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Status Updates posted by buhlack7

  1. cool! i'm coming to a realization that people actually DO visit it!

    leave a comment when you do! :) or correct my grammar! haha! anything really!

  2. hey thiago!!! how do you say OH CRAP or OMG or OH SHIT in portuguese?

  3. camilla my love!!! i am uuuuuber buzzed... almost drunk!!! man!!! and i dont think i shjould go to sleep coz i think if i do i wont wake up!!! gurl!!! go party!!! yeah!!!!!!!

  4. hahaha! yeah!!!

    but is really RARE when stations play them here! which is good!!! i like them indie!!!

  5. seriously!!! thats why i love jenny lewis!!! she is such an amazing writer and people dont realize it until they actually sit down and listen!

    she and feist are lyrically driven artists that their songs are pointless without words!

  6. OMG!!! girlfriend!!! you want crazy story! boy! you're lucky! i just did super crazy today!

    my friend from utah came back and shes just super homesick so i took her melrose. but we hit SUPER traffic on the way. and the rest are on video! hahaha! i'll post it in BZ videos!

  7. anyway... i came here to tell say:

    MAT!!!!!!!!!! I WISH YOU WERE IN LA!!!! I need a show buddy!!! my friends are too caught up with school to care about who they meet in indie land!

  8. haha! you're right! but english sounds better than the country south! hahaha!

    oh man! your friend must be really good to be able to cook for you guys. i don't cook. i microwave! hahah!

    ooo!!! club openings are always fun! my weekend... im not sure! my friends are planing to go to a cantina and have margaritas... but im broke so i

  9. so right after that car bit in the middle of traffic... this guy who does club promo in hollywood... honks at us... asks for our number and invites us to his club! this day was just hilarious!

    i didn't watch baby momma but i saw sarah marshall! its funny! but its not crazy hilarious!

  10. hahaah! you worry too much! i didn't even know we could set time zones! for all i know... i could be in northern tibetan time or something!

  11. gurlfriend!!!!! its yo burffday!!!!!!!!!

  12. im not so sure. i usually go out on weekdays coz i work weekends. like this wednesday were going to the beach all day and go bar at night! hahah! but im fore sure getting your AA shirt! hahaha! i friggin worked a 12 hour shift! overtime! so im gonna be rich next week! hahah!

  13. but gurlie! you better rest those muscles! or work them some more! hahaha! im going to house of blues tomorrow and check out freeway guy's club on thursday!

  14. hey michael!!! you know... i never payed much attention to kings of leon... but sex on fire! omg!!! i really love the vocals!

  15. hahaha! oh yenno?

    sorry.. i don't speak canadian... i would like to use it in everyday LA linggo!

  16. snobs snobs snobs! happy burfday!!!!

    tequilla and paintstripper vodka!

    then... grub at nandos!!! YAY!!! cake cake cake!

    gosh! i sound drunk! happy burfday!

  17. omg!!! moving out! why? is it in the ghettos? hahah! i have to do that soon! and im probably moving to the ghettos coz rent is cheap! but im the laziest person on earth! but i feel bad free loading off my parents! hahah!

  18. but good luck with those exams, those moccassin and the super expensive chanel! i have to do some online hunting myself for The Ting Tings' tickets!!!

  19. i LOVED noah and the whale!!! they were just sweethearts!!! gosh!!! is everyone from england just pleasant!!! jeesh!!!

    bloody beatroots was great! cut copy was great! Grand Ole Party is always oh so sick!!! i love it!

    so what have you been up to?

  20. gurl! i just have to say your outfit was simple and cute... like raquel! :)

    ahahhaaha! looks like you got a stalker bitch on your hand! dude! just crazy gang up on her! hahahah!

    but ohh... yeah! you friend better buy you some new shoes! gosh!

    my friend did the exact same thing... well not really! hahaah!

  21. he was so drunk that they didn't even let him in the club... so they couldn't throw him out! hahah! and next thing you know... he's puking all over my friend's car! it was terrible!

    hhahahaah! i am very well behaved! but hey... i think you are too... well not getting sick one people! hahahha!

  22. ahahahaa! your sig is fuckin hilarious!!! what the heck is it!!!

  23. hey gurlie! i miss seeing kuliks for your set! hahaha!

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