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Posts posted by Annabeth

  1. 8 hours ago, Siemgi said:

    It's an open Victoria's secret that VS is saying they sell PINK to college girls to appease conservative people who shiver at the thought of underage girls in lingerie.

    Ya know, for the past couple years I've actually been starting to think that this is true. Guess this is confirmation haha. 


    I will still stand by that in my area I still see older women going into the stores regardless. But the atmosphere has obviously changed.. 




  2. They don't entirely cater to teens though. I just typed in Victoria's Secret Pink and the first text that appeared underneath the official website link in the search results is:

    "PINK is a college girl's must-shop destination for the cutest bras, panties, swim and loungewear!"


    I guess though they're including teens now, I don't know if they've officially said Pink is now for teens and college age people,. But it's still Pink is for college age people (and teens) and the main line stuff or whatever is for older women. On top of that, they still keep Dri, Ale, Bee, Candy, and other "older" models around.  


    VS just expanded their horizons, but they haven't forgotten about the older crowd, honestly older women still shop at the main store, at least in the just about every mall I've been too. As for the VSX bit, that's not 100% true. I know many older women who love to work out and stay in shape too.

  3. 3 minutes ago, toodarnhot said:

    Taylor's already trying to break into acting. She's got a bit part(she might not even have lines :idk:) in The Neon Demon. 

    I didn't know that lol. 

    I guess we'll see how that goes. If she does have lines and delivers them just like in that instagram video, hopefully she tries to get lessons to improve. Otherwise, I guess she could always play silent eye-candy. 

  4. Omg if it is true or most signs point to Doutzen = being in Wonder Woman? Now I'm def gonna see the movie, I mean, Gal and Doutzen plus my fave comic book superhero of all time. :wub: 


    Even if Doutzen ends up getting limited screen time I could care less. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, ceceshores said:

    I think at this point the only things Adriana's (and Ale's) contract stipulates she needs to do are the show and maybe the holiday commerical. Either way, they're both around through the end of the year but after that who knows.


    Lily signed in 2010 and 2013, both three years presumably. So her contract would be up this year.

    Well Dri at least wants to stay for 20 shows, but Ale seems to be ready to move on.

    Well if that's the case, I see Lily either leaving or signing another 1 year extension then she gets the boot. At least they have Martha in her place. 

  6. 3 hours ago, ceceshores said:

    Interesting. You're right, it could mean nothing, but I wouldn't be surprised if both Adriana and Ale were done after the show this year. Lily too, although I think she may stick around through the 2017 show (whether she's an official Angel for that one is another story).

    Perhaps by hanging up wings they referred to the show being done? Maybe it's because she's now working with other non VS brands? Idk, probably is nothing.

    When was the last time Lily probably renewed her contract? I assume she got a 3 year in 2010..? Then maybe renewed again? 



  7. 3 hours ago, PinkCouture said:


    Personally I think his good looks are overrated. At first glance he looks ok but look a little longer he is quite meh. Him and Gronk have the same issue. Their muscles and meat distracts the fact their overall look is quite below average :/

    That I can 100% agree on. I remember my friends hyping up Gronk till I pointed out the bigger picture.. 

    3 hours ago, MarVS said:

    i did the same thing haha but he is not famous at all i think she met him on the gym or something. nobody knows his last name. 

    I actually thought he wasn't famous, but apparently he's a boxer.

  8. 36 minutes ago, MarVS said:

    lol im kinda late in this but Adriana boyfriend is just hella delicious holyyy... like for real such a fuckin upgrade from Jaric to that god 


    Who is he? I tried googling him and all I get is the name "Joe". Is he famous? Or something? I need to know everything haha. 

  9. 17 minutes ago, gotportugal said:

    and an account ran by ''Candice's team'' also confirmed it.

    Well Candice has just uploaded a picture saying something in Portuguese I believe and underneath she writes "#Babybump: so she herself has officially confirmed it. 

    Anyways, now that she herself has confirmed it, Congrats once again Candice!

