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Candice Swanepoel


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You both missed the point completely.  There is nothing wrong with them getting hammered, especially at a bachelorette party, just leave it off camera.  They are in a business where image is everything, and like it or not, people (including myself) have certain expectations.  What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas?


You then probably never saw any of their work with Terry Richardson.

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lol yeah a lot of lolzz


but still, i also think some things should be kept private, just in terms of her relations with clients. not that this pic would ruin her career of course not, but in general, it's not good to instagram everything, every moment, every wasted moment :p

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I have to agree a little bit with Avika. I don't drink and I don't support that habbit, but they are pretty well behaved all the time. They like drinking a little bit and they are all "family" to each other, getting married is a big step in someone's life, so... Let them have it just for a moment :p



("Viva Brazil", haha so cute, thank you, badboy!  :hug: )

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Are you guys seriously nit-picking that a picture was posted that models may possibly be intoxicated and therefor she's suddenly a terrible person? Their instagram accounts belong to them, personally, not Victoria's Secret, or their modeling agency. If they wanted to, they could choose to make them private and not allow any of us to see the pictures that they post. Lets not forget, these woman are normal people too, with lives just like ours, so please stop judging them when they act like normal people. You look at one photo and make your own assumptions that because they look "blitzed" that must mean they're doing something terrible? This is probably one of the reasons Candice has slowed down on posting things on instagram that aren't related to work these days. Quit being so damn judgmental. Just because you don't drink, doesn't mean someone else can't. They're all of legal age, and its not like they posted a photograph of themselves doing something illegal like climbing behind the wheel with half consumed bottles of alcohol. Besides, we don't even know what was really going on in that photo. You can interpret it as them being drunk, maybe they were tired, or hungover. Why does anyone need to pick apart a silly little photograph? Seriously, its things like this that drive me away from coming to this forum. Some (not all by any means) of you act like you need to dictate what Candice does with her life. You complain about so many things from how she poses, to pictures she posts, to jobs she does and everything in between. She's a celebrity that you admire, but that in no way shape or form means that you have any say in how she lives her life, so please stop pretending that you do. If you don't like it, then choose to quietly stop being a fan instead of constantly complaining about her.

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Hey, calm down, crazy ride :( I guess people here know that what they say does not affect Candice's decision about her personal life and she is also a famous person, there are people saying what she should or should not do all the time. She is used to that. If she were to worry or listen to everyone....... I'm sure people here meant no harm, they just worry about her losing jobs or something over a picture. In my opinion, that would never happen to a picture like that, they were pretty well behaved. Still dressed and all!  :nicole:  Just kidding. But seriously, I'm pretty sure I can say for almost everyone here that we know Candice is an amazing woman. She herself probably knows. Even if she got wasted and someone had to take her home cause she forgot her name and address or couldnt even speak once in a while, that wouldn't change the amazing professional she is, and certainly not the good, sweet, funny and smart girl she is. I don't know, I'm sure everyone meant no harm and was just too worried, almost like a mom. Fans sometimes act like overprotective moms  :nicole: Anyways... Back to Candy Candy  :heart:

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