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Posts posted by Annabeth

  1. I don't blame her for saying that. A lot of the models do look alike nowadays in some ways. And considering how cut throat the industry is (in both hf and commercial) you need that one unique thing that sets you apart from the sea of other blonde-blue eyed, brown, brown eyed small lipped people, etc in order to make a name for yourself. 



  2. I think I know why Gisele clips pop up in Martha's interview. Because they took it from her "Marta Hunt On Becoming A VS Angel" video. 

    While Martha's talking she mentions being in middle school when she first saw the VS fashion show and while she said that they played a clip of Gisele walking down the runway, which is presumably the first show she saw. Something along those lines. 

  3. As much as we how some of us hate the new child like strategy it's working. They're making much more I'm pretty sure than during the Gisele/Tyra/Heidi era where the models were the main stars. It wasn't the performers or who attended to the show, it was them as they star power and name credibility to the general public. Plus I do think Pink started to usher in the girl next door more teenager like vibe of the show, if you guys watch the 2007 VSFS or somewhere along those years, you'll notice that in one of the cutaway scenes Ed was telling all the models to be flirty and fun and goofy and stuff as opposed to say, following Gisele's footsteps during the opening of the 2006 show. 


    Funny thing is, my mom who use to be an avid Victoria's Secret shopper until Heidi Klum left (she and Heidi were both born in the same year so she always said that if Heidi Klum can pop out babies and still wear and look sexy in their undies and bras, she'd still do it too, I guess Heidi leaving made her feel old haha) she'd sometimes tell me during my shopping trips to VS that she knew that the moment Pink came the teenagers were gonna take over the brand. I mean, we still enjoy watching the show ever year as a bonding thing but she always tells me she was right. 


    I do agree though, younger more teenage like girls is a much more smarter move for VS. Notice how most of the newer angels don't really make the top 5/10 highest earning models during the year? It tends to be from my memory the older angels from the 2000s or ex angels who make the most as opposed to their newer counterpart. Heck, I don't even think they pay them millions because now that Doutzen's no longer an angel her contract only took away half a million of her earnings from last year unless she got new contracts. Also notice how they seem to care more about social media, which is stupid if you ask me. Kendall Jenner may have 44 million followers but how many actually give a flying shit about her modeling career or life outside of being Kim K's younger sister and the show? And how many are actually gonna buy her products just because she's using it, or are even real fans of Kendall's? Many of my friends follow random people on instagram not because they like them, but because they're popular or instagram keeps telling them to follow them or something. Also, how many of her followers are actually real? You can buy followers and fake or inactive accounts run rampant through just about any site. Seriously, this is some of the flaws with the social media age. Social media's associated with youth and young people seem to love using it and all that crap and gets the word out to teens. Actually that's a double sided sword because we know what happened this year :rofl::rofl: . 


    On a side note on my rant about VS and their teenage age now, but I do agree! The fantasy bra has to be a part of the holiday commercial! I mean it just makes sense now because it's the main piece and probably the most expensive piece in the show (only rivaled by the price of the entertainers :rofl: ). Besides it's shot for the holidays and the fb is featured on the catalogs so why not feature it? I mean, Victoria's Secret stopped making their bras worth in the 10 millions and are now making it 2 million each year unless you're a certain blonde from South Africa, so if they can't use it because it's too precious or too much of a hassle to bring around then well it's worth significantly less then before so use it! Sorry for this off side rant haha. 

  4. I also read that she mentioned that she once said that she's tried diets and they didn't work, idk this was a while ago when I first heard about her. I don't trust her actually even trying a diet, probably just trying to cover up her laziness. Either way, diets really don't work. Unless you're gonna make that diet become your permanent one. It's about a lifestyle change. 


    I doubt she was that fat when she was a kid so something must have happened and I think it might have been food or something stressful happened to her which lead to a change in diet and the pounds just started piling up. Either way, this woman needs to start eating healthy, no shortcuts or any of that gross fad diet stuff. And staying fit and active too. Seriously, though. She should read this or consult a nutritionist or some health nut cause it has to have been her diet. I know people can be more chubby, but I don't know if someone can be this fat naturally unless it's in her genes, but I remembered that same interview they showed her parents and they were no way in hell as fat as she is. 


    I'm sick of this Tess trend as well. I mean sure, maybe a little meat on your bones is okay. But this is not healthy. It's sucks that this is probably just a cover up for lazy people to not change their lifestyle and be healthy. As I said, some people are just gonna be more chubbier but there's always a story on how the pounds piled up and sometimes it can be avoidable, unless it's in your genetics then it may or may not be possible to lose dramatic weight but even then, whoever you got that fatness from could've avoided getting more heavier.  

  5. Wait, I learned some of this in bio last year with some additional help from Google. If her eye is mostly brown with a blue ring, that make's it central heterochromia does it not? 

    Cause sectoral would be like Henry Cavill or Dominic Sherwood's eyes who are mostly blue but a tiny chunk is brown. 


