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Adrianas Llama

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Everything posted by Adrianas Llama

  1. it is the colour of the sky just when the suns going down tell me something you'd do if you ruled the world?
  2. gods i absolutley LOVE that picture!*covers up the guy* yep its perfect she looks so sexy
  3. no... *jumps out of bushes and trails after adriana* have you ever cheated on a major test/exam?
  4. nope have you ever spat in someone elses food?
  5. Im getting paid to do virtually nothing!!!! Edit: I also saw boobies today! *giggles like a school girl*
  6. Adrianas Llama

    I Am...

    pumped! my shitkicker ipods back from the service place! IM SO SELLING THAT BITCH! ipod viddy here i come
  7. Adrianas Llama

    I Am...

    agreeing with OS, i probably would have watched the show if raymond wasnt in it
  8. Adrianas Llama

    I Am...

    going to go iron my pants
  9. *grabs thread by the corner and heaves it back on topic* kay so today i went outside to read for a little bit but now im really burnt! bad enough in itself but i also wasnt properly dressed for any kind of tanning/burning activity. *sigh* im kicking off another summer with really stodgy tan lines
  10. oh wow :( im sorry no i have a strange and inexplicable fear of the telephone have you ever toilet papered someones house?
  11. HAHAHA OH MY GOD THATS FANTASTIC!!! why where they on may i ask?! my sister probably! have you ever drank milk past its expiry date?
  12. great minds think alike!!!! (go ahead and laugh at that *narrows eyes* i dare you) anywaaay! *does the i-totally-beat-you-to-it dance*
  13. What did you do today in the time you werent lurking at bellazon! Fill us in on the hilarious hijinks, dramas and nail biting action that was your day! DO IT!
  14. ooooh when?! was it on americas most wanted? no! have you ever collected stamps
  15. *rolls expertly out of the way and makes a run for it*
  16. you want my screen name?! *clutches it tightly*
  17. yes! *squirrrms* have you ever been to paris? <insert your slutty blonde heiress jokes here>
  18. no! have you ever stolen something over the value of $20? (not counting piracy arrrrhh *waves sword at my downloads*)
  19. Adrianas Llama

    I Am...

    thanking jimmy for the enlightenment! i am also sunburnt! WHOO!
  20. blahahaha *rolls eyes* the names are in no particular order! should i go back and order my post alphabetically
  21. *cough* is it ever? *cough* dayum! this cold is nasty <{POST_SNAPBACK}> bitch!
  22. Adrianas Llama

    I Am...

    going to bed!!! HURRAH! *slides outta chair*
  23. fractured yes, broken no. have you ever had a concussion
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