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Behati Prinsloo


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Won't embed! Old video of Behati filmed by Vincent Lacroq.

^That really is rather fantastic! Thank you, silken... post-33394-0-1446068359-25538_thumb.gif

Yeah, I can't get vimeo to embed anymore either. Used to be able to. :idk: Maybe one of the magic pixies here will oblige?

will do my best to get it for us guys, thanks everytone

embed a vimeo video on BZ? when was that possible?

you guys should get a vimeo account to be able to dl vids from there (and because vimeo vids are generally better and more "serious" than YT) just like andre (thx btw) did.

....if you're to lazy to open a new tab...:


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NEED better wordsss... good enough ones just don't exist to explain this .. aahhhhhhhh i'm like literally spazzing out right now. That video is OMGWOWYAYYYY and then epicawesome pics and i justttt *SPLODE**

This more than makes up for having to stay up all night to do homework

Baron, you are a godsend, sent to share with us an angel of perfection :heart::wub: I want to give you a huge hug right now in a totally non gay way

also, is it just me, or is there something different about her in those shots?? :blink:

EDIT: HOLDON, did she really just use the word "Rad" at 0:42?? DUDE THAT'S MY WORD!!!! :angry: I haven't met anybody else who uses that word!! As if I didn't have enough reasons to like her, now I have one more!

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Baron, you are a godsend, sent to share with us an angel of perfection :heart::wub: I want to give you a huge hug right now in a totally non gay way

also, is it just me, or is there something different about her in those shots?? :blink:

^You know, in Argentina, we still kiss other guys (on the cheek, mind you) - so a hug is perfectly acceptable! :hug:

As for her looking different, well aside from the inevitable ageing process it's probably just that these NEXT shots aren't as heavily photoshopped as VS are... She looks supremely fresh and healthy here. (Y)

There were a few more, squirrelled away in an "Essentials" section:

post-11221-1299760731_thumb.jpg post-11221-1299760764_thumb.jpg post-11221-1299760791_thumb.jpg

post-11221-1299760812_thumb.jpg post-11221-1299760832_thumb.jpg post-11221-1299760849_thumb.jpg

And, in all the excitement, I forgot to thank andre and the good Capt. Icey for the download and YouTube upload respectively of that Vimeo number... :heythere:

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wowww! Thanks very much both of you!! She looks amazing, I think she looks more like a woman now, and her body is incredible, its always amaze me that her legs are so heavily photoshoped in all the editorial (like the vogue turkey one)when she has such good and healthy legs! thankkksss :) :) :)

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B im sooooooooo loving her in the white dresses, something so whimsical about seeing her in those, as for the swi, VA VA VA VOOOMMMMMMMMMM, so NICE to see a healthy girl in a 2 piece, not a skin and bones chica prancing around, ribs & hip bones poking. there is a alot to be siad for a beautifully shaped woman. PS loving her freckles, thanks again B for your posts

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Behati Prinsloo and Chanel Iman Talk Spring Break Essentials


Victoria's Secret Pink models Behati Prinsloo and Chanel Iman are heading down to Miami for the Pink Beach Bash next Wednesday—an event they're co-hosting in South Beach with the guys from MTV's The Buried Life and that's open to members of the free VS program Pink Nation.

What are Prinsloo and Iman's favorite songs? How do they pick up cute guys? And how do these two models stay in shape all year round? Answers are after the jump.

What is your ultimate spring break song?

Behati: Smashing Pumpkins' 1979 brings back great summer memories. I also have an amazing reggae playlist that I listen to a lot on the beach.

Chanel: Easy—Black Eyed Peas' "The Time (Dirty Bit)"

What is the best way to pick up a boy on the beach?

Behati: Make the first move if you like a boy on the beach. Just be yourself, wear a sexy little bikini, and go for it.

Chanel: Eye contact is key.

What's in your beach bag?

Behati: Sunglasses, sunblock, iPod with speakers, cover-up, and a good book.

Chanel: Tanning oil.

Any workouts or special diets before you hit the beach?

Behati: I like doing Pilates all through the year so when Spring Break comes I don't feel like I need to go crazy at the gym to get in shape. I don't believe in diets—try and have a healthy balance of good food and exercise through the year so when Spring Break comes you feel ready for your bikini.

Chanel: I do a lot of squats and sit-ups before I hit the beach.

(Source: racked.com)
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"And, in all the excitement, I forgot to thank andre and the good Capt. Icey for the download and YouTube upload respectively of that Vimeo number... heythere.gif"

You're welcome (and Iceeagel too) And thank you for those NEXT pictures (a just cause for excitement :laugh:)

I agree with little miss sunshine and Airis7 that she's more beautiful like this. When they haven't photoshopped the life out of her. Because Behati's freckles (and freckles in general) are sexy!

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