    So mystery solved? It's not full or sectoral heterochromia it's only central? 

    It's weird though. In the first photo her eye looks like sectoral, so that's the contacts/fake ones (one part of her eye is a different color from the rest) but in the second it looks more like central (typically a ring of a different color in the middle of your eye). 


    I'm thinking she's central. Cause in the second pic both her eyes have different middle color as opposed to the rest which is typically what central heterochromia is. She still has different colored eyes, but she's not full or sectoral heterochromia like some pics portray her to be. 


    EDIT: It's a contact? Gahhh. She's just sectoral screw it. She's not full heterochromia that's for sure. 



  6. I remember they said she's a size 22 (that Tess girl) but there's no why in hell she's only a size 22. I know someone whose size 18-20 around 5'7 and trying to lose weight and even before she started dropping the pounds she was never as fat as Tess. I'm thinking size 30 or something. 


    Also, I use to love VS but their bras right now are eh. And their sizing system's weird. I still like their sweatpants and stuff. Just not the bras. But it's okay. They're still raking in billions without my money so whatever.  

  7. Also just a random thought that I just wanted to say, but I don't get it. VS keeps on targeting itself towards younger people. So why do they still keep Ed, Monica and co around? Wouldn't it make sense to hire younger people (not just models/angels) for the brand as they're more "in" with times? Seriously they kick off models before or on their 30th birthday unless you're Ale Adriana or Heidi. Why not the creative and marketing team. 


    Maybe then we'll see a better vibe for the show and the models and the product designs in general. Just my 2 cents. 


    EDIT: Ah okay. everything's always pre filmed months before. Thanks for filling me in guys heh. 

  8. 1 hour ago, BlueMoonX said:
    1 hour ago, BlueMoonX said:
    7 hours ago, gotportugal said:



    I think I can officially confirm that the Victoria's Secret 2015 Fashion show flopped.




    First off, sorry for that section at the top. I tried to multiquote and it kept screwing up. And every time I tried posting on this topic it just kept leaving this quotes preset on the reply thing so whatever.


    Anyways, the show's online. It's that what you're talking about. The 2015 VSFS is on Youtube. But if it's not about the show then i don't know. The only difference is the show may be pitched due to the singer's songs and the record label legal stuff. All the videos also seem to put the show in a tiny square with a background picture of Victoria's Secret on it so yeah. 


    Also okay to @gotportugal they sign that early? Whoa must suck having to keep everything a secret for 2 months lol. 

    And I do think there's no space for Ale except for nostalgic reasons. But Adri can stay till she's as old as Heidi when she left. Girl's the only angel that has the most recognition for her work with the brand. Arguably the most known VS angel ever and the longest serving so far. She's always trending on twitter during the show as well isn't she?


    I can't say the same for Ale. 

  9. On 12/21/2015 at 5:41 PM, ceceshores said:

    I don't know if it'll be the next few months but I expect Ale, Lily, Jac and Kate to be the next ones leaving/gone by this time next year.

    I'm thinking the next few months probably because isn't that when most contracts are typically on their renewal stage? Most of the angels were signed in April. Several angels left VS around March-May area. So I assumed the next couple months haha. 

    15 hours ago, Warhol said:

    Kate and Jac I think. Adriana and Alessandra will come out gradually until no one will miss .

    I won't really miss Kate if she leaves. VS didn't use her (probably lack of English?) and Jac well she's a personal fave of mine (well, I have a soft spot for some brunettes with non brown eyes haha). 

    I heard Adriana wants to walk 20 shows so I guess another couple years for her but Alessandra will probably stay for a year or two max then leave. I'm kind of glad. IMO, Alessandra is pretty much living in Adriana's shadow during most of her time with VS and it's became more apparent when the early-mid 2000s angels left.

  10. 1 hour ago, PastaFreak said:


    Hmm.. I don't know about that. After awhile, watching Fireworks as the closing segment turned out to be okay the very end. Even though I liked Ice Angels more, wouldn't mind Fireworks closing, VS probably focused on ending the show with a big bang this year and Fireworks' vibe had that sort of feeling going on.


    Yes to Sara being gorgeous, she's growing on me. But her fake tan still made her look bad on runway.

    Off topic, but was Fireworks Segment a reference to the Fourth Of July? Been wondering ever since I found out Pink was gonna be called Pink USA.  

  11. 1 hour ago, jpmas3003 said:

    i really think she's only there because of adam

    everyone seems to love him and because of that, love her

    if it wasn't for him she would be out already i think



    Adam's my guess too. Smart move Behati. You said yes when Nina and Anne V didn't! 

    Also, I think Behati's like Alessandra is to Adriana, or in this case Candice. As in, I think a lot of people seem to find Candice and Behati's friendship really cute or adorable so VS is just keeping her around solely because of her dynamic with Candice as well. In a similar way to how Adriana pretty much outshines Ale. Bee will always be nothing more than a stepping stone for Candice in VS's eyes. But now they're trying to push Behati as her own being and I don't know if that's having good effects. 


