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Behati Prinsloo


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Sexy lingerie is all well and good and don't get me wrong im not complaining :p . But to be honest its a lot easier for models to look sexy in lingerie then it is in a hoddie and some joggers. because with lingerie it meets them half way. Its the average days clothes like above that accentuates how sexy a women is...Therefore i find these kinda of pictures just as or even more sexy then those where they are wearing swimwear or lingerie. And Behati exploits my point more then most.

Sexy, adorable and just down right bloody lovely :heart:

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Sexy lingerie is all well and good and don't get me wrong im not complaining :p . But to be honest its a lot easier for models to look sexy in lingerie then it is in a hoddie and some joggers. because with lingerie it meets them half way. Its the average days clothes like above that accentuates how sexy a women is...Therefore i find these kinda of pictures just as or even more sexy then those where they are wearing swimwear or lingerie. And Behati exploits my point more then most.
^Absolutely! I'm quite bored of reading (on other threads and forums) that Behati isn't "sexy". That's kind of dependent on what your parameters of "sexy" are. If it's a girl leaning forward in lingerie and pouting whilst a fan blows her hair about then fair enough - she's maybe not for you (although I fear your tastes are rather obvious and limited!). That's not her forte... But if it's a glint in the eye, a coy smile, or spontaneous and infectious laughter then it doesn't matter how little she is wearing. That she has it all underneath that clothing anyway is just an added bonus!

Rather pertinently, this new VS PINK set is called 'Let's get dressed':

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For me, people who claim that Behati is not sexy and just "utterly cute" are half-blind and close minded. Sorry guys... I´m not taking that back! *fight*

She is sexy within. She doesn´t need sexy clothes or lingerie to look sexy. It´s inside of her. And, for me, THAT is the definition of being sexy - it have to start inside... otherwise you can try as hard as you can and never be trully "sexy" - just plain.

and that´s the end of the most times of "sexy" words in my one post!!!

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^Well i think the quality that Behati has over most other models is that she can play the utterly cute "girl next door" look better then most :whistle: (doesn't ofcourse mean she isn't sexy :p) Making her dare I say more attainable in guy's eyes. Its alot easier to imagine being with a cute girl next door then a dead drop gorgeous girl. So in order to keep the fantasy of going out with her they like to keep her as a cute girl next door. As opposed to the sexy runway girl that she can also be :)

...i dunno just a theory :whistle:

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^Well i think the quality that Behati has over most other models is that she can play the utterly cute "girl next door" look better then most :whistle: (doesn't ofcourse mean she isn't sexy :p) Making her dare I say more attainable in guy's eyes. Its alot easier to imagine being with a cute girl next door then a dead drop gorgeous girl. So in order to keep the fantasy of going out with her they like to keep her as a cute girl next door.
^I guess that depends where you live - as girls next door in Buenos Aires are more inclined to look like Ale and Izabel Goulart! :hehe:

This poor little VS shot never got to make it into "HQ":


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^Well i think the quality that Behati has over most other models is that she can play the utterly cute "girl next door" look better then most :whistle: (doesn't ofcourse mean she isn't sexy :p) Making her dare I say more attainable in guy's eyes. Its alot easier to imagine being with a cute girl next door then a dead drop gorgeous girl. So in order to keep the fantasy of going out with her they like to keep her as a cute girl next door.
^I guess that depends where you live - as girls next door in Buenos Aires are more inclined to look like Ale and Izabel Goulart! :hehe:

This poor little VS shot never got to make it into "HQ":


No argument there. However this does defeat the whole concept of the girl next door look mind :whistle:

Love the colors on her...and the smile is killer :blush:

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