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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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However, i forgot to add that I can see why his reps don't respond.. i think its a way to not fuel the fire and not further the talk of his private life. Just let the article be forgotten and leo's private life remains a mystery. Which is what he wants but as fans we always want to know what's happening :p

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However, i forgot to add that I can see why his reps don't respond.. i think its a way to not fuel the fire and not further the talk of his private life. Just let the article be forgotten and leo's private life remains a mystery. Which is what he wants but as fans we always want to know what's happening :p

I agree! I think we'll find out sooner or latter weather their still together.

Oh and thank you all for the news! Loved that he buyed teh Davinci painting! :p

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After reading this article, seems like they are basing the Leo and Bar breakup rumors on how Leo didn't walk the red carpet with Bar. But I think we all know Leo would walk on the red carpet at this type of event! Especially with Bar, I think we all know how private he is!


So to tell you the truth I don't believe these rumors, not because I like Leo and Bar, but it seems they are basing them off of a public event. We know they wouldn't want to be photographed together! Also remember when The New York post said that Leo was converting for Judisiam? That turned out not to be true, so in my opinion they are still together!

I am just telling you all my opinion, don't want you guys to think I can't accept the fact or anything! :p

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mmm don't know what to think and say or write :p

time will show us everything

sometimes I think the rumors about the problem between them is true,but sometimes I think press just flame all that rumors because of to have something to write about :cain:

we just have to wait for a few days!

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Sometimes when the media makes comments I wonder what??? Do they even follow Leo? It seems we the fans (even if we don't know leo of course) have a better understanding of things because we are the ones who pay close attention to all the news and notice trends and patterns with leo from throughout the years etc.

These gossip sites follow sooooooooooooo many other celebs and they seem the most focused on people like Brangelina, Pattinson, Bieber etc etc.

Thanks Kat :wave:

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hey guys,let's talk about Leo's career a little,before we get some news about his private life :p

just wonder,is there any role that you'd like Leo to play ???

why you want him to play it ???

is there any role played by other actor and you think Leo could do it better,or is there any role you wanted him to play,but he denied or was rejected for it ??? :cain:

let's have some discuss :blush:

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Sometimes when the media makes comments I wonder what??? Do they even follow Leo? It seems we the fans (even if we don't know leo of course) have a better understanding of things because we are the ones who pay close attention to all the news and notice trends and patterns with leo from throughout the years etc.

These gossip sites follow sooooooooooooo many other celebs and they seem the most focused on people like Brangelina, Pattinson, Bieber etc etc.

Thanks Kat :wave:

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Interesting sick....

I would really LOVE for Leo to try a comedy. Not like a crummy, stupid movie, but a really hilarious one, one like The Hangover! :p

I think he would be great in it! Everyone has said he is a funny guy, and he seems to be!

And on your second one, I think it would have been cool to see Leo in American beauty. I know it was a while ago, and he would have to be younger, and play the teen boys role, but I think he would have been incredible! Plus I love that movie!

Now sick you tell us... :)

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I read all the articles about leo and bar "crisis" and I think that soon or later we will know the truth. In the past there were a lot of rumors about brad and angelina split and everything was false but for leo and bar it's more difficult. I mean everybody know that bar is a serious and attentive woman but for leo its different he like to party, he has a lot friends... so mayabe he make his "40 years crisis". Personnaly I felt that it was a problem when bar was in NY with her brother without leo, but now everything seems to be complicated. For me the postive points about their relationship is that : they know each other for 6 years, they live together in LA, Leo's mom love bar....but the negative about their relationship is that leo spend too much of his time with famous or anonymous friends, and he likes to party and also this story with blake lively. I think that we will know the truth very soon because bar birthday is very soon ( 4th june) so if theey make her birthday together it means that eveything is ok but if it'snot the case it means that they have problems. Morevover everybody know that when bar is in LA she is with leo so I think that if we see in LA it's means that eveything ok about these two. In her twiter and photo bar seems very happy so I think that she is ok because she deserve a happy life.

So as we said in french " the futur will tell us".......... :wave:

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Interesting sick....

I would really LOVE for Leo to try a comedy. Not like a crummy, stupid movie, but a really hilarious one, one like The Hangover! :p

I think he would be great in it! Everyone has said he is a funny guy, and he seems to be!

And on your second one, I think it would have been cool to see Leo in American beauty. I know it was a while ago, and he would have to be younger, and play the teen boys role, but I think he would have been incredible! Plus I love that movie!

Now sick you tell us... :)

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