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31 minutes ago, canirove said:

She has also been more followed since she signed with adidas and swarovski.

And she said on some interviews she gave in Spain at the end of 2016 that she wanted to keep her relationship more private, and I understand her. She has to deal with the crazy Kaylor fans (those who think that she and Taylor are on a secret relationship and that her relationship with Joshua is fake and a contract to cover that he is gay), and also people who hate on her just because she is related to the Kushners, and they are related to Trump.

I actually think that what she is doing, staying low profile, is the best thing to do until Trump becomes president and things settle down a bit. If they do settle down.


We'll see. I don't understand why they would need to hide. Joshua isn't close to Trump administration and seems to be pro-Democrat just like Karlie. So them "hiding" because of Trump makes no sense.


As for Kaylor fans, that's all on Swift (and I suspect Karlie too) since Taylor was liking Kaylor posts on tumblr and it exploded from there even into mainstream media. Maybe there was some smoke there, maybe they were just messing around but TS loves to pull that shit in the media. That's the part why she's so successful as a brand.


I still don't think paps follow Karlie, but they're being called where and when she will be present so they take the pics. I highly doubt a pap is camping outside of her house every day to take her photo. It's how industry works, I guess.

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7 minutes ago, Schemer said:


We'll see. I don't understand why they would need to hide. Joshua isn't close to Trump administration and seems to be pro-Democrat just like Karlie. So them "hiding" because of Trump makes no sense.

I've seen people trying to explain that to those who hate on him (especially the Kaylors), and they don't get it. It's like talking to a wall :rofl: They see the small connection to Trump and instantly hate him. They don't care that people who have met Josh have said that he isn't like his brother Jared.

Karlie and Josh have always been very private about their relationship, and last year, that they were a bit more open, they got a lot of hate. Hate that grew a lot after the elections. So I get that they have decided to go back to what they used to do and keep it for themselves. It isn't just because of Trump, but it is one of the reasons. At least that's what I think.


25 minutes ago, Schemer said:

I still don't think paps follow Karlie, but they're being called where and when she will be present so they take the pics. I highly doubt a pap is camping outside of her house every day to take her photo. It's how industry works, I guess.

It is how it works. The paps don't follow Karlie, someone from her team or the brands she works for calls them. Lately the photos we've had are from things related to Swarovski, going to the gym wearing all adidas, or after the Carolina Herrera event. They look casual but everything is planned before hand and it is related to the contracts she currently has.

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She and her team definately call the paparazzi and that's the reason we don't see pictures of her with Josh. It is true that right now due to Trump and Jared in his team, being under the radar is best for them since they don't seem to be involved with anything related to that, especially with the inauguration being just around the corner. Wonder if they attend. No matter of what they voted and believe they are family. Well even if they do i'm not sure if we 'll pics of them

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18 hours ago, Schemer said:


We'll see. I don't understand why they would need to hide. Joshua isn't close to Trump administration and seems to be pro-Democrat just like Karlie. So them "hiding" because of Trump makes no sense.


As for Kaylor fans, that's all on Swift (and I suspect Karlie too) since Taylor was liking Kaylor posts on tumblr and it exploded from there even into mainstream media. Maybe there was some smoke there, maybe they were just messing around but TS loves to pull that shit in the media. That's the part why she's so successful as a brand.


I still don't think paps follow Karlie, but they're being called where and when she will be present so they take the pics. I highly doubt a pap is camping outside of her house every day to take her photo. It's how industry works, I guess.


Also, why would she care about appearing pro-Trump?

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On 18 January 2017 at 3:50 AM, SympathysSilhouette said:


Also, why would she care about appearing pro-Trump?

Maybe she can't deal or handle the haters or criticism ?..I'm not sure 

Not trump related, but Karlie and her team had to prove again and again she's bestfriends and close with TS thru social media. She received hate because of being with Kendall or talking about Kim ...Obviously, "kaylors" and "swifties" are her biggest supporters right now. I don't think she wants to add anti-trump haters? I don't know 

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On 17/01/2017 at 10:27 AM, canirove said:

^ bigger

By: Samantha Sutton
Styling: Alec Kugler




The face of Carolina Herrera's new fragrance, Good Girl, has a few feel-good tricks.

