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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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more Leo childhood pics from my collection

"Eating ice-cream in front of his house was one of Leonardo's favorite things to do"-says Leo's mom Irmelin


Leo's 6th b-day,his b-day cake was decorated with Leo's favorite animals dinosaurs

9 month old Leo

1990 year Leo in John Marshall High School in Los Angeles,again

vary little Leo with his mom,I guess it's in 1974 (first pic)


Leo with his dad George

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Leo with his parents

Leo playing basketball

other cute pics :wub:

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as Leo says his mom always taking photos,a lot of photos and in childhood he always tried to make different faces for all pics

Leo at the age of about 7,as I know the first one is Irmelin's(Leo's mom) most cherished pic


and my all time favorite Leo's childhood pics :wub::wub:

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Leo at his 6th bday.jpg 9 month old.jpg Leo in John Marshal High School in LA in 1990.jpg XL_Semanal04l.jpg basketball leo.jpg
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Wow! thanks so much Sick for the pics and video! :hug:

I love that pic of 9 month leo in his little chair! He looks sooooooooo cute! andn the one of him next to his dinnasour cake :blush:


Who would have known that this really cute little kid would end up being one of the sexiest men alive!

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This article from the national enquier makes me laugh! :laugh:

Leonardo DiCaprio Feuding with Clint Eastwood On “J. Edgar” Set?

“You coulda heard a pin drop when Leonardo DiCaprio suddenly got feisty with Oscar-winning director Clint Eastwood on the set of J. Edgar,” begins a piece in the National Enquirer.

According to the tab’s “on-set spy,” DiCaprio supposedly “demanded a retake on a scene” because he felt he hadn’t “shocked enough,” but Eastwood refused.

DiCaprio allegedly wouldn’t take no for an answer, and “got upset and demanded that Clint reshoot the scene.”

Apparently, the director then “turned to the cameraman, and said, in a quiet Dirty Harry rasp: ‘He can shoot it again – but make sure there’s no film in the camera,’” causing DiCaprio to really lose his temper and scream, “FORGET IT!”

“Shooting resumed the next day,” the mag continues, “but sources say the air’s thick with tension.”

No, it’s not.

A production source tells Gossip Cop that the Enquirer’s story is “total crap.”


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National enquirer just sells CRAP! Never seen a rumor there that turns in truth, this tabloid should be banned forever! So ridiculous!!!

sick: again thank you very much for the Leo baby pics, he was an adorable baby, so cute, he was that baby we want to hold tight and kiss those cheeks! :hug::heart::blush: That pic of Leo without one teeth is funny, I have that one! And I read somewhere that Leo starts to walk with 9 months.

Seeing this pics, I can imagine how a Leo/Bar baby should look, just beautiful...

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Leo's best scenes in Blood Diamond, well not the best at all but the most hot and sexy:

love his shoulders and arms. :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :blush::blush::blush:


this towel scene makes me droll every time I see, OMG he was so hot in this movie! :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :blush::blush:


thanks to leonardodicapriofan.com

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Finally! Leonardo DiCaprio & Armie Hammer Film Kissing Scene

The day we've been waiting for has finally arrived!

A source tells us that the Leonardo DiCaprio and Armie Hammer have shot their lip-locking scene for the upcoming Clint Eastwood-directed biopic J. Edgar.

We die.

And from what we hear, it sounds like things got pretty hot and heavy between the two men...

"It was on Friday when they had their kissing scene, and it was very passionate," the source tells us.

For those who don't know, DiCaprio stars in the film as late FBI boss J. Edgar Hoover. Hammer plays his protégé and rumored lover Clyde Tolson.

"[They did] more [takes] than Clint normally does," adds our source. "They wanted to make it right...It's a more involved scene than just the kissing...It was so sexy."

Like we expected anything less.

source: http://uk.eonline.com/uberblog/marc_malkin...l#ixzz1GmTWxwNX

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WOW, just wow! :drool: :blush: I can't say what I felt reading this, dear Lord! Thanks sick, this scene sounds really sexy and they even have to shoot more takes, oh Clint you're bad! :laugh::laugh:

They did last friday, one week ago by now.

And more than just kissing, omg! I'am with envy of Armie right now, :whistle::laugh: but Armie is also a very handsome man!!! :blush: :drool:

I'am so excited for this movie!

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