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Bar Refaeli


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Exaclty Solange_09.

And well, nobody imagined that Bar would be on VS now... I mean on a photoshoot...

And she is and she's gorgeous.

Btw, probably she's on Adriana Lima's place cause she's pregnant. So... I hope when Adriana comes back (and she will), Bar stays as well.

What do you think?

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not just Adriana Lima but Karolina kurkova is also pregnant... I can't see why she couldn't be in VSFS runway, she's much more beautiful than some models that are there like Marisa Miller, I don't think she's all that pretty. I think Bar have a feminine curvy body and a beautiful face, and in my point of view she could do the VSFS pretty well and like an Angel also!

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I totally agree. And btw, many models there are also curvy even if a little... they like it.

Honestly, I won't be impressed if we see her there. I mean, I can perfeclty imagine. She's already doing shoots and we all see she's really growing.

Anyway... Bar's beautiful. If they don't put her there... for me it's their loss. She's amazing.

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Hi everyone! I knew about the VS, but I did not know when we'd see the pics.

I posted this on July 21st 2009:

According to this article, Bar is currently in the Carribeans for a Victoria's Secret photoshoot.


Also, it says that Teddy Sagi, one of Israel's richest men, who lives between London and Berlin, has invited Bar to attend Britney Spears concert in Berlin on July 26. Of course, as expected, the picture only shows Bar photographed with the guy... While there were probably lots of friends or relatives of Bar around them. And the Walla reporter probably avoided to write that Bar was going to Britney's concert with friends as well.

So they were right about the photoshoot in the Carribeans.

Thanks also for the news about Bar being the new model for Moralleto jewelry! The pictures are beautiful and she looks so classy!

I am glad she could make it to the Madonna concert with her little brother. That was so cute! :)

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I actually really like those VS shots. As for her replacing Adriana, I doubt that very much. Actually, I don't doubt it, I know it is never happening. We don't even know if Bar is on the path of becoming an Angel because these are her first shots and Adriana is giving birth soon so she'll be back in 2-3 months anyway. Trust me, you'll know when they're considering someone for an Angel. She has a long way to go. For some reason, I can't see her at the VSFS though. Not that it's some HF runway or anything. I think it's because I've never seen her walk for anything. We'll see though! I'm sure she has to audition.

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I actually really like those VS shots. As for her replacing Adriana, I doubt that very much. Actually, I don't doubt it, I know it is never happening. We don't even know if Bar is on the path of becoming an Angel because these are her first shots and Adriana is giving birth soon so she'll be back in 2-3 months anyway. Trust me, you'll know when they're considering someone for an Angel. She has a long way to go. For some reason, I can't see her at the VSFS though. Not that it's some HF runway or anything. I think it's because I've never seen her walk for anything. We'll see though! I'm sure she has to audition.

No disrespect to you, but I doubt the lack of runway experience (Bar has had some though) is what VS looks for in picking an Angel for their show because like it's been pointed out before, some of them haven't walked on them in other shows. It's more personality and looks and a great body which Bar has and she has become somewhat well-known. It won't be necessarily to replace someone like Adriana or Alessandria. There are other VS models who aren't well-known and IMO, don't have half the assets Bar has.

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pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics

th_170c6947885699.gif/monthly_09_2009/post-8541-0-1593838345-7922_thumb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt="BarRefaeli465.jpg"> th_5654a547885707.gif/monthly_09_2009/post-8541-0-1593838345-91037_thumb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt="BarRefaeli464.jpg"> th_2eb5b247885711.gif/monthly_09_2009/post-8541-0-1593838346-01286_thumb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt="BarRefaeli468.jpg"> th_94e5f547885718.gif/monthly_09_2009/post-8541-0-1593838346-16353_thumb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt="BarRefaeli403.jpg">

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WOW, So Bar is doing some catalog work for VS. She looks amazing. Its nice to see another curvy model doing this kind of stuff. I also like how VS is adding in more curvy models to model for them. I hope we see some more pics of Bar for VS. But like some others say, I hope she doesn't replace Adriana, I like her too and since she is pregnant she is going to come back after she has the baby. But I do like her modeling for them

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Omg gorgeous!

And about "replacing" Adriana... is not forever as I said [but it seems the post were deleted... :blink:] just... they need more models. That's it. Simple. And Bar is perfect. As she would be perfect on runway and I woudln't be surprised to see her there. Would be awsome!

And well, nobody believed she would even shot, so what's wrong about thinking that she can be an Angel as as well? Or even not an Angel but still...

I think that point so useless to discuss cause nobody can know if she'll actualy be or not.

Thaaanks Matute! :heart:

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Thanks for all the new pics!

& about Bar doin' the VSFS, now that she's on the catalogue i can see that totally happenin'... You don't need to be a runway model to be there, i mean i LOVE Marisa Miller -2nd fav. Angel after Dri of course- but did you guys see her walk in 2007? it was almost painful to see -but she was lookin' amazingly hot BTW- ... So i think Bar has a lot of chances to be there! ... But replacin' Adri? HA! That's so not goin' to happen Adriana is pregnant but she's still an Angel -the best one <3- ... & any model will replace her never! VS never replace models, did anyone saw someone replacin' Gisele? B/c i haven't see that yet ... I would love to see Bar as Angel but like Savanna said has a long way to go, IMO the next Angels are Emanuela de Paula & Candice Swanepeol, they both have been' workin' for VS for a while, they don't make you an Angel out of nothing ... But if she does more work for them i can totally see her as an Angel in the next two or three years! :heart:

That bein' said, i can't wait for the VSFS & see if the lovely Bar is there, that would be AMAZING!

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