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Everything posted by JamesSmith

  1. There's a link to her photos on the main page now (wasn't there when it first started going live). The pictures still don't load though. Someone out there is frantically fixing all the bugs right now!
  2. http://www.tmz.com/2016/02/13/ronda-rousey-sports-illustrated-cover-bailey-clauson-ashley-graham/
  3. you can dl two videos of catrinel from this shoot here: catrinel menghia fhm 2008.rar warning: contains nudity Any chance of a repost? File is gone now. i updated my post with a new download link. Superstar. Thanks!
  4. you can dl two videos of catrinel from this shoot here: catrinel menghia fhm 2008.rar warning: contains nudity Any chance of a repost? File is gone now.
  5. I went Irina for both, but surprised that the result was split. Tough choice though...
  6. LOL, I'm 4 minutes late in working it out for myself! Thanks!
  7. Yeah, Italy need to win both of their next two games, and England needs to beat Costa Rica by at least 2 goals. They also have another chance to get through if they don't beat Costa Rica by 2 - Italy needs to beat Costa Rica by 3. I think that's correct - please correct me if I've gotten something wrong or there's another way that I've missed.
  8. England aren't mathematically out yet though are they? I mean, it'll take a miracle, but I just heard on the TV that they could get through if a sequence of other things happen. I haven't actually had a chance to sit down and work it out yet though.
  9. England v Uruguay is going to be great... so much at stake and both teams need to win. Looking forward to it!
  10. I feel pretty bad for Igor Akinfeev. That goal will haunt him for the rest of his life.
  11. I rewatched the original (theatrical cut) for the first time in about 7 or 8 years, and I'd forgotten about how it ended. Was like watching for the first time again! So good!
  12. Crazy that there hasn't been a draw yet. Pretty happy with the quality of the games so far.
  13. JamesSmith


    Team > Individuals LeBron couldn't carry them all the way this time. Props to the Spurs, well played.
  14. Bar, which is a big call cos I'm quite a Nina fan. But can't go past Bar.
  15. Laetitia, Sophie, Vanessa, Audrey
  16. It was from a local website,not in English,I translated it,it didn't say more than I wrote.Still official sites didn't confirm this,we'll see. Cool thanks for clarifying... I couldn't see anything around but these things aren't always reported everywhere. Hope you're right!
  17. No more Nishimura . FIFA has it official now,they decided and declared that there will be no Nishimura in this World Cup again.He won't judge a single match during this Cup. This ofcourse after his disastrous way of judging the opening match,after also reports and angry media expressing fear that bad referees mar ruin the competition,also after the Croatian coach threatening to leave the Compt because of the bad referee. Got a link to a news article or source for that? I'd love to read more about it.
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