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Confirmed: Angelina Jolie Signed on to Play Cleopatra!

Angelina Jolie has signed on to play Cleopatra in a film adaptation of an upcoming new historical biography, a rep for the book's publisher Little, Brown confirms to UsMagazine.com.

On Thursday, it was reported that film producer Scott Rudin had acquired the rights to author Stacy Schiff's Queen of the Nile, Cleopatra: A Life with the 35-year old Jolie in mind for the title role.

Michael Pietsch, publisher of Little, Brown (which will release Schiff's book this November) tells Us:

"Angelina Jolie radiates grace and power, exactly the qualities that Stacy Schiff finds in her biography of the most intriguing ruler who ever lived."

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Angelina Jolie returns to Ecuador to highlight challenges facing refugees

LAGO AGRÍO, Ecuador, June 18 (UNHCR)- UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie has returned to northern Ecuador to see how the situation has changed since she was last in the country eight years ago and to raise awareness about unaccompanied minors and violence against female refugees.

The award-winning actress, who arrived in the city of Lago Agrío on Thursday, visited UNHCR field operations and the isolated community of Barranca Bermeja, located in thick jungle on the banks of the San Miguel River, which marks the border with Colombia. The little village hosts 34 families, most of them refugees from the violence that has plagued parts of Colombia for decades.

In Lago Agrío, capital of Sucumbíos province, she had a reunion with a Colombian mother whom Jolie last met here in 2002. "At that time she had a lot of hope for her future," the Goodwill Ambassador recalled, while adding: "She was recently treated for cancer. She still holds on to hope."

The award-winning actress also met with refugee women in a shelter for victims of domestic violence, which is a serious problem in the region.

Some of the women in the centre, run by the Women´s Federation of Sucumbíos, told harrowing tales of beatings, incest and other forms of sexual and gender-based violence. Some women even have to resort to "survival sex" to get lodging to feed their children. Others fall prey to sexual exploitation.

In Barranca Bermeja, Jolie spent time with the community and was impressed by their mental strength in coping with the suffering they had endured in Colombia. One woman fled after two of her family were killed – she did not want to lose any more of her children.

There are around 51,000 registered Colombian refugees in Ecuador, but UNHCR estimates that about 135,000 people are in need of international protection. This makes Ecuador the country with the largest refugee population in Latin America. Many of the Colombians live in remote settlements in the north, like Barranca Bermeja, often too scared to seek help from UNHCR and its partners.

"It's been eight years since I was last here and UNHCR's presence has grown considerably," Jolie noted after her arrival in Ecuador. "They are going into the thickest parts of the jungle to reach the refugees, who are living in very remote locations and in desperate conditions," she added.

"I wanted to come back and meet with vulnerable people and focus on violence against women and unaccompanied minors," Jolie explained. "I am so happy to be able to reconnect with some familiar faces, refugees I had met with during my 2002 trip." Single women, girls and Afro-Colombians are among the most vulnerable of the refugee population.

Jolie will be taking part on Friday (14:00 GMT) in a global live video link from northern Ecuador with Washington, DC, Damascus in Syria and Dungu in north-east Congo. The event, which includes refugees as well as High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, is one of UNHCR's top World Refugee Day events this year.



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I just feel this whole adoption thing is getting out of hand. Seems choosing a child from a ophanage is the latest "accessory" when thats not the case at all, It's child for christ sake!..and these celebs are taking them just with a click of a finger.As if they were god themselves. Just feel even tho the child is growing up in unfortunate circumstances it should be getting more respect as to where it's future lies :cain: ...just because they have money doesn't always make them an appropriate candidate imo :ninja:

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I think it's great...they obviously seem to love kids and have a special desire to help kids who need it the most. I know a family who has adopted 14 children, in addition to having five of their own. They always said after getting one that they would be done, but they couldn't, whenever they knew of a child who needed a home they did everything they could to get that child. And because they are in the system it is much easier for them to adopt more children because they are qualified;same could be of angelina and brad. more kids like that should be adopted into good homes and I think is Brad and Angelina have the means and the love to do it then they should be able to spend that money how they see fit so that they can give a child the love it needs.

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the thing is Angelina spoke of adoption way before it (2001- 2003 something like that) became the new celebrity thing, she did say that she wanted to adopt a child from every country, I'm sure she didn't mean that literately, but it was understood that after she adopted Maddox she started to recognize what a great thing it was to help a kid in need, and she loved being a mother.

Unlike some celebrities now, who are adopting to gain more attention, even from countries which dont even allow adoption etc Angelina has never cared about what people feel about her specially when she adopted in the first place. I'm not saying she is an angel from above, but I definitely respect what she does and believe she does it for the purpose of good.

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This is so stupid, they are saying now that she is too white to act Cleopatra. If anyone learned history or just a bit of it people should know that Cleopatra did not have black skin complexion, she had Macedonian origins. :bounce:

Angelina Jolie es 'demasiado blanca' para Cleopatra

Angelina Jolie es "demasiado blanca" para ser Cleopatra. O eso al menos es lo que piensan algunos líderes de la comunidad afroamericana que han puesto el grito en el cielo al conocer que la pareja de Brad Pitt podría ser la elegida para dar vida a la emperatriz egipcia.

Hollywood prepara un nuevo biopic sobre la figura de Cleopatra basado en una biografía escrita por Stacy Schiff. Hace poco más de una semana el nombre de Jolie salió a la palestra: "La oficina de Rudin ha confirmado que el proyecto está siendo desarrollado 'con y para' Angelina Jolie", publicaba el diario USA Today mientras la autora del libro aseguraba que Angelina sería ideal en papel. "Físicamente, ella tiene la imagen perfecta", señaló.

Pero no todos piensan igual. Diversos líderes de la comunidad afroamericana han puesto el grito en el cielo ya que Angelina no es demasiado blanca para encarnar a la emperatiz egípcia. De hecho, hay algunos que reclaman sin tapujos una Cleopatra negra.

"Honestamente, no me importa lo gruesos que sean los labios de Angelina, la cantidad de niños africanos que adopte o lo mucho que se bronceé la piel para rodar la película. Creo firmemente que este papel debe ser para una mujer negra", dice es hora de una Cleopatra negra", dice la articulista de la revista Essence Shirea L. Carroll.

Otros recuerdan que después de tres 'Cleopatras' totalmente blancas (las que interpretaron en 1934 Claudette Colbert, en 1945 Vivien Leigh y en 1963 Elizabeth Taylor en el papel que la convirtió en mito). Olvidan la última actriz que dio vida en la gran pantalla a la emperatriz que también fue blanca: la italiana Monica Bellucci en Astérix & Obélix: Mision Cleopatra (2002).

En todo caso, The Examiner recuerda que las últimas investigaciones de los expertos señalan que Cleopatra no tenía nada que ver físicamente con Angelina Jolie, aunque tampoco tendría ningún rasgo africano ya que era descendiente de una familia de aristócratas griegos. De hecho, se la describe como una mujer de barbilla prominente, labios finos y nariz ganchuda. Una imagen que está casi en las antípodas de la deslumbrante belleza de Jolie, Bellucci o Taylor.

http://www.europapress.es/chance/ocioyc ... 51320.html

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