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Blake Lively


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Yeah, that sucks major balls that the film is getting negative reviews. Again, I wouldn't expect less from a film that deals with underage female sexuality and in such a brazen manner :/ And at least, from the little we hear of Blake's performance she's like ridiculously good in it as well as the rest of the cast even if the film is a little bit out there.

Here's a word from the author of the book the film was based on:

I cannot WAIT for folks everywhere to see the brilliant performances of Chloe Grace Moretz as Luli, Eddie Redmayne as Eddie, and Blake Lively as Glenda. (Not to mention Juliette Lewis, Alec Baldwin, Rory Culkin, Bob Stevenson and Ray McKinnon in the most gloriously uncomfortable scene I’ve seen in long time.) I’m telling you … this Martini guy knows how to get the performances.

Oh, you wait. Just you wait.

Sidebar: If you’re wondering which of these three leads is impossible to play the answer is: All of them.

Luli has to be precocious, smart, innocent, naive, flirty and charismatic… all in the space of about…um, five seconds. Eddie has to win your heart, You have to want to get in that truck. (And, by the way, I had an extremely cold-reputed female reviewer tell me… “Get in the truck, are you kidding me?! He couldn’t kick me OUT of that truck!” Thank you, Eddie Redmayne.) Then, of course, there is Glenda: The Good Witch smashed with Gena Rowlands in Cassavetes’ Gloria. Folks, Blake Lively hit it out of the park. Again, just you wait.

So, how did this happen? The short answer is: I got lucky.

But the more accurate, humble and honest answer is: I got really lucky.

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Hmm the TIFF rep said she couldn't make it because of a delayed shoot. Maybe it wasn't filming but a photo shoot? The Laguna Beach locale is interesting... that's where the story of Savages is based, though I don't think they've actually filmed there (they were filming in Dana Point last week, which is very close).

That's a great compliment from the author, aomg. :D Gena Rowlands is one of my all time favorite actresses!

For what it's worth, I'm seeing nothing but good things about Blake's performance from the TIFF tweeters who mention the cast. The movie is another story... people seem to love it or totally hate it. That it's dividing the film festival crowd -- normally more adventurous viewers than most -- tells me it's probably going to be a very hard sell to the general public.

Thank you for the AUS InStyle cover and interview, fash! :flower: Yes, I guess Blake will be watching over him and the rice baby from the newsstands :laugh:

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^Nice Anil!

Thanks fash for her Instyle cover! Reprint, but a lovely one! And thanks for the tweet about a possible photoshoot! That would be great if its true! I need new mag pics! :laugh:

And yeah Hick seems to be getting half and half reviews. Alot of the tweeters how are seeing it say blake is doing great and the movie was awesome, half the critics hate it. But thats what happens with movies sometimes where the audiance loves it, but the critics hate it!

And child, you will not miss it! :p

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The strongest aspect of the film is probably the performances by the three main actors. Moretz, as I said before, is a beautiful girl and she has a real magnetism to her. Here she proves that she also has some potential to develop real acting chops as well, but I don’t quite think she’s there yet. While she knocks a couple of scenes out of the park, there were a number of others where very serious things were happening to her and I don’t think she was able to convey the gravity of the situations nearly effectively enough. Blake Lively is nothing special, but she’s charming and vulnerable here as Glenda. The only thing I’ve seen her in before this was Green Lantern, and from her blank-faced performance in that film I had a theory that she was actually a store window mannequin brought to life and sent to Hollywood. I’m glad to see that isn’t true. The real find of the film is Eddie Redmayne as the earnest but unhinged redneck kid Eddie Kreezer. Redmayne goes to some really deep emotional places, he projects way more menace than he should be capable of, he’s captivating to watch work through conflicting motivations, and he’s able to create an organic, human character that I stayed with every step of the way despite the fact that he was working with some ridiculous material. This guy is good, and he needs to get some more work.

Same old: cast good, film bad.


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^What thats soo cool, where did you here that? I tryed looking for it on the internet but couldn't find!

and yeah I keep hearing good reviews of Blake and Chloes acting, but they are ripping the movie pretty bad. Thats too bad, because alot of the tweeters who have seen it say its good!

