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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Loved what Armie said about Leo, really nice. thanks ox

And also seeing Leo, who's just like a force. Watching that guy do scenes He's so good that sometimes you find yourself doing a scene and thinking, Man he's so good

I want to see Leo doing interviews anywhere, but off course would be nice to see him in some talk show, would great if he could go in Jay Leno again, I really like the interviews of him in tonight show, really entertaining and less serious.

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speaking of Bar and Leo

I read this article... (was in Spanish so I try my best to translate)

Possible reunion between Leonardo DiCaprio and Bar Refaeli sexy model

One of the most famous 'intermittent' couples of Hollywood's , namely Leonardo DiCaprio and Bar Refaeli, could be back together. Both are single again, after the recent breakup of Leonardo DiCaprio and actress Blake Lively (Gossip Girl, Green Lantern). Leonardo DiCaprio is currently working on the film The Great Gatsby, by which re-established his friendship with actor Tobey Maguire. Precisely Maguire, is also a great friend of the Israeli model, is what would have led to the reunion between them


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I'll always love that interview lol :laugh: Thanks Lauren

How to make the vid show on BZ is.... see below where you have the first equal (=) sign? Completely erase the first equal sign and everything before it ... then you put [yt.] at the beginning and [/yt.] at the end... But don't include the periods I just had to add that so it would show.

similar format you use when you make a quote.


So it should look like [yt.]G3aG14Z2k04&feature=youtu.be[/yt.] but again don't include the periods after the yt i'm just putting it in so it will show instead of the vid itself showing

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Thanks oxford for the quotes from Armie Hammer - I LOVE to read those kinds of comments about Leo from his peers, especially ones I respect and like.

by_princess - thanks for the Bar/Leo video - I'm not surprised that there are video captures of sweet moments between them - after all (people seem to forget sometimes), Bar was/is the woman he had been with the longest, even with the splits in between.

I'm disappointed at some of the comments about J Edgar so far, except for the ones about Leo but I want the film overall to be great also. But I recall that was the case with Milk - Sean Penn got rave reviews but the film itself, a lot of people were lukewarm about it.

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Solange :wave:

by_princess - thanks for the Bar/Leo video

wasn't me, it was kat ;)

I'm disappointed at some of the comments about J Edgar so far, except for the ones about Leo but I want the film overall to be great also. But I recall that was the case with Milk - Sean Penn got rave reviews but the film itself, a lot of people were lukewarm about it.

I have to confess that me too :( ... I also expected a little more enthusiastic about Leonardo's performance

so far the reviews seem to me a little bit vague. You know what I mean?

I don't know, maybe we have to wait until the official premiere, to listen real reviews from the critics :mellow:

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Yeah I wish whoever uploaded it would put it up again :p

If anyone reading this forum knows what i'm talking about and you have the vid.... can you please put it up again??? It would be soooo appreciated!!! :)

What video is this? I guess I never saw, Fash.

I downloaded hundreds of YouTube videos, but I don't remember that :idk: . I'll try find anyway.

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There was a vid of him in 1997 or so on a Japanese show. They put up a bunch of drawings of James Cameron and Johnny Depp.... Leo was told he could draw on them. He did and he drew horns on Cameron :p

The other was I think in 2000 (or close to that time.. he had short hair but was still "young") and he was asked to impersonate this Japanese actor who was doing something silly. I just remember leo laughing uncontrollably and attempting to impersonate the actor briefly, but the details I can't really recall. I remember finding it hilarious though.

I also wish we could see the 1995 Jay Leno interview again... where he talked of his uncle with the big nose lol. That came about after he mentioned having small and German features.

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