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Laetitia Casta

Guest Anonymous

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Four :heart: Laetitias :heart: !!!!!!!! :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot:

:laugh: The Laetitia in red lingerie is smaller than the other 3 laetitia... Isn't it weird!!? (i am sooooooooooooooo blond sometimes!!)

Hey boys--Kiki's a blond! :brows:

Well--now my rice is burnt, as it took so long to read through the last page! :pinch:

I did fear she was secretly a blond.....rather than a blonde!!!! <_< The secret has been let out of the bag!!!!!! :ninja: Kiki is a dude!!!!! :cry2:

I'm sorry about your rice!!! Can I dial you a pizza!?

HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a "dirty" blondE!!!

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! :thumbsup:

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Nimzo, STOP treating Laetitia like a victim because she is not!

OrengeO, STOP posting stolen photos. I do not treat anybody like a victim.

You are really exaggerating and you make a lot of assumptions about what she thinks and feels.

You surely would not like to see your private life published on the Internet like you do for her.

I will argue each assumption if you wish details.

I think paparazzi need to have a limit and I also think that limit has not been crossed over yet.

That is the problem. A paparazzi by definition does not have any limit. He continuously shoots his target without scruples.

The chief editor of the publication has a limit to avoid a trial hence the fuzzy effect artificially added on the photos.

person while you are hidden behind a nickname.

I condemn without reserve your behavior.

I reply with the same aggressiveness of the stolen photos that you publish without asking for permission

while you will intrude on her private life.

1: EVERY PHOTO HERE IS STOLEN!! Do you think any of the person that has posted here has copy rights for that photos?!! I am a photographer and I know any photographer rights and I tell you that ANY of the photographers that have done the photos posted here and is in title to sue as!!

2: There is more publicity done here for Laetitia Casta than any mass media has done for her!! I don't by Vanity Fair, I don't watch France 2 and I haven't seen the last of her movies... if it wasn't for the people here or for the other websites just like this one she would have been the girl from the l'oreal long forgotten. AND in this case how many ratings do you think she would have on AlleCine? Or do you think it is fair to create a fake rate?!!.. don't bother to argue me on this because I have seen how many of ther 4 rated comments has been put by the people that have done their account in the same day and have only one comment!

I have a nick.. you have a nick.. everybody here has a nick.. so?!! What is your point?! I am not hidden... not more than you or anybody else here. It is only the nature of the website.

3.It is normal for a fan to want to know more about the person they are fan of. NOW, I don't think you are naive enough to think there is something int the showbizz that can not be fake?! ANYTHING!! Photos, movies, movies images, interviews, reportages. The only think that (maybe) can offer a little bit of the real person are the paparazzi shots. Even they are sometimes hired to do this job and even they trying to show something that is not there just to sell a pic.

4. There is nothing in the pics I have posted that she didn't show us already. The only difference is that the those pics ar not manipulated. Pregnant? Vanity Fair.. sister? look here there is with her sister also, boyfriend? there is, kissing (even more than that!) there are movies, swim suit ...plenty... her daughter..

I would post a picture of her suffering (in real life) or fighting to her boyfriend or stuff that are serious (I actually would even look if she were in front of me!) ..this would be transgression.. for the rest.. give me a break!

5. One thing is having an opinion an other is attaching a person (even with a nickname). I don't think you know the difference. This is the last time I replay to you. Please understand that I am not interested in what you have to say anymore. Don't bother to replay.. I won't read.

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Paparazzi, give me a break

... Give me a break...

I believed that OrengeO was a teenager, that does not seem to be the case. :(

My fake argument about the copyrights was enough sensitive to reveal the true character behind OrengeO.

Chapter 4 clearly indicates what kind of `serious pictures,' OrengeO dreams to share with us. :cry:

OrengeO actually could have the soul of a ... :ninja: paparazzi. :blink: :laugh:

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Yaaaaaaaaaaaay Kiki isn't really a Pierre after all!!! :clap:

How can burned rice with milk be delicious!!!!???? :x :idk: :yuckky:

I'm off out on my velo now.....sadly not with my favourite cyclist!! :cry2:


OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!! An English dude with taste!! :rofl: :rofl: I bet you'll find it delicious with a cup of tea! :morning: (yeah I know, I am the queen of clichés!") :kiss:

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