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Status Updates posted by buhlack7

  1. I LOVE HENRY and AGGY!!!

  2. hey anthony... who was that model in your av a while ago... where she was like on the street walking and then jumping?

  3. well the sketches are supposed to be store concepts for hussein chalayan but i'm not even going to attempt to make it look good because i don't have time!!! i just need something to submit! haha!

    oh gosh! well good luck with working out! i'm so lazy and fat! i need someone to kick me! hahaha!

  4. gah!!! and i just saw it!!! i love her street style! BTdubs!

  5. thanks for downsizing my sig! hahahaha!

  6. dude! and i seriously thought you were straight up brazilian with your hot brazilian boys!hahaaha!

  7. hahaha! thats impossible dave matthews! i'm a gangstah! i got 9 on my right, 45 on the other hand!

  8. aaahhahahaaha! gurlfriend you're hilarious!!! yeah i dance... but its not like... "So U Think U Can Dance" status! hahaha! Dude!!! I have a personal love experience for Across The Universe! hahahah!

  9. francy! omg! idk where in italy u are but hopefully u were far away frm the equake! hope u r doing well!

  10. ahahhaahah! i am NOT partying!!!! OMG!!! im just working!!! josh jorgie... i dont corrupt minors all the time!!! :rofl:

  11. VANE!!!!!! evandro says happy bday SEXY!!!!

    hahaha! have fun!!!

  12. yah! just ask your teachers about it and its really worthwhile! I mean... you'll really get to know your friends a lot more because you do things you normally wont do or go to places you normally wont go to!

  13. OMG! heck yes! No Country for Old Men too! But There Will Be lood!!! there will definitely be blood if i dont see it! but yeah... its playing in like the art neighborhoods of la so i don't mind driving all over the place! hahah!

  14. oooooooo!!!! i think i'll get a tshirt in a can with a canadian mountie in it designed by big foot!!!

  15. hhahaha! and NO! we weren't trying anything! just being retards/wanna be models! hahah! we took that picture way before i saw B and C's pineapple pic! man! if i knew that... i would have been all posed with a fruit! hahahaha!

  16. they 'Q'all me Ire! Thats not my name!

    ahahahahahahaha! miss your crazy ass!!!

    ps. im gonna see them at the el rey!!! oooo ooooo!!!

  17. hahaha! actually... no.... i didn't even check them out until i saw them on the coachella line up... and only because you rave about them so much!

  18. Yah!!! I love modern contemporary coz its a mix of jazz, interpretative, ballet and a bit of latin...(which I love love love!!!)

    yah!!! I love the movie!!! I think its because the whole place got evacuated... (with flashing and blaring terrorist alarms)

    right after jude finished singing and the waves crashed!!! It was hilarious

  19. ohh! thats kinda like ucla! after your first year... they practically kick you out of housing for newcomers! hahah! but hey... it has tons of pubs right! hahahahahaah! glugluglug!

    oh man! cooking! yeah! lucky her! most i can make is cereal! hahahaha! oh man! i can't wait till friday! payday! i hate being broke!!!

  20. CAMILLA!!!! finally i have a story to tell!!!

    I just came from an EARTHQUAKE this morning!!! OMG!!! it was quite thrilling!!! We havent had those in a while!!! hahahah!

  21. i miss you too!!! i rarely get to post ANYWHERE!

    "lets find some models for wives... get a divorce... find some more models... we were fated to pretend"

    hahahahaha! that is so funny!

    theres that song... KIDS and Electric Feel. those are the populars.

    PS... im learning how to DJ

  22. check your facebook!!! air five! air hug! SUPER!

    happy bday! ... again

  23. so wait... are british boys really charmed by cooking? dang! boys i know are too dumb to care! well you're lucky you have boys that care about those things! hahaha!

  24. dude!!! im getting a whole lot of question marks! hahahaha!

    like this... 'voc� t� b�bado/a?'

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