    I mean, I don't hate Behati, but was never a fan of hers, but it's pretty easy to see that the only possible reasons why they're keeping her is because of whose she's banging and her African BFF! 

  12. I think a possible reason in a drop in viewers was because of change. You know how many people even yourselves have to admit that sometimes change is hard to get use too.Many casual fans were shocked when 10 new angels were dropped. In fact, I overheard a classmate saying that nowadays VS models don't have big boobs over a c cup and that they all must be tall, have eurocentric features and a thigh gap to be in the show or model for them. Several other girls in my class agreed with her. And no, these aren't fat girls, these are slim and average weight girls talking about the show. Aka, people are starting unimpressed with the brand, even their target audience. They were also bored with the outfits. 


    Also, look at the VS YT channel, sooooooo many comments complaining about how their's too much angels or why they never use Kate or how Stella and Martha is bland and basic. Then the moment the bra for the 20th Anniversary came out and Kendall and Gigi were announced on the catwalk and the segements. All the same old. This has probably aldready been said but I just had to my two cents. It also didn't help that December is the month of fall finales for many shows on American TV.


    I really hope CBS or someone fires ED and Monica and whoever the big VS marketing team is or at least gives new fresher faces big positions to advise them. I mean, if their models can come and go then why can't they? :rofl: 

  13. A couple things, am I the only one who wasn't reminded of Karlie's "shake" during the runway in the Aquatic Angels segment when Cindy did that thing with her wings i the Firework segment? I swear VS probably told them both to do that. 


    Also, Selena wore contacts cause she said something about Adriana being an inspiration or something to her. I was also partly happy partly rolling my eyes when Iza was telling the audience to cheer heh. 


    And don't even get me started with the social media or Gigi getting a special segment as well even though she ain't the Pink Spokesperson. Rachel seems okay to me, good enough for Pink. Also, am I the only one who thinks that even last years show was better? The new editing style they used this year just seemed kind of tacky tbh and the multiple windows screen was kind of annoying imo. All in all, Candice and Jac for me saved it. Of course, Constance as well. :)


    All in all, it was kind of a let down, okay there was some "flashes in the pan" but that was it and I can see that a quick Google search shows that viewers are losing interest too, apparently there was only around 6.5 million viewers, the years prior had around 9 or 10 million viewers. Looks like Kendall and Gigi couldn't hype up the show to get them more viewers. 



  14. 1 hour ago, PinkCouture said:

    That song they used in the Hair & Makeup video is the same song they use in the closing of America's Next Top Model :rofl: Homage to retired Angel Tyra Banks!? :nicole: 

    Don't they also use it during elimination while a tribute to model is played or something (It's been forever since I've watched ANTM). :rofl: 

    Maybe we'll get a special segment on the past Angels? :p


  15. Just now, Stormbringer said:


    I may be exaggerating a bit, but it's at least 2 weeks.

    Not too long, but yeah. That's quite a wait. Do you stream or wait until someone uploads it on YT?

    1 minute ago, alexandra23 said:

    One. More. Day. :biggrin:

    Yesss. I tell myself to record it but I typically never do or forget. Not this year though. :)



    Also, do you think they'll brink back the slow motion effects they had in the previous years? Like the ones they had in '06 to '11?

    They had slow motion in '12 and '13 too. I remember it specifically in Silver Screen Angels and Shipwrecked.



    Oh right, when Constance posed. 



    In Shipwrecked they did more then just Constance, Well they also slowed down many of the angels before posing. If you search it up online (too lazy to put up the video), they slow down Toni Garrn before she poses, during the more intense parts before AGBW started pounding on the piano keys they slowed down Lindsay and Lily. 


    Sorry, just wanted to point this out that it wasn't just Constance haha! 

  17. Anyways, this may be derailing the thread and I'm sorry if it does, but did anyone else notice that when Sui and Toni Garrn were in the same show, except for a segment or two, it'd almost always be Toni first then Sui? Did they just like putting them together? 


    Sorry, the mention of the older shows kind of made me remember this.. 


    Martha Hunt closed the show? And they didn't have Constance close the show? Well, she's okay.. I guess.

    I would love to see Constance close. Also, they always put her second last (2010, 2012, 2015)


    Yes. I'd like it two.. or maybe her to become an angel as well? :p

    And I noticed that except for 2013. Heh. 



    Martha Hunt closed the show? And they didn't have Constance close the show? Well, she's okay.. I guess. 


    they needed one of the new angels to do it. if anything they should've let sara but whatever


    I guess they had to.. there are a lot of them and only 12 are gonna be able to get the openings/closings and whatnot.. 

    I hope they cut down some of the numbers cause sometimes I enjoy when a non angel closes the show (ie - Magdalena in 2013). 

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