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Natalia Vodianova


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The pictures are great, but the content is :p

(the date they published the pictures were 22 October 2010, but it's not necessarily the time frame for that event.)

NB.: Natalia is wearing the same outfit she wore for an Armani event in New York. At that time, Justin was present at the event with her. Her hair does look more or less the same. This Russian event could be placed around that time, I think...?


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The pictures are great, but the content is :p

Ok, the content is simply laughable, imo. This is a perfet example of yellow press at its worst, lacking any sort of intelligent analysis of the situation. I hardly think that expressions like "black stripe" and "decline" in a career could be applicable to Natalia's current professional situation. And why - only because she did a campaign for Oriflame? Sure, we are on the brink of the end of the decade of Natalia's reign - an E N T I R E decade! Sure she doesn't walk much nowdays and her contracts in beauty industry are not as lucrative any more (there is always a quest for a young fresh face there) but to be an ambassador for multiple large-scale sport events, starring in an adaptation of a best-selling European novel, to me hardly speaks a decline. To add, during her reign Natalia was not exactly runway-walking or shooting beauty campaigns and otherwise backing in St. Barths, but also raised 3 children and founded a hugely successful charity. She always said that to be in the fashion industry is not necessarily the limit of her dreams and I think she is living her dreams with what she does and not suffering from any decline in a professional way.

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The pictures are great, but the content is :p

(the date they published the pictures were 22 October 2010, but it's not necessarily the time frame for that event.)

NB.: Natalia is wearing the same outfit she wore for an Armani event in New York. At that time, Justin was present at the event with her. Her hair does look more or less the same. This Russian event could be placed around that time, I think...?


Natalia was in October to Russia for the diamond jubilee (60 years) of their grandparents. In a note mentioned that the date was Oct. 8, but Natalia did the party in mid-October., to invite some friends and family of England.

It is very difficult to know the date of the photos. but clothing is very similar or equal to the event Armani.

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The pictures are great, but the content is :p

Ok, the content is simply laughable, imo. This is a perfet example of yellow press at its worst, lacking any sort of intelligent analysis of the situation. I hardly think that expressions like "black stripe" and "decline" in a career could be applicable to Natalia's current professional situation. And why - only because she did a campaign for Oriflame? Sure, we are on the brink of the end of the decade of Natalia's reign - an E N T I R E decade! Sure she doesn't walk much nowdays and her contracts in beauty industry are not as lucrative any more (there is always a quest for a young fresh face there) but to be an ambassador for multiple large-scale sport events, starring in an adaptation of a best-selling European novel, to me hardly speaks a decline. To add, during her reign Natalia was not exactly runway-walking or shooting beauty campaigns and otherwise backing in St. Barths, but also raised 3 children and founded a hugely successful charity. She always said that to be in the fashion industry is not necessarily the limit of her dreams and I think she is living her dreams with what she does and not suffering from any decline in a professional way.


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So happy to see her again, and I can see she took time even during holidays to do things for her charity. As for me the idea of her carreer being in decline did not cross my mind, and to be honest, the fact she's not catwalking anymore does not touch me that much. She is doing more important things than that and in a way, I'm sure she thinks the same...

I wanted to return to the topic of Neva looking like her or not. As a child, I did not look like my mother at all (not the same features at all), and now that I grew up, practically everybody tells me I'm like a kind of clone of her, about face features, I mean, not about mimics or something like that only :p it might be the same thing in the future for Neva and Nata :p

I'd like Natalia to have campaigns for this year as well, Guerlain of course, and Cavalli would be great. i'm so proud when I see her in magazines or big ads in the streets.....I always have a special feeling when I see her face for example whenever I go by an etam shop.

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The pictures are great, but the content is :p

(the date they published the pictures were 22 October 2010, but it's not necessarily the time frame for that event.)

NB.: Natalia is wearing the same outfit she wore for an Armani event in New York. At that time, Justin was present at the event with her. Her hair does look more or less the same. This Russian event could be placed around that time, I think...?


Natalia was in October to Russia for the diamond jubilee (60 years) of their grandparents. In a note mentioned that the date was Oct. 8, but Natalia did the party in mid-October., to invite some friends and family of England.

It is very difficult to know the date of the photos. but clothing is very similar or equal to the event Armani.

Anayway probably the pictures were taken around the same time that the Armani envent in NY where she wore this silver jacket, and it was around feb.2009. Almost 2 years ago...

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