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Posts posted by Annabeth

  1. 4 hours ago, shver said:

    Irina Shayk, Edita Vilkeviciute, Maryna Linchuk, Barbara Palvin, Bregje Heinen.


    I think Irina could have been a top Angel, but I'm guessing they didn't use her because she looks so much like Adri. 

    Well they had Ale and Iza. 

    For me, Nina, Irina, Edita, Barbara, Kate (as much as I'm not a fan of her body, she has boobs and a nice personality) and honestly Isabeli or Ana BB over Izabel. 

  2. 9 minutes ago, Kevork89 said:

    Behati became an official VS angel actually in 2012. However from 2008 she was the official Pink Angel. So yeah roughly 2008-09 was when she got her first type of contract with VS.

    2012? Whoa, any sources or confirmation? I assume maybe the All Access Page? 

     I remembered watching the 2010 Victoria's Secret fashion show and I always got the impression she was an angel on that show. They even gave her a "before I was a supermodel" segment and interviewed her like an angel during the show. I guess they were trying to market her as an angel or give the impression cause it worked on me haha. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Marciotmello said:

    I don't know but in Brazil 36 is the smallest size with 38 coming right after 36... It's not a big difference but in HF things are weird; 

    Ah okay Brazilian sizing. I don't know how that works. 

    And yes.. hf with the weight and sizing and measurements seem kind of off but hey.. they're trying to sell clothes. 


  4. 18 hours ago, Marciotmello said:


    I'm not saying she's gained weight like crazy, no, hell no, but she herself said in a brazilian talk show that she used to wear 36 and now she's 38 cause VS likes more curvier girls and everything and she's clearly gained some weight, and we all know how HF is though on weight issues, 


    Wait, isn't a 38 like 8 in US? Lais has never looked that big. Although some conversion charts on sites say 38 can equal size 6 so Idk. Regardless of gaining weight or not, Lais has a damn good body. Always liked it.. save for the stretched out looking torso . She looks like a pear at first glance but she has boobs. 

  5. 1 hour ago, ceceshores said:

    No, she'll go because Mad Max: Fury Road is nominated for a lot.

    Oh that's right I forgot about all the good reviews that movie got. 


    56 minutes ago, toodarnhot said:

    Rosie won't be there. She flew to London today. And yeah, if she was there, Jason would be her plus one. He doesn't have anything nominated. 

    Oh wait, never mind. That makes sense now. 

    (I only saw Ceces post and was about to reply but then I saw TDH's post and was too lazy to scrap the post)

  6. 3 hours ago, Schemer said:


    Irina may actually go to the event as Bradley's beard date.

    Speaking of Hadids, I think Bella will probably do to the show as Weeknd's date.

    Ha, the moment Irina started dating Cooper all I heard of was mentions of bearding.. 

    And damn. Bella and the Weeknd? I thought they would've been over by now seriously lol. 


    Speaking of which, does Rosie get to go the Oscars because of Jason S?  

  7. On the topic of boobs, Lais' are real right? And are they mainly cause of her baby or her body type? Cause her body shape and bone structure looks like a pear.. just like Candice. Which typically means all that weight should go to her bottom half more so than her upper half. 


    Also what cup size do you guys estimate Jojo/Romee to be now and before the boob job? Cause I do agree with you guys.. their chests look different than before.


  8. 3 hours ago, PinkCouture said:

    I think part of the reason why there are not models like Gi, Heidi, Tyra, and etc as Angels is there are very few quality models that are up to that caliber. Also, the media rarely focuses on models like they did a decade or two ago. For that reason they don't create as much buzz and attention as they used to. Nowadays magazine covers  and campaigns (in the US at least) are filled with actresses, musicians and celebrity wannabes :/

    I feel like Anna Wintour partly started the shift to celebs. I guess her becoming the Vogue Editor began the end of models on US magazines. 


    I guess it doesn't help that let's face it, most models nowadays are to be blunt, not that appealing to the public eye unless you're a fashion lover. Most people I've talked to when the topic of fashion comes on talk about how weird the models look nowadays as opposed to the past or some of the ridiculous looks from fashion shows and how skinny they are, the usual. I've heard similar comments on online forums (non fashion related). They don't care about bone structure or unique or striking features I guess. I get what they're saying. I honestly doubt Molly Bair's looks or name will sell as opposed to Scarlett Johansson or Cindy Crawford. But hey.. even then not everything they touch turns to gold. 


