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Status Updates posted by Prettyphile

  1. I said something about Isabeli's fashion sense (for which she has none. She's about as elegant as a 16 year old)... and da ta lowered rating. I'm so sad now :(

  2. 5 stars for you *waves*

  3. Yup, I made common sense about style that (Isabeli) was wearing and poof lowered.

  4. Le Shock, down to three stars, whatever shall I do. (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ

  5. rofl @ succubus. That's clearly what it is! and with only 30 days till halloween they're bound to come sooner or later.

  6. Gimme a call sometime tomorrow so we can catch up. Chris is home for a couple of more days then he's leaving for a month or two :(

  7. omg true story, Henry Winkler almost became my dad. My mom was banging him at the same time she met my dad. O.o

  8. Joys of life, beer, spaghetti with meatballs and more beers lol My leg also hurts. I woke up this morning with a huge gash across the entire front of the leg, just under the knee. I guess it was pretty deep because when I woke up there was blood all over my sheets and into the mattress.

  9. A little late, but welcome to BZ and 5 stars for you!

  10. Welcome to Bellazon :)

  11. Yeah I bought a gallon of OJ ;p I'm still thirsty too. I woke up drank some more water and a powerade and I'm dying still! wtf?

  12. Have you ever had one of the days where it didn't matter how much you had to drink you were still thirsty? I've had like 2 gallons of water and 2 large cups of OJ and I'm still dying of thirst :(

  13. Happy Birthday hun! *hugs* ... btw can't buy Dead Island. Too much rage involved with that game. I saw my friend complete the game last night and I was beyond annoyed with how it ended.

  14. Maybe... I'm so busy on WoW atm. I'll consider it though. :p

  15. Maybe... I'm so busy on WoW atm. I'll consider it though. :p

  16. A little late for this, but welcome to Bellazon

  17. Sure I can hop onto Skype now. Talk to you in a few

  18. 5 stars for being my hero!

  19. I saw you called a couple of days ago. What's up? I'll try and call you back sometime this evening. *hugs*

  20. Oh you can all at any time, day or night :)

  21. Then perhaps you should play the GAMEZ! World of Warcraft and Dead Island go go

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