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Status Updates posted by buhlack7

  1. oh goog gosh no! i would never work at a pizza hut or anything of that sort! i'd rather die of poverty! hahaha!

    well the waitress thing is just an idea... i haven't filled out an app or anything! haha!

  2. the viper room is awesome! they play all sorts of rock! but i go there tuesdays because its Indie night. They just have international and local indie bands play! Plus i get in for free! Thats my main reason! hahaha!

    OMG! Africa! For Shiz! Have fun at dinner! Go Safari!

  3. and yeah! totally! about cars! i've already messed up two of my dad's car! whats worse was that i did it all in one week!!! man! my dad almost killed me! hahahaa!

    and NO! i haven't seen satc!!! i'm broke! hahaha!

    and OOO!!! fancy dress party!!! be all glamified up like raquel on red

  4. oh... and im going to ny for a week study tour! gosh! i wish i could go to NYFW! but im going in october so it would be done by then! OMG!!! London!!! what are you gonna do there? i seriously want to go to london with how you're painting the picture with crazy parties and hot indie boys! hahaha!

    hopefully i can still go! im trying to sav

  5. oooooooo!!! gurlfriend edita is fierce!

    and OMG!!!

    :hug:!!!!!!!! i miss my gangstah gangstah!

  6. dude!!! M.I.A!!! YEAH!!!! I fly like paper get high like planes!


    run! run! get away from that!!! go get yourself some nice fish and chips!!!!

    hahhahaa! well its good you've recovered!

  8. hahaha! the food is good too! but im more excited about my friends coming home from uni for the holidays... meaning house parties! hahaa! i know! lame!

    as for me... i'm writing my essay! FUN!

    how are your sisters?

  9. hahahha! YAH! leaping and 'gracefully' falling on the floor is fun!!! hahaha! We actually have a show on monday... so that should be interesting!

  10. well LA is a bit gloomy! but i don't mind! it's relief from the heatwave!!! oh jeesh! waitressing! i haven't even applied anywhere!!! but i should!!! it's just that i get lazy! hahah!

    omg! october! is that when summer starts there?! wow!

  11. hahahah! yeah! maybe for the triangle!

    i like them! i checked them out last time!

    so beck and mgmt are sold out but i got my tickets to CSS!!! YAY!!!

  12. no no no! me no caliente!!! hahaha! BUT you should support my friend... she actually just got signed with a local modeling agency!


  13. well im going to edc... its a rave that my friends forced on me! i mean i'm not really a rave type of girl but since they're going... im whatever about it!

    and im going to the indie festival down in san diego!!! im excited because the ting tings are there!!! haahaha!

  14. omg!!! yeah!!! i probably have some time to check out the shows this weekend!

    gaaah!!! internships!!! they start recruiting around december time!!! im scared i wont have a life!!!

  15. please tell me you were in ugly ass NorCal... as to why i didn't SEE you!!!!!

  16. OMG! We are SOOOOOO "sistah" soul mates!!! You were born in South Africa!!! You're my super soul mate!!! Well I got started with UNICEF around 10th grade... so i was like... 15??? Age really isn't a matter when you put your mind to it! But it was a lot of hard work... especially for my age back then. But its all very rewarding!

  17. omg! 3 more weeks! i would be super bored! i have two more weeks left and i am dying of boredom because everyone came back to school!!!

    hahaha! and omg! i've never thought of 'old men' as 'posh'! ahahahah!

  18. hahahha! those oxford girls! don't worry i've got my own bag of tricks!

    but OMG! don't go to Tijuana along! its a scary place! but if you're with your guy friends it should be fun!

    well go to your festivals and put you stunner shades on for kanye!

  19. hahaha! OMG! hahaha! i don't even use myspace anymore! too much spam! I just use it to stalk sean opry and check out new bands!

  20. ooo!!! and american apparel! the warehouse where they make the clothes is probably 8 blocks from my school and i always just go there to buy the clothes because it is WAYYY cheap... like $3 a shirt!!! hahah! i can hook it up for you! hahaha!

    and yes! sumo in a FAT suit! it is sooo fun!!! got my ass kicked though!

  21. hahahhahaha! i know!!! i just saw it!!!

    but the link you gave me doesnt work :(

  22. yes yes! i saw it! i really liked sasha's! :idk:

  23. ahahaha! would the bermudas count?

    im going to sunset music fest on saturday! im so excited to see cold war kids!!!

  24. hey gurl hey!

    havent seen you about! ...well maybe i haven't been about! hahaha! ...especially in doutzen's thread!

    i miss the girl!

  25. hahaha! i don't think i've ever had an easter egg bofore! hahah! but no! seriously! i'm so bored im always on facebook, myspace and BZ! which is really bad! and i'm even 'cleaning' my room! haha!

    and you SHOULD move to LA! its upbeat... but not crazy like NY! hahah!

    and yeah! i'm totally looking forward see

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