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VSFS Runway Finest


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Nadine, Oluchi, Alessandra & Leticia - Moving onto Winners Round 1

Yfke, Dewi , Naomi& Tyra - Moving onto Consolation Round 1

best OF 2002

Rounds 5, 6, 7, & 8 of 30

Gisele -vs- Ana


Fernanda -vs- Michelle


Reka -vs- Adriana


Liya -vs- Caroline



1. Vote up to 5 times per round

2. You're allowed to allocate your votes as you see fit, meaning if you'd like to give a particular outfit all five votes, zero or something in between so be it.

3. Please reframe from voting for your favorite models, voting is strictly based on which outfit you like.

3. If an outfit has wings, please ONLY VOTE for the outfit

Big thank you to Pheno who was so gracious enough to purchase a subrscription at FirstView. Please do not take the pictures without asking if it's ok first. Thank you :wave:

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Gisele x2

Ana x3

Fernanda x 1

Michelle x4 (looks like a precursor to Doutzen's 08)

Reka x3

Adriana x2

Liya x2

Caroline x3

Why do I feel like we already voted on VSFS02 ... am I having deja vu, or is this round 2, or have I officially lost my mind?

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Nope, we haven't voted on 2002 till now. I've had a lot of time to study the video and all the pictures and I've noticed that 85% of the current outfits, or outfits from the last few years are nothing more then rehashed versions of earlier outfits. If you really start to pay attention to the wings you'll noticed a huge trend in revamping of them. Take 2000 I believe. Carmen Kass had a long pair of white feathery wings... and for this year they took the top half of the wing, added some black fabric to the bottom and threw them on Adriana.

I'm telling you guys, there are VERY very few outfits that aren't a knock-off of a prior years. Sure they change the coloring a little, or add a rose here or there, throw on some sparkles, but the basic idea and costume construction are the same.

I honestly think the reasons the outfits are so bad now is due to a few things. One money. VS just doesn't have the money to put into doing these shows, or the outfits anymore, most ppl don't know that the venue in Miami wasn't paid for. The hotel was having a grand opening and used VS Show to draw in a larger crowd to their hotel, and in turn VS got free entertainment and a place to hold the show

Look back 3-5 years ago and the material used in the outfits was 100% better then they use today. It's more than obvious that they are using cheap fabrics now, and rather then actually doing a lot of hand stitching, they are using fabric glue to hold everything together. Also because of money costs I can pretty much guarantee you they are picking up a lot of first year fashion students to do the construction of the outfits. ie you are going to get very cheaply looking attire. Same thing goes for how VS is handling their in-store items. The bras/swimsuits/clothing are HORRIBLY made and way overpriced for what you are getting in quality. I'll stick to Agent P any day.

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Very true.

I'm wondering .... will you feature Carmens outfit with wings for the jungle segment. It never made it to runway ... yet she was backstage wearing it and it was on the line-up board. It's the mystery of this years show. Don't tell me I'm the only one who knows this

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