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Bar Refaeli


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Calista: sorry but this sentence is very silly:

I would like to see her with a famous actor like rayan reynolds or a singer like justin timberlake or a soccer player or a prince (LOL). But with someone more beautiful and more rich than leo.

I know Leo's not perfect and wasn't the best boyfriend and I agree in some points with you, it's time for him to grow up! But you think the most important for Bar is to date a more rich, more famous and beautiful than Leo, if this is what you wish for Bar I feel sorry for you because this is really shallow. I have sure Bar can find any boyfriend better than Leo and she will, this is a fact but I think she will found a good guy because of her personality, not because she's one of most beautiful woman in the world and it's just 26, really your thoughts are very childish. Just saying!!!

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Calista: sorry but this sentence is very silly:

I would like to see her with a famous actor like rayan reynolds or a singer like justin timberlake or a soccer player or a prince (LOL). But with someone more beautiful and more rich than leo.

I know Leo's not perfect and wasn't the best boyfriend and I agree in some points with you, it's time for him to grow up! But you think the most important for Bar is to date a more rich, more famous and beautiful than Leo, if this is what you wish for Bar I feel sorry for you because this is really shallow. I have sure Bar can find any boyfriend better than Leo and she will, this is a fact but I think she will found a good guy because of her personality, not because she's one of most beautiful woman in the world and it's just 26, really your thoughts are very childish. Just saying!!!


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Bar should find a nice guy to have babies with.

I think that if she would date another famous guy again, she would get major golddigger-reactions and stuff

(which is not true at all, but people are so ignorant :( )

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Leo DiCaprio & Bar Refaeli Say They’re ‘Friends’, But Can You Truly Be Friends With An Ex?

Can an ex-boyfriend suddenly turn into a friend?

ShareSix years, one breakup and many speculated breakups later, Leonardo DiCaprio and his model girlfriend, Bar Refaeli, are finally and truly over. The gorgeous couple broke up last week after going through a “rough patch.” However, the two are said to still be friends — which presents the question: can you really be friends with an ex?

Leo and Bar dated for four years before taking a six-month break in 2009; they rekindled their romance last year. Although it seems like they tried their hardest, they still couldn’t make it work. ”It was amicable, they’re still friends and they are still talking,” a source close to the couple told the NY Post, adding, “They just grew apart and went their separate ways.” Agrees a HollywoodLife.com source, “It was just time [to break up]. They care about each other but sometimes you reach a point in a relationship where it’s time for all to move on.”

So, do these two recent exes have an actual shot at friendship, or is this completely impossible?

In this case, I think it would be almost strange if Bar and Leo didn’t remain friends. Obviously we don’t know the entire story, but if it was really time to move on and both parties realized this, then there were no hurt feelings, no one person wanting things to continue while the other wanted to split up. This isn’t always the case, but more often than not the breakup playing field has to be equal for an ex-couple to continue being chummy.

If he broke your heart, you’re probably not going to want to be his best buddy. And even if you do want to be his pal (and mostly so you can spend time with him) will it be true friendship? Or will it be an attempt to hold on to a love lost?

The bottom line is this: if you didn’t truly love him and you’re an easygoing kind of gal, it’s going to be much easier to remain friends. But if you loved him, well, you should probably let go of him in every single way. Don’t delude yourself that being ‘friends’ will make the break easier: it won’t.


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Cleaned out all of the Bar & Leo nonsense.

In case this wasn't made clear enough in the past, this is Bar Refaeli's thread. All discussion should center around her.

If you are going to discuss her now ex-boyfriend and it devolves into a border-line flame war, we will step in.

Di Caprio is not entirely off limits as a topic of discussion, but considering that they are now no longer an item we will keep a close tabs on all posts that focus on him and at the first hint of the petty infighting that has become a staple of this thread in the past, we will delete the (possibly) inflammatory posts and hand out infractions. Consider yourself warned.

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Cleaned out all of the Bar & Leo nonsense.

In case this wasn't made clear enough in the past, this is Bar Refaeli's thread. All discussion should center around her.

If you are going to discuss her now ex-boyfriend and it devolves into a border-line flame war, we will step in.

Di Caprio is not entirely off limits as a topic of discussion, but considering that they are now no longer an item we will keep a close tabs on all posts that focus on him and at the first hint of the petty infighting that has become a staple of this thread in the past, we will delete the (possibly) inflammatory posts and hand out infractions. Consider yourself warned.

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Just because they broke up, doesn't mean it wasen't great five years. This is what matter now.

I bet Bar can find some another guy. This is not the end of the world.

If they really didn't want to get married, they took the best decision.

She should enjoy her youth, and then, find someone. I'm saying that because I'm 24 and broke up two months ago with my fiance.

At this moment we should be married. But, you know... I'm happier now as single. We weren't ready for commitment.

I think the same happened to Leo and Bar. Hope Bar is feeling great now! :)

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