Even if you lived under a rock for the past few years, unaware that Karlie Kloss was a top model, entrepreneur, and total tech queen, you’d still be in awe the moment you met her. Aside from enviable good looks, she has a strange yet wonderful ability to make you feel special, complimenting your outfit and offering you something to drink.

In fact, mere minutes in Karlie’s presence might make you realize a key to her success: she’s a nice girl—a good girl. But that doesn’t mean she can’t have a bad-ass side, too. It’s the model’s balance of good and bad that makes her the perfect fit for promoting Carolina Herrera’s new fragrance, Good Girl, which just launched in the United States. The story behind the name—that women can be powerful and feminine at the same time—is something Karlie can relate to.

You can tell this gig makes Karlie happy, too, as she laughs alongside Carolina Jr. and shares, with a grin, that she owns a special Swarovski crystal bottle of the fragrance, which she’s afraid to use up. It makes us want to be just as happy—to feel just as good as Karlie—so we asked the model for some tips, along with more info on Good Girl (which, by the way, is also really, really good).

On why this partnership is such a good fit:

I really identify with [the] good-girl lifestyle, because I am definitely more of a good girl, but Im not boring! I like to have fun. [The message is] about the fact that you can be this very chic, confident, powerful woman, but also very feminine, soft, and sensual. The undertones [of the fragrance] are both very sweet and very spicy. So there are white flowers that are more on the sweet side, and there are cacao beans, tonka beans, and this more spicy kick to it. It’s not overpowering. This is one of those fragrances that when someone walks through the room, it catches your attention.

The place that always makes her feel good:

There is no place like home! I always feel really good when I go home, especially to my grams house. I know everything in her house—I can literally visualize every picture frame on every wall. Its where I spent a lot of my childhood. In my grams kitchen, she taught me to bake and [we] would always spend the weekends there. She is one of the most influential women in my life, so her house is definitely my happy place!

A workout that makes her feel good:

I like doing intensive cardio; getting a really good run in—5 to 8 miles—on a beautiful day. Just put on your tennis shoes and go see the city, no matter where you are. That is always my favorite exercise. Other than that, I love to do strength training, whether thats Pilates or a circuit in a gym with weights or your own body weight. I really like mixing it up, but [doing] something that challenges you.

Something good she thinks about before going to sleep:

“I love to think about what Im going to eat for breakfast the next morning, actually. Those are the things that cross my mind. I love breakfast. I love making a delicious omelet with avocado. I love making banana pancakes, which is essentially just smashed bananas, eggs, and almond flour. Come over for breakfast sometime, I’ll whip you up a storm.”

How she gets in a good mood on a bad day:

I am definitely someone who believes in taking care of yourself and if you are having a rough day, get a massage! Get a pint of your favorite ice cream! Take care of yourself, indulge a little bit. I think self-care is so important because its hard for you to actually bring your best version of yourself to your job or to your loved ones or to your family when you dont feel really fulfilled. Whatever that is, whether thats getting a great workout in—thats a great stress reliever for me—or getting a great nights sleep or getting pampered. Or dark chocolate! There is that.

Her favorite feel-good movie:

“I love Julia Roberts 90s chick flicks. So, Pretty Woman. Really any Disney movie. Beauty and the Beast was one of my favorites. I love Cinderella. I love 101 Dalmatians. Recently, I love Toy Story. I mean, I feel like everything they come out with is great. A good chick flick, a good Disney movie, and Im a happy girl. And a pint of ice cream! Thats all I need.”


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source: thecoveteur

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True. Josh posted a picture with his brother from the White House and some people on the comments said they saw him at the March. Also some comments were not very nce so I get why Karlie tries to stay away from the haters.

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23 minutes ago, SympathysSilhouette said:

But her boyfriend was spotted at the march!


Well that's interesting. In that case I can't really explain why she didn't post anything.

Even Taylor Swift who shies away from politics posted on twitter but Karlie didn't do anything.





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