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Miranda Kerr


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I absolutely don't know Miranda had a blog! I never heard that before!! Do you have much info, Ewciolina? :hug:

For the book, I can't wait to read it! It will be available in october, isn't it?

And to answer you, yes, the VS pics have been taken by Russel James in March. We already see some pics "behind the scene" of this shoot on his Facebook (with Frankie, if you remember)!!!

Rose, Versace is one of my dreams for Miranda! I hope so much good things for her this season! :heart:

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The book will be released November 1 in Australia and New Zealand. It will be available through Kora site.

As for this Miranda blog I found link on some forum but when I clicked on it - site doesn't exist. But readers from forum were delighted. I'm not surprised ;). Miranda is a versatile talent. I found a mini-forum about Maybelline commercial. Someone uploaded the file on rapidshare. de. But it was in 2007 and now file doesn't exist. So that's why I asked yesterday whether anyone has it.

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Miranda Kerr Sports Engagement Ring While Scouting L.A. Churches


Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for her!

Victoria's Secret model Miranda Kerr was snapped wearing her engagement ring Wednesday in Hollywood, while scouting churches in the Los Angeles area for her upcoming wedding to Pirates Of The Caribbean hunk Orlando Bloom.

The 27-year-old beauty was accompanied by her mother Therese, as the couple, who have been together for three years, announced their pending nuptials on Monday.

Bloom, 33, stars in a remake of The Three Musketeers that’s due in theaters next spring.


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Here's a nice interview with her. I really like how she comes across :wub:

Interview Miranda Kerr. 9 februari 2010. Marie Claire. by Farrah But

There are few times in your life when you feel sorry for a supermodel. But watching Miranda Kerr grit her pearly whites in a sleeveless dress in -9°C conditions may just be one of them.

“Hot water bottles! Get the hot water bottles!” someone shouts. A lackey runs over brandishing two steaming rubber bottles. Miranda holds them to her body, which trembles like crème caramel in the sub-zero wind. Click. Click. Click.

We’re in New Zealand, hundreds of metres above sea level on the edge of a glacier somewhere north of Queenstown where Miranda is shooting her third David Jones catalogue. And my God is the girl cold. She slams her feet into a pair of snugly black Uggs in-between shots and sips demurely on hot water. The rest of the crew – wrapped in fur-lined boots and industrial-looking Puffa jackets – groan and grimace throughout the entire ordeal. Not Miranda. Those ice-cream scoop cheeks are suspended in rictus smile the entire time. They sure do breed ’em tough in Gunnedah.

Miranda has the grand-sounding title of David Jones Fashion Ambassador, which means she shoots two catalogues per year and models in the department store’s biannual catwalk shows. For the past eight years, David Jones has, of course, relied on the wholesome looks of Megan Gale to flog their wares. And while I’m assured Gale will remain the store’s leading lady, Miranda has taken over the fashion side of things.

It’s a wise move on David Jones’ part. You see, Miranda is hot; as hot as it’s humanly possible to be right now. The Gunnedah native shrugged off the “top model” label right about the time she climbed into her first Victoria’s Secret bra in 2006 and now goes by that most lofty of monikers – the supermodel. In 2008, she was reported to be one of the top 10 highest-paid models in the world and she has that most essential of supermodel accessories: the celebrity boyfriend. (That’s Orlando Bloom, in case you missed the memo). This is every brand’s dream. She’s also smart, sardonic and sweet as Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia. Result.

I watch her for the rest of the day as she slips in and out of designer dresses, has her hair teased into myriad styles, nibbles on avocado and rice crackers and takes the occasional swig of Noni juice, the Tahitian wonder-drink that Miranda swears by for that preternatural glow.

She is a treat to watch, both ingenue and femme fatale; coy and coarse, matching the boys word for word when it comes to naughty banter. (“Put your hand over my crotch!” she shouts to photographer Hugh Stewart as he grabs her in a fireman’s lift in a precariously short Alex Perry dress. Cue one very pale-faced middle-aged man and a whole lot of laughter). She is a 26-year-old with more than 12 years in the business and yet talks with the cutesy cadence of someone much younger. She looks a giant in pictures (it’s all in the proportions – shortish body, long, long legs), but is surprisingly smaller in the flesh. And as for the face – that famously cherubic combination of high-rise cheekbones and dimples you could sink a five-cent piece into – it’s actually much more contoured in the flesh than in photographs.

When we finally sit down to speak, bundled in the back of a car in-between shooting, she looks exhausted. “I’ve been up since 3am,” she apologises, shuffling around in an oversized Prada bag from which she takes out an assortment of little brown “miracle” bottles to stave off the tiredness (drops for her eyes; Rescue Remedy under her tongue). She explains that in the past 10 days, she’s been in New York, the Bahamas, Morocco and now New Zealand. “This work for David Jones is actually the only opportunity I have to be in a country for more than a few days,” she explains wistfully. “I’m always in a different country – two or three days here or there – and it doesn’t stop. I work six days a week. The only break I get is at Christmas, and it has been like that for four-and-a-half years.”

