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Oh that's cliché!


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It's clichés time!!


let's sweep away the clichés

And for good!

"In France women are gorgeous but do not shave"



What are your clichés about foreign people?

And why?

You also can post to defend your honour and sweep away the fat clichés about your country.


"Ich bin ein deutscher,

Und ich liebe Würstchen!


Please refrain from posting idiot racist clichés
Thank you to Prettyphile & one of her post whom inspired for this thread
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Clichés about Americans from non-Americans (some will contradict each other, but I've heard each and every one before...) I will do cliches about other peoples next.

-Americans are one homogeneous mass of people.

-Americans are paranoid about how they are hated all over the world.

-Americans like wearing T-shirts and Jeans.

-Hamburger, Hotdog, Pizza, Mickey Mouse, Disneyworld....

-Americans are fat

-Americans live long, peaceful, easy lives.

-America is the richest country in the world.

-Americans are bigoted, prejudiced, and latently racist.

-Americans are friendly, honest, and fiercely individualist.

-Americans are self-assured and defensively ignorant.

-Americans speak their mind openly, to their advantage and to their detriment.

-Americans know next to nothing about the outside world and cannot relate to different cultural environments.

-Americans don't read books.

-America is the most beautiful of all countries.

-Americans have abysmal social graces.

-Americans produce terrible fast food.

-Americans produce horrible porn.

-Americans are Christians

-American football, baseball, and basketball are unofficial religions.

-Americans think of Europe as "EUROPE", as if it's a single country and culture.....

-Americans think that "EUROPE" is SOCIALIST...

-American corporations exploit workers in other countries.

-Americans will compare their country to yours, and they will want yours to be more like theirs.

-American educational system and job markets are very specialized, and produces high-class specialists with little to no knowledge in other fields. "Know a lot about only a little" = Lack of well rounded intellects among Americans.

-Americans are manipulated by shifting forces outside of their control, and the 'average joe' is not well rounded enough to see the shifts coming.

-The Chinese will someday own the Americans.

-Americans know no second language, and have a cultural development equivalent to a domesticated animal.

-Americans are materialist and non-spiritual.

-The two American political parties don't differ all that much.

-The Intelligence of the American president's rhetoric is a leading indicator of the intelligence of the American people.

-Most Americans are poor, and only few are rich.

-Most Americans are middle class.

-Americans treat the minorities and the poor badly.

-American life is much worse than life in Scandinavian countries

-Americans are hard workers and take pride in their work.

-America has a very high level of crime and poverty at the bottom end of the distribution.

-Americans are controlled by an evil financial system.

-Americans are obsessed with firearms.

-Americans are obsessed with the US constitution and the 'founding fathers'.

-America is free and democratic.

-Americans are incapable of artistic appreciation or a 'life of the mind'.

-The best Americans in America are from Manhattan NY.

-Americans love blonde women.

-All Americans have two cars and drive big SUVs & trucks.

-Americans have a pathological fear and hatred of communism/terrorists.

-All American women work.

-Americans are violent nationalists and patriots, and will always beat the tax collector if they can.

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Lol. Please bring more.

Also, Americans are arrogant. Americans are beautiful. Americans are never poor. Americans don't leave their country. Black Americans all play basket ball.

Africans are skinny. Africans are poor. Do Africans even know about the Internet?

Chinese give birth to multiple kids at once. The chinese eat disgusting insects and frog/snake etc. All chinese/japanese know karate/kung fu.

Arabs are heartless.

Indians are dirty.

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I was going to do: American cliches about French, Russians, British, Germans, Japanese, Chinese, Indians, and EUROPEANS and ASIANS. + MIDDLE EASTERNERS + a lot of other nationalities.


Please do do DO!

I totally forgot I've started this... French are dumb are swear!

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Lol. Please bring more.

Also, Americans are arrogant. Americans are beautiful. Americans are never poor. Americans don't leave their country. Black Americans all play basket ball.

Africans are skinny. Africans are poor. Do Africans even know about the Internet?

Chinese give birth to multiple kids at once. The chinese eat disgusting insects and frog/snake etc. All chinese/japanese know karate/kung fu.

Arabs are heartless.

Indians are dirty.

In bold, i know they are not ur words but to me they

are not even clichés to me (more racist)

to me a cliché is : French people are smoking everywhere even at the hospital. They drink wine all the time. Even at the hospital.

not cliché: *insert a nationality here* they are dirty people or love to mate with their siblings/dogs&piggies. They are retarded.

I'll come back later to share the clichés I have about other Nationalities. I don't have much tho.

And bring the clichés about France guys :lullaby: I am fucking ready!

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Michael, have you read Mikes´ How to Be an Alien? :D

I haven't, but I Googled it just now and read some of the quotes. :rofl:

You should! It´s such a lovely and funny book, I´ve absolutely fallen in love with it and the English people :D I was literally laughing out loud at every single page :D

"Many Europeans think that life is a game; the English think cricket is a game."

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Please refrain from posting idiot racist clichés

Miss Kiki stop taking all the fun away! :blah:

Ya know... "Some people are running faster & have a big penis because of the color of their skin"... things like that.

And that map :nicole: u give too much credits to Europeans because I really don't think they know where each states are on the maps. Most of people know New York and Los Angeles and Las Vegas but they have no idea where it is on a map.

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I'll come back later to share the clichés I have about other Nationalities. I don't have much tho.

And bring the clichés about France guys :lullaby: I am fucking ready!

I only know only some :)

France hates England. England hates France.

French women are sensual. And have the best style and taste.

France is the country of art and freedom.

Wanna fight that?

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I've always heard that French women have the best bodies,I used to hear people when seeing a tall,slim,fit woman,saying she's like a French woman.

Part of this belief went away when I saw French women,also I've recently read that many women in France suffer from heavy weight bodies,still ofcourse not sure of anything in either beliefs.

Can't separate cliches from racism so I can't bring on any ones .Maybe I'll try later.

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Here are few on SoCal (Southern California) folks...some are close to fact though :D

  • It never rains here. Just good ol' Mr. Sun & vitamin D.
  • Everyone uses the phrase: "Like Oh-My-God!"
  • Everyone has a car because SoCal mass transit SUCK! (It sucks, that is true - improving greatly though. But you'd be surprised how many can't afford to drive these days.)
  • Everyone has a gardener. Sorry but no hunky, toned & tanned gardener like in Desperate House Wives. Time to take out the lawnmower and gloves.
  • All people love the beach and its a must do every summer. With sewage spill the norm, many don't even take the chance out of the fear of catching who knows what from the murky water during spills or heavy runoff.
  • Hollywood is the center of movie shoots.
  • Everyone is a Lakers fan :rofl: *Blake Griffin starts to chuckle*

As I think of more I shall post them :gocho: Now I'm off to pay the gardener before I tan-up and take a dip in the pool. Like Oh-My-God the weather is just perfect too...no rain!

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