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Status Updates posted by yours_forever

  1. Yeah, but I just had spring break. I'm all weekended out!

  2. Yeah, it's been so long! I'm good. Being a mom is tiring. put it off as long as possible. haha

  3. yeah! Everything is great!! I am still alive and well! How are you?

  4. Yeah! Well, I get to watch it tomnorrow but it comes on tonight. Rofl. Oh, and I really enjoyed the Camelot finale BTW. I'm upset they killed the queen though :( I liked her.

  5. yeah!!! do iiiiiiiiiit...

  6. yeah. its definitely a huge change. from sleeping a lot to no sleep. haha.

  7. yeah. Lots of fun :) See you around.

  8. Yeah. We are taking it nice and slow. He is still in medical school and will graduate in october. So we are giving him time to get his career started. Then we will live in AZ with his grandma until the unspeakable happens. We plan to move up north with my grandma after that. She lives alone and I know she probably gets lonely.

  9. Yeah.. one of the managers at Victoria's Secret said every time she sees me I am always working really hard :p ... I try to keep busy so I don't get bored... haha. This last sunday was really hard.. I started my period(sorry if that's too much info) and I had horrible cramps in my back, but I still ran all over the store... and there was this one lady who was really pissing me off... s

  10. Yeah... and now that people are voting for him he is gonna win.... :shifty:

  11. Yeah... if you're paying more than that you are getting ripped off... XD

    I don't have msn IM anymore... my mom broke it!!!! :(

  12. Yeah... that's the plan :shifty:

  13. Yep.. he's mine until further notice :p

    I love shopping!! But I have no money to shop right now.... I went out for lunch yesterday and my card was denied.... >.<... I don't even have $8 in my account :|

    Yes, I have 2 jobs still

  14. yeppers!! I got it!!! Great pics :)

  15. yes :shifty:

    Didn't you get my pm?!?!?! :o

  16. Yes! Happy friday indeed! thank goodness the week is over! It may have only been 3 days but it was a LONG 3 days. And I love your avi! I was hoping you'd use that vid :)

  17. Yes... I know :laugh: .... but i figured it would be closer than it was.... now people are starting to vote for Adam more... because he is the runway GOD!!!!!!!!!!! Bwahahahahaha...

  18. Yes... they will be soooo cute :chicken:

  19. You are insane?!?!?! :laugh: .... sexy? You make me laugh :p

  20. You are on my friend's list... but I'm not sure we have ever talked. :|


  21. You can probably get her on msn... I will ask and see if it's okay that I give you her e-mail and then I'll pm you ;)

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