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Sara Sampaio


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13 minutes ago, brunoexclusive said:

A portuguese gossip tv show talked about Sara and Oliver and they got all their information from us on here on bellazon. They had done it before.


I find it funny that they may have gone through a couple of pages on here, and then think they are experts.


What tv show?

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That's how ALL the tabs worked. 


A few years back my sister had a fansite of a singer. The tabs used to use all the info she posted there as one of their main "sources". 

It got to a point where said singer's team used to check by her what she should or shouldn't post. 


I don't think anything is said here that would harm sara, Plus she doesn't seem to be hiding her relationship anymore. I don't think she cares that much

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10 things you never knew about Victoria’s Secret Angel Sara Sampaio

Millions of people follow 24-year-old Portuguese model Sara Sampaio. But how well do you know her?

1. She started modelling to become an actress… and still wants to act.
“In Portugal, my modelling agency represents actors as well. My goal was getting into acting but I start modelling and it started working out just fine…  I’ve actually started acting classes and doing some auditions so we’ll see. It’s what I wanted to do, so this year I’m going for it.”

2. She climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in six days.
“We were meant to do it in seven but by the last day we were done being there and went all the way down in the same day because we just wanted to go to a hotel. But it was an incredible experience but definitely the hardest thing I’ve ever done. It was physically and mentally so challenging … You can only stay up [at the summit] for 20 minutes because of the altitude and then you have to start coming down. Believe it or not coming down is as hard as going up and we decided to go down all in one day so on that day we did 17 hours of hiking and by the end I thought I would need surgery on my knees… but everything was fine.”

3. Her New Year’s resolution is less social media, more time off 
“This year I really want to enjoy my life. Especially on social media you get very caught up on what people say about you and what people think you should be doing. This year I want to let that go and focus on what I want for my life and what I want for my career and really appreciate the things that I have accomplished and start doing those things that I’ve always wanted to do. I want to be more proactive, that’s my goal… I said want I to be an actress, so I started classes and going to auditions to start the whole process. There are things I want to do and places I want to go. Modelling gave me the travel bug… Maybe next New Year's I’ll come to Australia for three weeks to explore. I want to do stuff instead of saying I want to.”

4. She lived in Paris before New York. 
“I lived in Paris for about nine months. It was an experience. I love Paris but it’s not a city I would like to live in. It’s one of my favorite cities but just in small doses.”

5. She has a longhaired Chihuahua named Luigi, who she has had since Paris.  
“He is the love of my life. He’s like my companion. He usually stays with friends when I travel. Right now he’s at a doggy hotel. I don’t really like him staying at doggy hotels but my friends have not been back to New York yet so he had to go to one.”

6. She is multilingual. 
“I can speak English, Portuguese and a bit of Spanish, or Sportugal. It’s a mix of Portuguese and Spanish. I understand French and Italian but I can’t speak them.”

7. She is a Gossip Girl fan
Do you think you are more Blair or Serena? “Blair.”

8. She binge-watches The Royals
“This is going to be bad. I’ve been very obsessed with The Royals. It’s not going to win any Oscars or Golden Globes or whatever but I really, really enjoy it. I just binged watched the season two.”

9. She is a homebody but not a homemaker
“If I go to a club, five minutes later I just want to go home so I haven’t really gone out much because I don’t really enjoy it. I’d rather do stupid stuff with my friends at home… I can’t decorate. I’m very bad at it. I like staying at home but I don’t know how to make a home a home.”

10. She was star struck by Taylor Swift
“I remember the first time I met Taylor Swift. That was the first Victoria’s Secret show I was in and the first she was in. I was so star struck. She’s beautiful. I was still star struck the second time. I probably still am. I try to act normal but I can’t.”


source: http://www.vogue.com.au/fashion/news/10+things+you+never+knew+about+victorias+secret+angel+sara+sampaio,38712

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