K! got the chance to exclusively catch up with Kelly Rutherford at Dolce and Gabbana’s Fashion Night Out last week where she revealed the latest on Gossip Girl and her on-screen daughter Blake Lively!

“It’s really fun to be back in the city. We’re just loving being back to work, filming while the weather is still nice. It’s great,” Kelly told OK!.

She added: “It’s so good to see everybody. I mean Blake looks amazing, it sounds like she’s had a wonderful summer.”

Did Blake tell Kelly anything about her recent summer vacation in France?

Kelly said no!

“I just saw photos. She hasn’t talked much about it. She was studying French or she was talking about studying French.”

Kelly thinks Blake may end up being just like another famous traveling star.

“She’s going to be the next Gwyneth Paltrow at the rate she’s going,” Kelly told OK!. “She is so talented at so many things.”


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Katch I just saw it on twitter that's why I said im waiting for an official source. Hope it pans out though.

From imdb:

I liked her in the movie, thought she was good. A very fun and funny kind of character, very "country gal" kind of character, especially when she meets Luli for the first time. Almost like a mother type to Chloe's character. The robbery scene was funny. She had some good subtle acting moments, when the story points began to unravel, like when she made the connection that the boy Luli was talking about was the same one she had a past with. Near the end, when she is trying to rescue Luli from the cabin and the standoff between the two and Eddie, that was good.

Juliette Lewis was great as always as well. Full on crazy like most of her characters.

Like I said before, it kind of felt like a lot of the characters just disappeared from the story, that they did their chunk of the story and then that was it, they just disappeared. There were a few references to them by the main characters throughout but I don't know it was weird, it felt like an absence because we didn't ever go back to them.

I don't know if this helps answer your questions about Blake. I saw 5 movies in 2 days over the weekend so I'm having a bit of trouble remembering some specifics. Eddie Redmayne was definitely the standout though, by far.

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^Oh I see it was a person on twitter who said it. Well lets hope its true, and if it is, I'm sure we'll get an official source soon!

Well the IMDB review was good! :) And Anil, curious do you speak the language of the cover and pics in the magazine you posted? If so could you translate the interview?

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So they just announced the last batch of Emmy presenters, and Ian Somerholder is on the list, but Blake is not :/


I really wish she was, because I need want Blake red carpet pics! Its been since the Teen Choice awards, and thats way to long ago!

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I posted this Lainey Gossip article on Leo's board, so I figured I should post it here as well :)

Missing Blake at TIFF

Blake Lively was on every list of expected attendees for TIFF 2011 for her movie Hick. And then the Hick premiere carpet came and went and she wasn’t on it. Instead, Chloe Moretz posed really hard.

Where was Blake?

Blake passed up a chance to promote her actress-ing at a film festival?

Blake was last photographed in New York working on Gossip Girl on Wednesday. Again, no one, not even sponsors, was told that she wouldn’t be in Toronto.

So...where is she?

Well, her boyfriend Leonardo DiCaprio has been shooting The Great Gatsby in Australia. And she’s already flown all the way over there once, for just 4 days, to see him. It’s a textbook Leo: spend a weekend undercover while all eyes are on Brange and Clooney at TIFF. See? Hardly anyone noticed. We were too busy being held hostage by George with Stacy for OVER FOUR HOURS.

If Blake did go to Australia though, I mean this is some kind of intense situation happening here. That Leo needs to see her as often as he does. That they can’t stand to be apart for too long. That he’s into her pretty hard right now, to the point where he’d ask her to skip her premiere. If she did go to Australia...

How did she DO that?

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Yeah I think she's really filming in Laguna Beach right now:

Vanochtend #LagunaBeach en op de set van nieuwe film #Savages met John Travolta en Blake Lively. t.co/LMozY5q t.co/sEco4aN


# Laguna beach this morning and on the set of new movie with John Travolta # Savages and Blake Lively. t.co/LMozY5q t.co/sEco4aN


(although I cant spot her in that pic but I think she's somewhere there)

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^Oh I see it was a person on twitter who said it. Well lets hope its true, and if it is, I'm sure we'll get an official source soon!

Well the IMDB review was good! :) And Anil, curious do you speak the language of the cover and pics in the magazine you posted? If so could you translate the interview?

I do not speak Italian very well but I'll try to translate. The interview is very good

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