  10. 1 hour ago, phenobarbie said:

    Well google is full of a bunch of answers from really really smart people, most of which haven't been to a fashion school, haven't had clothing fitted and don't work in the fashion industry. A hybrid body? Really, is this coming out of San Francisco where it's deemed cool and acceptable to basically smell your own farts. Shoulders don't factor in to the classification of body because they don't factor in when you're doing a basic measurement. I'm friends with numerous swimsuit and clothing designers and that is incredibly comical.

    Pear - Broader hips, small waist, small chest.

    Apple - Larger waist and bust measurement then hip

    Banana - Measurements similar between bust/hip and waist

    Hourglass - Hips and bust similar in measurement with a distinctly smaller waist.


    Note that shoulders are not mentioned in any of those definitions. And when you look at clothing for fitting they don't ask for shoulder measurements.


    Hybrid body types.. that's cute.. we're not pomchi's and labradoodles.

    Well I just followed definitions from several sites. I do admit several were questionable, but I do remembered shoulders can be a defining trait as for pears they tend to be  smaller on the top. Since most definitions don't include that and that this was coming from people who don't know about fashion, I guess it's irrelevant according to the basic definitions. So I'll leave it at your definitions. 


    But hey, it's nice to know we're all one body type! If you're a pear are you implying it's impossible to have large boobs but still have hips wider than your bust because by definition pears are suppose to have small boobs? You do know it is possible to have multiple body type characteristics? Our bodies aren't perfect or entirely uniform so it makes damn good sense to have multiple body type characteristics wrapped up into one or not complete all the requirements for one body type. 


    Also, funny you mention how humans aren't hybrids and mention crossbreed dogs when by definition of what a hybrid is, a lot of us more than likely are. Though that's probably not relevant to the topic at hand though and deals with all the racial aspects and interbreeding and stuff throughout history that I won't dwell on it. Anyways, I'm done with this topic. Candice is a pear. It's questionable if shoulders do matter as this is probably internet bs. I didn't go to fashion school, etc, etc. I'm sorry for mentioning the whole hybrid bodies and Candice's shoulders in the first place. 

  11. Well I still think now after some quick online research, Candice is probably a hybrid body shape. By measurements she has a pear body, pretty evident but she has broad shoulders, something that pears typically shouldn't have. Actually I kind of came to this conclusion myself, most sites, I don't even know what they were sorry just random forums I saw mentioning her body type I saw that talked about Candice's shape debated to the bitter that she was only one shape (pear and hourglass were thrown around) but that her broad shoulders threw everything off. 


    Also, apparently it is possible for a pear to have big boobs, it just matters that the hips are noticeably bigger than her bust. Even then, I'd think they'd qualify as a hybrid pear/hourglass body as they have weight that distributes up there unless their boobs are fake, as pears distribute weight mainly to the bottom area. It's mainly all about how the body silhouette looks with measurements and characteristics such as bust and shoulders playing a little role too. 


    Anyways, sorry if I may have gotten off topic, it's just Candice's shoulders.. I just never noticed how broad they were until in that video clip with that Ariana Grande song in the background. 

  12. 13 minutes ago, ceceshores said:

    Would Elsa be a slight hourglass or is she a pear?


    21 minutes ago, Prettyphile said:

    No broad shoulders are just broad shoulders. An hourglass is when hip and bust are almost of equal size, with a narrow waist aka you need to have something up top to balance the bottom, which Candice does not.


    Candice is a pear-shaped which is when a women's hip measurements are greater than their bust measurement



    43 minutes ago, everyboulevard said:


    Isn't that just an hourglass shape? 

    Well I decided to google and stuff shortly after and I believe Candice, Elsa and just about everyone should be a hybrid shape. This makes sense as none of our bodies our perfect (I mean, we have one eye bigger than the other, one hand, foot even one boob is bigger if I remember what someone told me), so I guess it makes sense that she has broad shoulders that are in line with her hips (an hourglass trait) but her silhouette, fat distribution and measurements scream pear. Same with Elsa and Lais and everyone else. 


    Out of curiousity, I decided to do my shape and I'm a hybrid too! My hips are bigger than my bust but I have broad shoulders and some weight distributes up to my bust because I have c cup boobs I've been told that most pears tend to have a smaller bust. 

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