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Everything posted by babranski

  1. Whoa, VS shots that are not cookie cutter catalogue shots? Damn Hannah looks AMAZING!
  2. is it just me or are we watching Runway Goddess grow as a company through Emily. These are good!
  3. Sometimes it feels like people don't understand how the Fashion industry works and who pays for what and when, like travel expenses for photo shoots. That being said, I'm very confused at this specific statement. Do ... do you not follow her Instagram? She posts a ton of sponsored content for multiple brands. Just in the past twenty days Maddie has posted more brand content just for Alo than Rawlins has for any brand in the past three or four months. She has plenty of work, and appears to me to be much more active at seeking it out and getting the sponsorship $ that exists out there than a lot of other models I follow. The belief that she doesn't work a lot to afford a models lifestyle just doesn't pass a simple eyeball test.
  4. I'm surprised to see how quite this thread has become. She's had a ton of quality content lately, even just on Instagram.
  5. I thought she was looking a little taller lately, maybe that's what you're seeing? She hasn't exactly had a ton of new content lately to compare and contrast with... another reason to want this darn Pandemic to be over.
  6. it's still weird to see a private instagram account take better photos of a model than professionals for an actual modeling session. That being said, those last RG shots aren't that bad, probably the best of the lot.
  7. Yea, I am here after finding one of the photos elsewhere. Holy Moly if that one photo is any indication of the rest of the shoot...
  8. She's going for that quality over quantity post style I guess?
  9. Does anybody even use this forum anymore to the extent bumping individual models threads has any effect?
  10. That's a really nice source of pictures of her. She's gorgeous! Which ones are the new ones?
  11. The variety, quality, and quantity of content that Josephine Skriver puts out never ceases to amaze me. She must have an insane schedule that's down to the minute in the same way I think the President of the US has.
  12. so ... does Hannah make a better Bat Woman / Cat Woman than Anne Hathaway?
  13. Really happy to see some of the recent posts by Emily. I love to see it when she posts selfies, as it's a really good sign contrasting with all the things I've worried about with her. She looks healthy and happy. Despite her circumstances, or perhaps because of them, I have been really captivated with Emily, and I really look forward to the rest of her career and wish her nothing but success. from Instagram
  14. the consistency of the line she bumps right up to, but has never crossed, can have many reasons. It's exasperating to me as a fan but I also understand that it can be a very personal reason why she doesn't want to cross it. That's good enough for me. Kelly has done a lot of amazing work lately and a lot of it is very provocative. It's been increasingly enjoyable to see and ... increasingly frustrating.
  15. yeesh ... we talk about RG not doing the best of jobs in capturing Emily but that's a very unflattering photo of whoever that is, she almost looks cross-eyed in that angle. I like the new hair Emily's rocking. I'm glad she seems to be doing OK, even if just on the surface.
  16. I actually have quite a few gifs buried on my machine from that video. It was really hot!
  17. Oh no wait that's not the 2015 Day 30 one, it was a 2017, Day 29.
  18. Yep! ... A whole lot of boob grabbing.
  19. I don't know, but it felt like even before Covid she was almost non-existent on Instagram for years. Sy ... Sympathy ... I ... think it was you all those years ago I made a avatar and signature for of Hannah, I think it was the LOVE calendar vids ... and ... then I lost my old Cain account passwords and messages attached to it ... I'm sorry if it was. They were really nice too.
  20. I'm loving this flurry of new content from her!
  21. https://www.instagram.com/p/CSHSEv4KXJx/ I'm not so sure it's part of the "issue" ... but I can't say for sure because Bellemere's English isn't the best here. Does this mean it's a subscription reward that you won't find in the magazine... ? I'm starting to think less and less that it is Josephine. Different mattress with a different sheet, and the curtains are drawn up different. Here is another from that Marie Claire Shoot.
  22. She definitely has photos *on that bed* but it's impossible to tell who it is. Honestly doesn't look like her. The shape of her butt, the tan she had for those photos, and the size and length of her legs from her butt to the knees look different... shorter and thicker.
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