    In short, I feel like it's the modelling industry's fault for ending supermodels. Less expensive, odd looking, lacking star-power, skinny work for pennies girls to sell clothes as opposed to Linda I-don't-get-up-for-less-than-10k-a-day E, who I've heard many say is beautiful.. also that she'd probably never wake up in this day and age because most models will probably work for much less money :rofl:. And now, the fashion industry kind of shot itself in the foot for doing that. Seriously. They need to rely social media now and the fact that most models probably aren't name grabbing unless you're a veteran VS Angel or Kendall/Gigi should say a lot. 

  9. Happy for Jo even though I never liked her. It's always been something off with that face lol. 

    I guess with all the promotion they were seeing if Jojo was popular with the crowd and it worked. I mean, Google her name and several articles pop up with her name featured solely on it. Anyone who clicks it will now probably see her name as opposed to "Meet the New Angels" so good move VS.


    Now.. get Vita signed on. Seriously no one seems to really like her so the reactions would be nice to read. Especially salty insta comments. 

  10. 8 minutes ago, everyboulevard said:


    Maybe they figured Kate was unreliable after her missing out on so much because of her wedding and the time she took off? Or that Vita is more popular for the Russian market/in general because she fits their blue eyed blonde generic mold? 

    Idk about that last bit. I mean Jo's pretty popular and both she and Kate are dark blonde/light brown (idk) and green eyed. 

    I think it could be a combo of missing out, limited English skills  and possibly popularity in Russia or Europe? I remembered someone mentioned here Vita has a solid European Fan base? I don't think you can say the same about Kate. 

  11. 3 hours ago, everyboulevard said:


    I wonder if they were forced to sign her so that they could get Stella and Sara from The Society, and in "retaliation" for lack of a better word, they decided to just not use her?

    Wow this sounds like a conspiracy theory. Not my intention!

    I always thought now after the VS Russia reveal, they may have using Kate solely for the big scheme of the Russia store, I mean she's the first Russian angel right? Must have been news worthy in her home country. Then Vita came along and well.. we're here. 

  12. 45 minutes ago, toodarnhot said:

    It was Candice. All the girls have posted group shots in those outfits when they were filming. 


    VS does a lot of other promotion via email, mail outs, commercials. Considering how much of their demographic are social media users it makes sense that they use social media the most. It's also the cheapest. 

    I don't really use instagram that often or follow anyone really that much in general so thanks. :). 

    I guess it makes sense on paper but hey.. the show and possibly this and the last swim special will hang over their heads.. that aside it does get the word out. 

  13. Also as for promotion, I think VS relies probably too much on social media.. like it can reach only so much people. And who knows if half those accounts are legit people :ninja: I mean that's been their angle of promotion the past couple years right? 


    Also VS just posted this image of a blonde dancing saying we'll find out at the Swim Special airs.. I'm guessing Candice or Elsa? I don't know.. it's just blonde hair and a covered up body.. if their was no clothes, I could probably legit tell them apart just basing on body or have a better guess.. 


  14. On 2/15/2016 at 11:53 AM, Dolorian said:


    Of course, I get that, but as you say these are models with "close measurements". Obviously some differences in terms of proportions are to be expected; but taking that into account these measurements of Frida seem off. Compare her to say Jac and Candice, for instance, both of whom have 34" hips and the IMG page says Frida's hips are 5" larger than theirs. It just doesn't computes when I look at pictures of these models from different angles. I know that Frida has wide hips (which is awesome as she has a killer hip to waist ratio that I love) but she is not THAT wide nor does she has as big a butt that would explain this size.


    But I digress, this is all highly subjective as I am just judging from looking at pictures and I am obviously no expert in the proportions of human anatomy :D

    Yes.. I just find it weird though that her agencies saying "Frida does not fit the mold" when they can lie. But she doesn't look that big you're right. 

    And it's okay I'm not an expert in the human anatomy as well.


    Anyways stunning pics of her :). 

  15. 7 hours ago, Dolorian said:


    I seriously doubt those stats are accurate. No way she has a 26" waist and 39" hips; that makes her the same size as Beyonce (slightly bigger since Beyonce has 38" hips)!


    There must be a mistake there, this pict doesn't shows a 26" waist and 39" hips:


    I know it may not be accurate. I just find it weird that they'd do that even though agencies are notorious for lying (hello 25 inch waist Kate Upton and 5'8 Sara S) if the model doesn't fit the standards. Also, just saying' but not everyone who measures with 38 inch hips is gonna be the same.. Some people have wide hips, while others have no hips but it all goes to the butt. Which is why some angels with close measurements have different butts or bodies because it's all distributed differently thanks to their bone structure and body type. 


    Idk. I'd think it maybe a tad accurate, maybe not because why would her agency say "this model doesn't fit the standards" when they can lie like everyone else? And if they are lying about her being bigger, weird still. 

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