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Everything posted by fashionbets

  1. there's a topic for the ''lookbook queens''? you should create one! I'd love that.
  2. U.K. dear thank you what's the better u.k. model in the moment and with a lot of works? it doesn't count edie campbell and over 40
  3. I've tried and it didn't work look http://www.bellazon.com/main/topic/9489-kasia-struss/page-85
  4. It isn't working... It appears a message to me: You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community. See the topic: http://www.bellazon.com/main/topic/9489-kasia-struss/page-85
  5. Kasia Struss for W Korea May 2012 Credits to TFS
  6. Can someone post a list here?
  7. I need to post images for a topic that i created just right now
  8. She's only 16 (almost 17, i guess) and a brazilian pride already for the brazilian fashion industry.
  9. lol i was doing the same question to me it doesn't make any sense
  10. I think she's fucking gorgeous and she should do more jobs. She has been modeling since 2005, right? She should be on another level of her carreer, i guess.
  11. Roberto Cavalli S/S 2015 (Milan Fashion Week)
  12. Yeah, i am hoping the best for her career, but she likes to work with Terry Richardson (in the moment, he's not a good person to work for). This is not cool for her career, she needs to work with Alexi Lubomirski, Greg Kadel and these great photographers. This is my opinion.
  13. And Michael, you're from England... Love british people!
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