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Everything posted by TheBaronOfFratton

  1. I realize now that you meant- Katja SHCHEKINA!!! There I was, searching around for a girl who didn't exist (how like life!!!) I liked her in 2006, and - along with the others I mentioned - I think she should be used again... Hope all's well?

  2. Just posted this on the Magdalena Frackowiak thread, but - hell - it should go here too. As I said over there - GIGANTOR Magdalena tearing up the city in silver spandex IS the stuff of dreams!
  3. GLAMAZONES, by Thierry le Goues: GIGANTOR Magdalena, tearing up the city in silver spandex... This is the stuff of dreams..!
  4. Hey - I got all 3 right and I didn't even graduate at the top of my class in the film major with the university festival award for Best Directing... Do I get a prize???
  5. Hey - I think we've got a groundswell of support. CATCH THAT CLOWN - AND DESTROY HIM:
  6. Hey Joe. In regards to your list - Laetitia, Fernanda, Candice, and Jeisa have all walked the VSFS before. But, like I said, Candice should get a proper crack at it next year. And as for Fernanda, hey, Fernanda is ALWAYS good! I wholeheartedly agree with Fabiana Semprebom - and I've already backed Emanuela de Paula myself. But I'm not so familiar with your other choices (except Josie Maran - who I think is very attractive, but not so sure about on the catwalk). I also forgot to proffer Pania Rose, what do you think? Glad I didn't cross the rude line! True, this thread calls for a little negativity - but no harm done..!
  7. You're welcome (regarding the Behati pics) - it would seem we have VERY similar tastes! Thank you too, for all your Rosie/Magdalena/Behati posts...

  8. OMG Am I less of a man now???? :shock: :shock: :shock: I dont think she is good on the runway, everyone recognizes she is hot and all but she cant walk on the runway and she does not fit in well. Whats wrong with that??? Actually, you're not on your own! Even though I'm trying to studiously stick to Joe>Average's sterling edict that we all shouldn't be negative(!) I simply don't find Marisa Miller attractive. There. Said it. And - to continue my blatant flouting of said rule - I agree with your view on Selita Ebanks. It's a shame that VS does not use more models of black/Asia ethnicity, because then it simply wouldn't matter about getting rid of one who is, frankly, crap - without any recourse to allegations of racism. The lack of "ethnic" models is a sad indictment of fashion shows in general - one, I know, that was dealt with on a thread that quickly descended into bear-baiting and a member getting banned - but that said, I don't think Ms. Ebanks works well as an Angel or for the VSFS in general. And I'd hate to think VS would resort to a quick-fix 'tokenism' in the wake of Tyra Banks's retirement. She was the epitome of the brand, and leaves big shoes to fill... I'd like the VSFS to be a cornucopia of races, colours, and creeds. That surely should be it's point. GLAMAZONS! As I've said before, a sort of chocolate box full of surprises. To that end (and to quote my friend penny-dreaddfull: "From alabaster to obsidian") I'd LOVE to see Cintia Dicker - although, apparently she is no longer going to be doing any runway - and I'd like to echo the popular choice around here, Emanuela de Paula. I thought Ujjwala Raut was a great model for VS, and it would be nice to see some more ladies from the Indian sub-continent on this particular catwalk again. I'd also like to see Magdalena Frackowiak, and Lara Stone. (And I'll have to add Lais Navarro, after supporting her thread so thoroughly!) But, after last year's debacle, I'd like to see those many new additions who were so WOEFULLY underused: principally Candice Swanepoel and Behati Prinsloo - they need a proper introduction. Sam12, what is it with your threads that get me gabbling on?!?
  9. Hah! Spider-Man - your puny web-shooters are NOTHING compared to me... Yes, squirm, squirm all you want my arachnid adversary. You'll find my bonds are FAR stronger than your webbing!!! For I AM DUCT-TAPE MAN!!!
  10. Nuestro propio - PAMPITA: No finer reason to peel that stuff off!!!
  11. And, azgirl, WELCOME to you too. I hope you become a frequent participant...
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