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Candice Swanepoel


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What makes me sad is that this isn't the first time i see candice done that , she seems so nice on the vs events for her fans and everything but from what i have seen outside that ,like in the streets she seems always not be so smily and even deny photos , ok i was kinda harsh saying she was a bitchy i have to admit ...


AND from the video i saw a fan asking her very politely for a photo doesn't seem like a stalker just a normal fan, and ok she can have been with hurry or not be in the mood but when you are a model or a celebritie you have to be prepare for that kinda off stuffs and not  just ignore the people who admire you so much and even wait hours for see you and then they just say a cold no . it's understable that candice life isn't always easy like everyone's but i just think she should sometimes be more nice and accessible, and that video ins't the first time i see candice done that . but that's my honest opnion about this , because i still love candice and her work .

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What makes me sad is that this ins't the first time i see candice done that , she seems so nice on the vs events for her fans and everything but from what i have seen outside that ,like in the streets she seems always not be so smily and even deny photos , ok i was kinda harsh saying she was a bitchy i have to admit ...


AND from the video i saw a fan asking her very politely for a photo doesn't seem like a stalker just a normal fan, and ok she can have been with hurry or not be in the mood but when you are a model or a celebritie you have to be prepare for that kinda off stuffs and not  just ignore the people who admire you so much and even wait hours for see you and then they just say a cold no . it's understable that candice life isn't always easy like everyone's but i just think she should sometimes be more nice and accessible, and that video ins't the first time i see candice done that . but that's my honest opnion about this , because i still love candice and her work .

But is it always at the airport? She declines even when she is just going to the grocery store? I've never heard of it. And I don't know, but once someone has a camera on your face while talking to you, to me, it seems a little... agressive. You wanna talk to her, want her picture with you, ask before filming like 2 inches from her nose. I'm not saying it is right or wrong to film, but somethings are not black and white. Maybe they were harassing her before they started filming, because some people just want to bash on celebrities. I need to hear from a real fan that she was rude when they ran into her on the streets.

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I'm calling BS on those being actual fans anyway. I may be going out on a limb but I think we (the Candice page on bellazon) know what she's up to before anyone else. Besides press. Because they literally stay at LAX and wait for any celebrity to come through and harass for pictures/ autographs/ or opinions on things. I KNOW candice has stopped for things before (signing for people and taking pictures). It's most likely her management that told her to stop doing this unless Candice thought it was an actual fan because as stated they sell it and make money off of it. She is nothing but kind to actual fans. Even in the video Candice didn't seem as rude as she could've been. I'm just glad to see she was happier yesterday.

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Guys, those people in the video are NOT, I repeat, NOT real fans. They are all assholes who stalk airports in an attempt to get her to sign photos so that they can sell them on Ebay. GOOD for her that she didn't let them take advantage of her. Plus they were so disrespectful. They kept following her after she said 'no' countless times. Please don't judge her based on that video. No shade to Candice, all shade to those stupid autograph people at the airport.


It actually makes me upset because I've met Candice many times and she doesn't deserve to be treated like that. She's a nice lady who works hard and remains humble despite her success.


I've seen Candice about 3 times (candidly in NYC, she lives around the corner from me) and she is ALWAYS super nice and sweet with real fans.


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HAHA yes Candiceee!!! I love her. They need to leave her alone and thats it. They were very annoying, poor Candice... no one knows if she was having a bad day. She sounded so cute saying "no I can't" haha btw she was flawless in that video...I mean she always is.

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Guys, those people in the video are NOT, I repeat, NOT real fans. They are all assholes who stalk airports in an attempt to get her to sign photos so that they can sell them on Ebay. GOOD for her that she didn't let them take advantage of her. Plus they were so disrespectful. They kept following her after she said 'no' countless times. Please don't judge her based on that video. No shade to Candice, all shade to those stupid autograph people at the airport.


It actually makes me upset because I've met Candice many times and she doesn't deserve to be treated like that. She's a nice lady who works hard and remains humble despite her success.


I've seen Candice about 3 times (candidly in NYC, she lives around the corner from me) and she is ALWAYS super nice and sweet with real fans.


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You're so luuuucky ! she's so beautiful in the picture and i totally agree with you, she's  a hard working girl and even with her famous statut she's still so damn to earth.


I didn't find her "rude" okay she said no, then what? it's her right to. It's not like a singer or something, she's here because of her physical appearance first so it's all hers and then, people loved her more because of her personnality, so technically she don't own you anything... she said "no sorry"  that's nothing rude, it's polite too. I think it's rude to blame her just because she said no, we have to not forget that she's human and get all this attention can be bored sometimes, imagine you just arrived from -wedontknowhowmuchtimeofflight- you're tired and the only things you want is to get home and have some rest and people are jumping on you, i think it possibly can be really stressfull too so there's bunch of things we  have to take in count. Plus yea like people said now there's stalker and people who try to get autograph for selling me, it's not only her opinion, her agency and agent have a word to say about that we can't forget that too.

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Thanks LenoreX for those amazing vs shots :wub::heythere:

And thanks gab6565 for your message, didn't know this at all that there are people like that, in my country we don't have crazy things like that i believe, so guess i'm pretty naief on that area, but now i know :flower: really find that awfull of those people to make money like that, so very good how she react :thumbsup:

Some new candids from shooting VS swim :heart:

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