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Megan Ewing


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Eh...well what seems to be sure is that she has Mexican blood. Probably English as well. Not sure about the rest tho!

...come to think of it, the whole blue eyes/dark hair is very common in Ireland...and the freckles...so aye maybe that as well?!

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What I don't understand is why Megan's agencies won't give us any advice on how to contact Megan. I mean she really isn't a celeb per say...yes a lot of people have seen her but it's not like there's ever been a huge Megan craze or anything. She doesn't have to worry about not being able to go anywhere without half a million people following her like Gisele B
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I scanned it again and it looks good! I'm actually trying to brush it up as well...I mean what am I in art school for, lol. FF I bought another issue. And it's the German Glamour for October 2005. Don't say you don't want it anymore I got the very last one in the shop!!! :p

...so anyways...uni is starting again tomorrow so I'll try to finish the image tonite...if for some reason I don't make it tho I promise to post it within the next couple of days!!!


Youre in art school? Neat! (I count myself as a really amateur artist, of the barely-able-to-draw-people-as-good-as-the-ancient-egyptians variety! :p ) What sort of art do you specialize in...?

And yay, thanks for picking up the issue! :wub: I'll contact you soon about my address and reimbursing you for it! Thanks so so much. ;)

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Just looking at the Guess site today...you know, they should just break down and take Megan back. They haven't had a decent campaign since she left. And though the new denim campaign is a hell of a lot better than the Paris crap Guess pulled, it's still nothing compared to Sante Fe, White Sands, Love Story, etc. In fact, it's just ripping off old campaigns, as though trying to get back to their roots. Sad seeing as it's probably the same photographer!

I mean, see for yourself. Lately, it's just a poor man's Sante Fe...












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Here's the new scan! I cleaned it up as well coz we don't need them bloody stripes in it! Hope you all like it! ...and Trimalynn, if you ever have time, please post it on ME.net. :heart:

...oh and sorry it took so long!


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I have FINALLY gotten my hands on this bad boy, the fall Guess? Journal

It had been on eBay before and I'd forgotten about it and didn't win because I failed to bid! It ended up going for something crazy cheap like $6.95.

But yay, one was posted again and I got it for a total of $15 something. Now I am only missing two things: The fall 2001 Image Catalog, and the "Creation" catalog. I have never seen the Creation catalog, but it's shown on one of the stlylist's websites. Veronique whats her face, Abbey knows who I'm talking about.

And did FF mention he got his hands on Love Story? Yay FF!

Love Story is my favorite campaign I think. Gorgeous pictures. :wub:

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Here's the new scan! I cleaned it up as well coz we don't need them bloody stripes in it! Hope you all like it! ...and Trimalynn, if you ever have time, please post it on ME.net. :heart:

...oh and sorry it took so long!


I can't open the photo

do u have another link where i can see it??

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Here's the new scan! I cleaned it up as well coz we don't need them bloody stripes in it! Hope you all like it! ...and Trimalynn, if you ever have time, please post it on ME.net. :heart:

...oh and sorry it took so long!


OH WOW, thank you SO MUCH for this gorgeous new scan! It's so big and so very pretty! I really appreciate the work you put into it. :wub:

And Sara, here's another link to the pic. Isn't it gorgeous?! :kiss:


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I have FINALLY gotten my hands on this bad boy, the fall Guess? Journal

It had been on eBay before and I'd forgotten about it and didn't win because I failed to bid!  It ended up going for something crazy cheap like $6.95. 

But yay, one was posted again and I got it for a total of $15 something.  Now I am only missing two things: The fall 2001 Image Catalog, and the "Creation" catalog.  I have never seen the Creation catalog, but it's shown on one of the stlylist's websites.  Veronique whats her face, Abbey knows who I'm talking about.

And did FF mention he got his hands on Love Story?  Yay FF!

Love Story is my favorite campaign I think.  Gorgeous pictures.  :wub:


Yes, I FINALLY got that damn Love Story campiagn! Mind you, it ended up costing me $80 which did no make me very happy... and I still haven't gotten it in the mail... :cry:

But my birthday is coming up pretty soon so I was just like... damn, I'll just get myself a freaking early present! :whistle:

And congrats on the Fall 2001 catalog! It has some crazy pretty pictures in it! :heart:

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about the "creation"catalog

it is no a really catalogue made for the guess campaign

exist only 1 copy

it's only a work of the stylist

I speked with her much

to know if we can have it

or if exist other

if someone can buy etc etc

but no

she have just the photos from the guess

and she made it

like everyone can made!

just take the photos

and cut, color, write on it etc

and we have also a 'creation' catalog!

by the way

i'm really happy that u bought this catalog!

I have lost again (is the third!) the catalog Winter 2002

I have need to buy it! I hope to see it soon in ebay ;)


That makes sense about the Creation catalog... it basically is just a bunch of Guess photos cut and pasted together... it's not even just one season, it even has seasons that Megan was never in...

And wow, you made contact with Veronique Droulez? Lucky!! I think she was basically the stylist Megan had for pretty much all the Guess campaign. Did she slip any cool info about Megan? ;)

Good luck with getting the Fall 2002 catalog! For some reason, the Fall Guess seasons were never as cool or nicely styled as the Spring ones, however. Maybe it's just me on that one though... :grudge:

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