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Bar Refaeli


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Incoming rant in... [btw, I was in a horrible mood coming into this thread because of stuff going on in my personal life.... so enjoy]






OMFG shut up about Leo and Bar! No one gives a shit about their relationship, and if you do I hope you get ass cancer. Can some of you people stop with the uber fanatical focus on them, and focus on your own lives, or lack thereof. Perhaps if you focused on your own life and less on hers, you might one?! Hmm just a thought :angry: :o :anger: :beating: :persuazn: :banghead:

Edit: It takes waaayyy to my energy to give a shit about these people.

1. This is a thread about BAR not Leo, so please don't bring him up unless it's in passing. Example: "omg Bar and Leo look cute"... "I heard they broke up, that's sad" :kiss:

2. What bearing does Bar and Leo being together or not have to do with YOUR LIFE? Why are people so goddamn fixated on them? If they're together good for them, if they aren't OH WELL! Deal.

3. Come to the thread, look at the pictures, make a comment about how she looks, thank someone for pictures, or talk about an upcoming project

4. Leave the fucking thread.... Go elsewhere, look at other models, take a poll, pip, bump, or go away from the puter.

Tis that simple ppl.

Jesus Christ stop making a fucking federal case out of everything to do with these two

That is all. Have a nice day/evening.

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it's mainly the nutjobs and anti-Bar people who keep bringing the "he who should not be talked about here" drama. Hopefully, it will die soon. Also, it is VERY slow news on Bar and her work lately. No new ads, no new covers, not much of anything :-(((((.

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&& Good for Leo. So happy he managed to find some shoes to go out somewhere.
No matter what Gisele says, I still think he's a douche. But I'm always open to being proven wrong.

First of all, LOL at the shoes comment. Second, I mainly discuss Bar here for obvious reasons but I'm a fan of Leo's first and Bar's second and when I do bring him up, it's usually just in reference or for convenience or as of late, to clear up the ignorance in this thread. A lot of people here don't seem to understand the business, or simply humanity sometimes. Regardless, and I realize this is probably not the place for it, but since you posted it here, what makes you think Leo is a douche? You're entitled to your own opinion but with as much as I know about the guy, I find this a very strange thing to say about him. If he's a douche, I'd hate to think of what you think about... P.Diddy, for example, who I think is a real fuckjob.

As for everything else, can Bar get a vacation, people? Leo's in London filming and she's spending some time with the fam. I thought I already explained this fifty times in this thread but if I have to do it again, I will. These people are working celebrities, with busy schedules. They're independent, confident people who trust each other to spend time apart and not feel the need to have meltdowns in public and talk about their relationship status. Is everyone so hungry for pictures of them together that we just assume they're broken up when you don't get what you want? Bar has had a very busy 2009 thus far, I don't blame her for wanting some time off. Not only that, but she's openly discussed how her next goal is family. The girl is not warped by fame or money enough to keep striving for billionaire-hood, so just leave her be.

Lye, thanks for the pictures, gorgeous. <3

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Incoming rant in... [btw, I was in a horrible mood coming into this thread because of stuff going on in my personal life.... so enjoy]






OMFG shut up about Leo and Bar! No one gives a shit about their relationship, and if you do I hope you get ass cancer. Can some of you people stop with the uber fanatical focus on them, and focus on your own lives, or lack thereof. Perhaps if you focused on your own life and less on hers, you might one?! Hmm just a thought :angry: :o :anger: :beating: :persuazn: :banghead:

Edit: It takes waaayyy to my energy to give a shit about these people.

1. This is a thread about BAR not Leo, so please don't bring him up unless it's in passing. Example: "omg Bar and Leo look cute"... "I heard they broke up, that's sad" :kiss:

2. What bearing does Bar and Leo being together or not have to do with YOUR LIFE? Why are people so goddamn fixated on them? If they're together good for them, if they aren't OH WELL! Deal.

3. Come to the thread, look at the pictures, make a comment about how she looks, thank someone for pictures, or talk about an upcoming project

4. Leave the fucking thread.... Go elsewhere, look at other models, take a poll, pip, bump, or go away from the puter.

Tis that simple ppl.

Jesus Christ stop making a fucking federal case out of everything to do with these two

That is all. Have a nice day/evening.

OMG ... I love you Pretty! :heart:

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As for everything else, can Bar get a vacation, people? Leo's in London filming and she's spending some time with the fam. I thought I already explained this fifty times in this thread but if I have to do it again, I will. These people are working celebrities, with busy schedules. They're independent, confident people who trust each other to spend time apart and not feel the need to have meltdowns in public and talk about their relationship status. Is everyone so hungry for pictures of them together that we just assume they're broken up when you don't get what you want? Bar has had a very busy 2009 thus far, I don't blame her for wanting some time off. Not only that, but she's openly discussed how her next goal is family. The girl is not warped by fame or money enough to keep striving for billionaire-hood, so just leave her be.

Thanks, that's exactly what i tried to say some posts behind. :heart:

She's a good person, she worked to arrive where she is now, so, she deserves to have some vacation and to see her family if she wants. Just cause she's not out there in the US right now it doesn't mean it's over for her. I think that's so stupid.

People always try to judge like if it's them there. It's easier just to speak. <_<

Anyway, Bar is gorgeous and I wish all the best for her :heart:

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OMG, she looks so beautiful!

You think there are some bigger of those? :drool:

Se tem eu não sei.Até hoje eu não encontrei em nenhum lugar. :wave:

Tudo bem, são lindas de qualquer forma *-*

E apanharemos por falar em português, eu acho hahah

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