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If only history provided us with reasons why establishing such standards, measuring these things, and attributing them (or not) to physical attributes might be bad.

Why? Is this not part of natural selection?



That's what scientific racists, eugenicists, and later, actual Nazis thought. 


I'm not surprised we've ended up here given the earlier reference to craniometry.


This is a bad thread.

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If only history provided us with reasons why establishing such standards, measuring these things, and attributing them (or not) to physical attributes might be bad.

Why? Is this not part of natural selection?



That's what scientific racists, eugenicists, and later, actual Nazis thought. 


I'm not surprised we've ended up here given the earlier reference to craniometry.


This is a bad thread.

People who do that oftern twist science to suit their political agenda, so what they do is not real science. Even that wikipedia article argue against Nordic mythicism, the pet theory of most scientific racists who happen to be of Nordic origins. But, I suppose, that sort of irony would fly over someone with the stereotypical Nordic beauty as his avatar.

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So your comeback is that by pointing out the racist history of the kind of thinking this thread exhibits, I'm a secret racist, because I like one blonde woman? 


Great sociology goin' on in this thread. I expect you'll be ready to publish soon.


In any case, you're wrong. Those political agendas were adopted, promoted, and perpetuated deliberately by self-professed and widely-acknowledged "real scientists" for a very long time. That's what makes them, and casual references to "natural selection," in the context of this thread so odious. Anyway, I've had enough.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You come to my thread assuming the worst of my motives. Instead of asking me for clarifications, like what normal people do whenever they are suspicious,  you continued fueling your own biases by reading into my brief responses what you see to be undeniable evidence of my evil motives. You not only twist my words out of context, but you inserted words into my mouth. Then, you try to be snarky and caricaturize me. 


So, I reciprocated, mirroring your deeds in an attempt to expose the irony of it all. And I guess I must have touched a nerve, possibly exposing your social justice bravado as a ludicrous subterduge to project your own racism on me.

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  • 8 years later...

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