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Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2012 (GENERAL DISCUSSION)


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Lol, I was just coming to post about Karlie, too!! I don't get it. I don't virulently dislike her (at least not as much as some people do) but I wish they'd given her one or two outfits only, and given the third to another girl e.g. Emily D., Sara, Maryna, Caroline, Julia, Flavia, Bianca etc. It's so frustrating that she gets three outfits with wings in her first years with VS.

It will be interesting to see if any of the actual angels get fewer than three outfits. Lily may only have two, and the fact that Lindsay is in Silver Screen Angels makes me think she won't have time for three outfits although I'm holding out for it. I feel like a toddler but it will annoy me to no end if Karlie gets more outfits than an actual angel.

I have a theory that Monica Mitro (who looooves Karlie) things that Karlie looks like her when she was younger. Lol.

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Lol, I was just coming to post about Karlie, too!! I don't get it. I don't virulently dislike her (at least not as much as some people do) but I wish they'd given her one or two outfits only, and given the third to another girl e.g. Emily D., Sara, Maryna, Caroline, Julia, Flavia, Bianca etc. It's so frustrating that she gets three outfits with wings in her first years with VS.

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Does anyone know who the fit models are? It makes me sad Lais isn't walking-- I didn't notice her at first (hated her 'Game On' outfit) but that recent make up tutorial made me realise how stunning she is. I wonder who will take her outfit?

Was it Miranda that was a fit model before she walked the actual show?

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