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Status Updates posted by TheBaronOfFratton

  1. Magic! New computer - and I can now access page 89 of B's thread!

  2. Hats off for the .gif! Swoooooooon...

  3. Always nice to have them visit, isn't it? Maybe not permanently though!!!

  4. Why, thank you! Credit to LMS for the avatar, and VSCatherine for the signature. Concept, naturally, all mine of course..! I have to add that this is my first encounter with Shiloh... He shouldn't worry about banana farms though - they're probably hard work.

  5. Unfortunately that film failed to make it to our cinema screens... But I was aware of it, and I hope to see it maybe when I'n in the UK this summer. I heard good things.

  6. ...I'm more of a wine man, when all is said and done though! Red. Malbec (local grape)! How about you? Best beers I had in the States were stuff like Sam Adams.

  7. Thank you too! I see you've been spreading the joy!!!

  8. I just saw on that '3 things' thread that both Joe and Limey begged you to go to their thread - and you did! So I was feeling left out, as you'd NEVER been to mine, despite my obvious 'superiority'(< that's just to tease Joe!)!!!

  9. What did I do to deserve that accolade?!!

  10. Indeed it is Rosie. And she does not seem very impressed, no?!!! Hope to find you well...

  11. + thanks for the rating - but, as you can see, I'm still consigned to ignominious 4 star status (is there no justice at BZ?)!

  12. She's my favourite, to be sure - but I'm also a big fan of Magdalena, Rosie, Chanel, Marloes... I adore a lot of the Japanese and Korean girls too, but their threads aren't that popular here. How about you? (I do think Edita is lovely too.)

  13. Hope you're feeling better by now - "Man" flu? Or the real thing?

  14. How about a 600lbs porn sensation? There's a fetish for everyone, so somebody would be pleased! Maybe...

  15. Just upgraded my Mac is all... It was a fair few years old. Probably what the problem was all along!

  16. Already has caught up... Gah! But we must persevere, mustn't we? For the sake of decadence!!!

  17. Well, at least you'll see an improvement at the end - I suppose I will too, once he sods off to Brasil!!!

  18. Well, I do like to make my points definitively! Hope that doesn't cross any line?!!

  19. I'm going to learn to make sets just so's I can "gift" you with a wonderful Selita Ebanks 'gurning' avatar and cheeky posed signature. Oh, I hope sh eahs wings - gotta have wings in them haven't you? (Btw, will most likely have a Behati one myself... Apologies!)

  20. Ja - I'm sure the crew do eat it, but I just can't watch the show without noticing and finding it funny now... Who needs THAT many pastries?!!

  21. Hey, Helena was my first love too, btw..!

  22. That's been on my 'to do' list for about 6 months!!!

  23. Then I'm much obliged! Hope to cross paths more, seems it's been too long...

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