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Everything posted by ziggurat234

  1. Excuse me if this point has already been made, but this guy kind of resembles Mario...as in Super Mario. All I could think when I saw this was "It's a me, MARIO! Hallo!" All he needs is a red cap with an "M" on it. Okay sorry, unnecessary point...hope this doesn't upset anyone! haha
  2. All right soooo I *think* the model in question is Crista Cober. I'm definitely not 100% sure though, so check this out and let me know what you think: http://www.megamodelagency.com/women/Crista-Cober/ In the other thread I had about this model, this is the same girl I found on NEXT Canada's website and suspected to be her...the difference is now I have a last name on her.
  3. haha that was definitely me...and indeed, I did not get an answer! :-(
  4. Isla who? haha...judging by France Italy's comment though, I'm guessing it's not...but thank you for trying! Since most of the La Senza models seem to be from Next Canada's lineup, I tried finding her on their website. I found this girl: http://www.nextmodels.ca/en/model.asp?ID=627&n=1 She resembles the model in question, but I'm definitely not 100% sure. To top it off, all that gives is a first name (Christa), which is a start, but...google search isn't helping me much with just that unfortunately.
  5. And I don't know if this helps, but this kind of looks like her??? http://www.nextmodels.ca/en/model.asp?ID=627&n=1 If that is her, I still don't have a last name though...boo
  6. Also, does anyone know who THIS new la senza model is?
  7. Tried your trick with this one - guess it's not around in HD Yeah it looks like not :-( I'm sorry! Unfortunately, once you go below pictures whose titles are lower in number than V270000 (so anything from V269999 and below, and this pic falls in that range sadly), it gets pretty iffy whether or not VS has an HQ for them. That's not to say that everything higher than 270000 has an HQ either but...point is, VS doesn't have HQs for a lot of older images that would look really great in that quality.
  8. Ooooof course! My pleasure! Glad I could help!
  9. go here K@l@m@ri rob: http://www2.victoriassecret.com/images/prodzoom/V248608.jpg To empower you a bit, you can copy and paste this link into your address bar, then, if you know the original image name of any pic you're looking for (VS image titles always start with a "V" and are followed by 6 numbers, in the case of the image you requested, it's V248608), you can insert that image name between the "prodzoom/" and the ".jpg" in the address given above. If VS has uploaded an HQ image of the one you're after, you will see that image after searching/hitting enter with that in place. So for example, let's say you wanted to see if there was an HQ of the image titled "V270841" ...you could replace the V248608 in that address above with that. So then you're URL would look like this: http://www2.victoriassecret.com/images/prodzoom/V270841.jpg Also, to find older lower quality images, you can always use this tool: http://vsbrowser.altervista.org/vsbrowser.html If you find an image you like on there that you want to see in HQ, you can always take the image name displayed on the left side of the tool and insert it into the first URL I provided (just remember this tool doesn't actually have the "V" at the beginning of the image name, so make sure that is included in the HQ URL). It can, however, be a tedious process if you want to get a lot of them. Just remember that VS doesn't have all of it's photos uploaded in HQ format! So you'll be taken to a "page cannot be displayed" on the VS website if an HQ doesn't exist for a pic. Hope this helps.
  10. Thanks so much, Johnny! Much obliged. And that IS a very tedious process compared to the old point, right-click, and save method, but that's how it's gotta be done now...better than not being able to save pictures from there at all!
  11. um...what do you have to do to save them? educate us! haha, pretty please?
  12. no no no no, haha, I'm sorry, I should have been more specific! I meant...where did finchesthalia (the original poster of the pic) find this photo on the VS website? If I can find the URL of the original file, it may be possible to find the larger version.
  13. I might be able to help...where exactly on the website did you find this photo?
  14. Can't wait for the scans on this one :-)
  15. Haha, Ana Beatriz Barros makes Izabel look like she's gotten a full night's sleep and had some serious energy drinks on top of it. No offense to Ana of course, my point is that there is a major contrast effect annnnd I probably don't see Izabel as looking tired because of it, heh. But having to travel so much (gotta love jet lag), do plenty of work between runways and photoshoots, make time for their friends and family, etc. etc....I would be surprised if models weren't often exhausted.
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