She often wakes up in hotel rooms wondering where she is. “I’m in a continuous state of jet lag,” she laments. What’s the longest she’s spent at home in the past 12 months? (Home now being a $1 million apartment in New York). “I dunno,” she shrugs. “A couple of days.”

That’s one hell of a lot of air miles since Miranda famously won a Dolly magazine modelling competition back in 1997, gracing the cover of the teen bible by her 14th birthday. “I was so reluctant to do it at first,” she has since said.

“I was like, ‘Eh, models, they’re like this or like that’, which was totally wrong on my behalf. But I just felt like I wanted to do something with a bit more substance.”

The plan was never modelling, however. Instead, Miranda knuckled down to study nutrition and health psychology at the Academy of Natural Living. “I was always more focused on school,” she tells me. “Even after I graduated, I still wasn’t that interested in modelling. It was just something I did here and there and then I went to Japan, and well … ”

We all know the rest of the story. Contracts with Portmans, Seafolly, Clinique and Maybelline, a thousand different magazine fashion shoots and then the biggie: Victoria’s Secret. But like all models with a brain as wicked as their bodies, one gets the sense Miranda has her sights set beyond the world of modelling. She does, after all, turn 27 this year, two years older than Christy Turlington (the model whose career trajectory Miranda most admires) was when she retired. Miranda certainly demonstrates the polymorphic prowess of such meta-models as Elle Macpherson and Heidi Klum, having just launched her own organic skincare range, Kora, available exclusively at David Jones, featuring moisturisers, facial mists and cleansers, with prices starting from a reasonable $34.95.

“I’ve put my heart and soul into every single product,” she says. “I was back and forth with the laboratories in Melbourne for the last four years getting the product right and setting everything up because I didn’t want it to go out there until it was ready.”

The products all contain Noni extract, “which is really healing for the skin and is our point of difference”, Miranda explains. They also contain a few of her other favourite healing ingredients, like rosehip and avocado oil.

But it’s her debut book, a non-fiction tome, provisionally called Treasure Yourself, that has set tongues wagging. “It kind of started as a diary,” she explains. “I’ve always loved writing and I’m always writing things down.

I wanted it to be a little bit nutrition-based and also about the power of the mind, but I had to narrow it down.” Now, she says, it’s essentially about “trying to positively empower young women to embrace themselves. One of the things I say in the book is that we’re all unique flowers in this garden we call life. One might be a sunflower, one might be a daisy, one might be a rose. But they’re all unique and beautiful in their own way.”

Is that a philosophy born of personal experience? “Look, I’ve had plenty of knock-backs throughout my career,” she says. She tells the story of a fashion designer in New York who called her back for several castings but didn’t go with her in the end because, she was, in their words, “too pretty”. And the Japanese label that dismissed her for not being “white” enough. “They were like, ‘No you’re too tanned.’ But my natural skin colour’s olive!” she laughs. “I just learnt that you can’t take things personally; that at the end of the day, we’re all individuals and just because you might not be the look that someone’s after, you shouldn’t judge yourself.”

She tells me how when she does Victoria’s Secret signings across the United States, she is regularly mobbed by teenage girls. “It’s funny, when I do the signings by myself, I get a lot of mothers and daughters, which is great. But when I do them with Adriana [Lima – the Brazilian supermodel with the impressively cantilevered breasts], you get the boys,” she laughs. “I think she just appeals a lot to men.”

I have been told Miranda and Orlando’s relationship is off limits for our interview, although just days before we speak, the media reports that the couple, who have been dating for two years, are engaged. For the record, it’s not true. I ask for the craziest allegation that has ever been written about her in the press. She pauses. “Um, I don’t know. It’s crazy that these things just come out of nowhere the majority of the time.”

But how does she deal with all that paparazzi attention, who seem to have made the photogenic twosome a regular fixture on their fly-by snoops? “You know, I understand that they have a job to do and even though I may not like it and it’s really frustrating to me at times, I understand that they need to make a living and I think it’s not nice to judge people.”

Suddenly there’s a knock on the car window. It’s a crew member pointing anxiously at her watch. “The light’s fading,” she mouths. Miranda nods politely and we wrap up before she’s ushered off for yet another costume change.

As darkness gathers, I look back at Miranda, hoisted on a metre-high cube, hair flicking and arm flouncing to the camera’s clickety-click, that smile still as solid and sunny as ever. And then it hits me. There really is a reason why they call them “super” models.

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You know, it´s stupid. I had this saved on my computer for a while, with every intention of posting it, but I just forgot all about it. :blush: I honestly can't give you the answer on which issue. I found it online somewhere, but I can't find it back. If I do, I'll post here!

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It's not US issue for 100% because I just checked it . The same article we can find in march issue of Madison


Sorry, I knew it was Madison, I just couldn't find the scans to validate my thoughts :p

She seems so sweet.

:hug: I was thinking - an article and I have not seen pictures yet? I remembered this part with "the hot bottles " . I hoped that it was reprinted for Marie Claire .

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In Australia people want Mairanda & Orli to get married there. They even want to organize a parade for Miranda.

And she is looking for churches in LA ? :laugh: Probably they want a modest wedding. It's going to be pretty " good ride " :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Great Britian vs LA vs Gunnedah :ridinghorse: People are crazy ;)

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