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Everything posted by HitchcockBlonde

  1. Spotify keeps giving me triple ads during my runs after saying at the beginning of my session I'll be ad-free for the next half hour (enough time to get to a turnaround point) and I don't know what the hell that is all about. I'm gonna kick Spotify's ass if this keeps happening. I hate people who knock into you and don't apologise. I have coffee on my jeans, dick.
  2. That's what you get for living in 'Sunny, California' What, no hello for me? Never a better time to say how much I admire you and your music! Congratulations/good luck haha. In other news the weather is shite, rain forecasted for five out of the next seven days/rain for the rest of the godforsaken year. So you can all take your weather complaints and let me move in with you.
  3. Summer is finally winding down and I'll be free to take all the €50 roundtrip Ryanair flights I want I love my Union.
  4. Seventeen year olds are some of the most dramatic people on the planet. Jesus Christ.
  5. http://www.uefa.com/uefaeuro/news/newsid=2391025.html#top+goals+uefa+euro+2016+revealed UEFA's Goals of the Tournament. Unsurprisingly, that gorgeous Shaqiri bicycle kick was the first
  6. Every fucking day now. Nihilism and complacency are cruel siblings but my god is it hard not to view the events of this year as the first signs of the end of the world. I'm not arguing that there is a problem, I don't want to argue with anyone today, but it's really about the civilians who would be affected. The amount of people affected by these extremist attacks is nowhere near the amount of innocents being slaughtered for resisting Daesh in the areas they're taking over, the same people who would be collateral damage in a bombing campaign. No action exists in a bubble. Which is the entire difficulty of war, it's why you have the Dutchbat in Yugoslavia completely failing to prevent a genocide, the Invasion of Iraq's civilian toll, for every ISIS fighter there are civilians who have been caught up in their war and had their own lives taken. Reactionary politics are difficult to resist in times like these but this world is nowhere close to being easy to solve. (I study International Law with an emphasis on the Law of War so I had a hard time resisting the urge to share my viewpoint, please know I don't mean to attack or condescend, just offer another perspective.)
  7. No need to say any further, I have some guesses Or do say. I could always use a laugh/cry/emotion. I know this will have some people here up in arms, but I've never really... got Alessandra, much as I've tried to.
  8. You ever just have one of those days where you wake up and you know it's going to be egregiously bad? Hoping I'm wrong
  9. Fucking hell. Just, fucking hell. That knee.
  10. Can't believe every single person in America was born today, cheers to all of you! Work for me today, but save me some food Whyyyyyy do I still think I'm funny.
  11. HitchcockBlonde

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    Use your head love! House of the Rising Sun!
  12. HitchcockBlonde

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    @Limerlight looove this version Godddddammmmmnnnn I feel amazingggggg. Nothing better to get yourself prepared for Monday.
  13. 5-2 wooooooow is it so wrong of me to hope Iceland still pull this off? At least Wales is still in it
  14. WALES! DON'T LOSE ME MY MONEY NOW! Quite agree with all the Portugal criticism. And the UEFA criticism. Crazy tournament so far. Mostly just praying for Iceland (much love, Franco-bellazons, but Iceland and Ireland are only one letter different! )
  15. I thought we were friends I understand, though. My dad is a basketball fan and he can't stand watching football with me, he likes games with points Woke up way, way too early, forgot to switch my alarm back to the right timezone. Cheers to having a day off today, though. Back to bed for me.
  16. One of the coolest things I've ever seen, genuinely: https://streamable.com/pioh So happy for them. Sooooo happy
  17. What a fucking season. No words really.
  18. I C E L A N D ! I'm not even sorry. You deserve this, England. Fucking up my life and all that.
  19. HitchcockBlonde


    The AFA is corrupt as hell, like most of the Argentine government. I won't be surprised if what amounts to an entire team follow Messi out. Congratulations lovey! God knows I would be waving our tricolour everywhere if we won the Euros Apparently my reverent opinion of Messi isn't shared here Can't help but wonder what life would be like if he had joined Spain.
  20. I have multiple friends who come from the same sort of places, and many of them have parents who are immigrants themselves but voted to keep the Poles and the Syrians or whoever they're so afraid of out. It's astounding. Have you read this theory? (It's a comment, you'll have to scroll down to read it. Despite the small font, it's worth it.) It raises some questions about this entire referendum. I was completely convinced Cameron had made the biggest political miscalculation in ages, but I'm starting to rethink that.
  21. Hey, I don't study Canadian geography and meteorology, how was I supposed to know it was 30c for you while it's 16c and raining here? Even if he had stronger will, I doubt he would have done that. Not with the turnout they had. It's 'the will of the people' and all that bullshit. I fear Johnson as PM, I really do. I had hoped Cameron would stay on. And I despise Cameron, so that's really a concession for me.
  22. He literally gambled the country's future to win one election. He's gone. The problem now is that someone worse than him (and that's hard) is going to take over when he resigns. I'm preparing for doomsday. My funding is gone. My plans for the future are wrecked. I should probably sleep. @PinkCouture I saw his video on the Scottish referendum and found it funny even though I support their independence, I hadn't seen this one! Thank you for the laugh in the midst of such chaos
  23. This vote needs to turn out remain or I'm completely fucked. Resigned to not sleeping tonight.
  24. Everyone in my office started screaming, I swear it. I can't believe it! So, so impossibly happy! So ready to lose to France!
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