is, the friend added: “Leo will run back to Bar in a minute is she tells him she’s ready to be a mom.”


    [From The Enquirer, print edition]


    What came to mind while you were reading that? What came into my mind was Leo nailing Blake Lively from behind. Kind of gross? Sure. But I tend to think Leo just dumped Bar because he was looking at greener pastures. I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again: Bar is the most busted-looking supermodel out there. It’s not unreasonable to me to think that Leo was looking for some kind of upgrade, looks-wise. Yeah, go ahead and yell at me. I think Blake is way prettier than Bar. And I think Bar would go running back to Leo in a heartbeat, not the other way around. I’m not saying dudes don’t get broody and want babies too – many do. Leo is probably not that guy. Or he won’t be that guy for a while. But just in case he is that guy now, I suggest Blake Lively get pregnant right away! God, that would be so much fun…

    Sounds fake to me

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