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Status Updates posted by buhlack7

  1. hahaah! no party for me! im buckled to school! ...until thanksgiving break! hahaha!

    jorgie!!! im really not a party girl!!!

    what have you been up to?

  2. oh jorgie!!! i will really miss Dubya! he's seriously my favorite president! hahahha!

  3. francy!!! do you have scans of US vogue Feb with Kate Bosworth (even though i hate the bitch with a passion).

    I just need the shot with Doo-Ri. I can't find a good scan of it!

  4. haha! but yeah! feel free to call me a douchebag for tweeting! hahaha!

    (which bacame even more so tonight because of VS)

  5. well duh! vodka slushies! they're like... fun fun fun DRUNK! hhaha! well i heard virgin mimosas are good for hangovers! hahaha! well hope you feel better!

  6. oh man! i think all of southern california would think its the end of the world and start panicking if it hails! hahah!

    well good luck with that poor umbrella! hahah!

  7. hahahahh!!! i did! and he was like... IM NOTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!

    oh thiago!!! you have to teach me some more of your slangs!!!

  8. hahahaah! oh fo shiz! that makes one of us reading it! hahha!

    i've been censoring a lot though! hahha! i'm trying not to!

  9. oh no! i have really bad ones! i BET you! hahaha! in fact... i'll raise the disgusting to a whole nother level! hahah!

  10. oh man!!! ANDY his his dig! hahahaah! have you seen D*ck in a box with JT! ahahaha! OMG!!! and lazer cats! aaaaaahhhhhahahah! OMG!!! oh man! that food punching with bon jovi is my brother's fave! i like the chronicles of narnia rap and the retard with ellen page and the rap with natalie portman! oh man! theres so many&

  11. slangs! haha! you know! the words all the cool kids are using! they can be bad words too! hahaha!

  12. hahahahaah! GOOD!!!

    you can take a girl out of africa, but you can't take africa out of a girl!

    B! WORD UP!

  13. gurl! its ok! i'm discovering the other other other side of the LA indie scene! its crazy when i think about it! hahaha!

    hows ole canada???

  14. francy!!!

    nm! i found it!! YAY!!

    thanks anyways!

  15. yo! so coco has a bf!!!

    i don't even know whats going on with the world!!! do you know who?

  16. ok! i should really be going to work! but whatever! OH hell no!!! im on TFS! to thiago!!! ooo!!! are they still there! they about get some ass whoopin!!! u guys are on raquel's right! ooo!!! i wanna beat someone right now!!!

  17. gah! this sucks! i can't comment anylonger! i really have to go! but i'll beat them up later! hahahah!

  18. its yo BDAY! play some of that crazy shit!!!

  19. omg matt!!!! the most random shit just happened!

    i was talking to meiko from the hotel cafe and i didn't even know it!!! shes fucking hilarious!

  20. hahahahaah!!! omg!!! yes!!! hhahaahahaha! i AM hiding in between music festival and work! not vogue though! or anything remotely close to it!

  21. hahaha! see... you can definitely tell its not my genre! hahha! no to slipknot??? either but i hear they are KICKIN for that genre.

  22. hey gurlfriend! im still not over not being able to bitch at TFS!


    omg! one tree hill! hahhaa! i don't even watch that! but im surprised its still on! hhahha! i've seen like 2 and i have to admit... it very catchy! but im sad im gonna miss gossip girl! work work work! the hills! omg! hahaha! well tell me how they s

  23. hahaha! ok... i'll try google maps!

    OMG!!! yeah!!! they're in LA! thats good!

    how long are they staying here for?

    if they have a question... just ask away... i know my city like CRAZY!

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