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Heidi Klum chats making time for family and exercise despite her busy schedule


Heidi Klum isn't just a supermodel. She's also a super-mom. In addition to raising her four children, ages 3 to 8, and appearing in three reality-TV shows, she also manages a constantly growing empire of fashion and lifestyle brands -- and manages to look damn good doing it! So what's her secret?

"I plan ahead," she told reporters of managing her busy schedule while promoting "America's Got Talent." "My fitness is suffering a little bit because myself always comes last."

That may come as a surprise to anyone who's caught a picture of the German beauty's fit physique of late. But just like all working moms, Heidi struggles to build her exercise routine around her mommy duties.

"On Sundays, [my kids] do gymnastics, and while they do gymnastics, I do an hour [of exercise]," she said. "I try to incorporate gymnastics and working out a little bit into my everyday routine. Like over the weekend, we were at home playing in the pool, [so I did] a few laps with the kids. We have a big trampoline outside. We have two German shepherds, and I take them on walks. It's incorporating that into my daily life."

That's the No. 1 piece of advice the single mom would like to impart to her fellow busy moms: "Try to work it into your daily routine," she said. "That's how I do it. It's hard -- you have to get dinner on the table and get your kids to school, make their lunchboxes, everything. It's hard! So you have to try to make it work somehow for yourself."

Heidi's exercise routine isn't the only thing that's taken a backseat to her full-time job as a mom: "I don't do spas and any of that stuff," she said. "I haven't shopped in a long time. I am with my family, and my weekends are always off.

"Usually when I work, I'm done by 5 o'clock so that I can be home and be there for dinner and spend time [with my kids] and all of that," Heidi says.

The supermodel has even devised a foolproof strategy for avoiding working from home after hours. "When I come home, I leave my bag by the door with all of its gadgets," she said. "I try not to be on any of the devices in the house anymore. I think that's important because sometimes the emails and the iPhones and BlackBerrys overtake your life. I try to get a little bit back to basics and push that away. Otherwise, it's too much."

If only we all had so much will power!

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Heidi Klum: "One of My Biggest Beauty Products Are My Sunglasses"


As a longtime model and TV personality, Heidi Klum knows a thing or two about putting her best face forward. And Heidi, the spokesperson for Clear Scalp and Hair Beauty Therapy, recently shared with us a few beauty tips and tricks she's garnered over the years. Find out her favorite products, her go-to look, and a what fashion accessory she counts as a beauty must have when you keep reading.

POPSUGAR: What have you learned about hair care from working with Clear?

Heidi Klum: "What I thought was amazing is that no one has thought of nourishing the scalp before. Once the hair is already split, it's split. You have to cut it. But because I have colored hair, I think it's especially important to nourish hair from the scalp. Even if you don't color your hair, it's good to do that, because your hair gets stronger and shinier. You're basically feeding your scalp and therefore your hair."

PS: Do you like playing with your hairstyles?

HK: "I always like to play with my hair, with my styles, and haircut — I go from bangs to growing it out again. I usually cut it and then I want to grow it out immediately! I think hair is our accessory. It's like a great pair of shoes, like a great purse, or a bracelet. So I think you should take care of your hair and play with it and not always have it the same. You don't always want to wear the same shoes or the same handbag either, so I think it's fun to change it up."

PS: What's your go-to look when you're not working?

HK: "When I go on the red carpet or if I go to dinner, I dress up. I always try to do something special with my hair. When I'm just running around during the daytime, not so much. I'm usually wash-and-wear; I put it in a bun or ponytail."

PS: Any makeup tips for the real woman?

HK: "What I think is most hard for women is to find the right foundation. I think the BB creams really help because they're much lighter with SPF, and they have coverage. My favorite is from a European company called Astor. It enhances your beauty, but it's not necessarily completely covering you up. You don't have to go crazy and wear too much makeup. Just pick a brown or shimmery eye shadow, always a little bit of mascara, and I think an eyelash curler is key. Have a nice glossy lip, and maybe a little rosy cheek. If you have a special date night or event, then try a little bit more with a cat eye or something, but not too much."

PS: What's your favorite skin care product?

HK: "I do like Mario Badescu Buttermilk Moisturizer ($18) because I don't like a lot of perfume on the skin. It's not very complicated and fake and heavy."

PS: Is there a beauty product you always have in your handbag?

HK: "Not really so much but I have a lipstick that I like, just to have a bit of sheen on the lips so they don't look too dry. I'm low maintenance. One of my biggest beauty products are my sunglasses."

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60 Seconds With Heidi Klum: "I Love to Push the Envelope"


We caught up with Project Runway host Heidi Klum at an event in LA recently, and the model-mom gave us the scoop on all things style. From her favorite red-carpet looks to what it was like to collaborate with John Galliano at the 2008 Oscars to how she unwinds at home, Heidi didn't spare any detail. And are you're wondering about her beauty routine? Click here now.

POPSUGAR: What's your most memorable red-carpet fashion moment?

Heidi Klum: Definitely John Galliano [for Christian Dior] made a beautiful red dress for the Oscars — it was made for me. So much fabric in the way he draped it around the shoulders. It was stunning how he made this dress. I really felt like Cinderella. That was probably one of my favorite dresses. Obviously, I've had many different dresses, but sometimes it's a dream of mine to have this fairy-tale princess moment. And that was my fairy-tale princess moment to wear that gigantic red dress.

PS: What was the process of collaborating with Galliano like?

HK: He drew it, and then he did the sketches, and it was just so big. Armani has made beautiful dresses for me, but they were closer to the body. I do that most of the time. Another one I loved was in Cannes, that Marchesa made — it was very see-through, but on the most important parts, it had embroideries. It was very beautiful.

PS: How do you go about picking an outfit for the red carpet?

HK: I just fall in love with certain outfits. I see it and I fall in love with it, then I have to have it. If it's a great suit or a beautiful gown or short minidress, there's always something that makes it a little different. I don't love safe dresses. I always wear the opposite. I love to push the envelope. I don't mind experimenting with more volume or unusual cuts. I always go for that more than a conservative dress.

PS: What do you wear when you're at home with the kids?

HK: I love long skirts, long dresses to the floor. I have many different colors, red, charcoal, gray — they're always easy with flip-flops. I try to stay away from sweats. Or sometimes if I go for a hike with black leggings on and a t-shirt, I stay like that for the rest of the day. If I'm at home, I'm in more comfortable jeans. I try not to look too schlumpy. I get rid of those things so I don't get tempted.

Would you say you leave the heels for events?

HK: Yes. It's easy to walk on the soccer field in heels.

What are your favorite flats?

HK: I do love Newbark flats. I love regular flip-flops with punk studs on them. Giuseppe Zanotti flats, gladiator flats.

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